Philosophy Books for Self-Isolation

Your Reading List for a Better Life When We Come Out of This Crisis

Steven Gambardella
The Sophist


People all over the world are anxious about their health, the economy, the future. For the first time in the history of humankind we’re united with one purpose: defeating a microscopic enemy.

This unprecedented threat comes with an unprecedented opportunity.

We all have a part to play not only in staying at home and helping to save lives, but also making a better world when we come out of the other side of this.

As we sit at home either in self-isolation or during shut-downs, we can take this time to reflect, read and gain wisdom to emerge as better citizens, friends, family members and lovers.

Below I’ve picked a small selection of philosophy books that can help us cope, let us hope, and enable us to think beyond the present situation.

I’m deliberately not including links here. You can search the titles to buy from independent book shops that can deliver to your door or download them as e-books. These books needn’t cost money, either — you can find all the writings below in web or e-book form on the Project Guttenberg website.

Here’s a tip: always read the modern introduction of the book, or even the Wikipedia page…

