Seneca: The Cure for an Epidemic of Immaturity

We’re Mired in Self-inflicted Unhappiness

Steven Gambardella
The Sophist


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

If you are reading this article then congratulations: you’re a winner of the cosmic lottery.

You likely own a connected device and have an internet connection, unlike more than 50% of the planet’s population. In fact, you are likely to be in the top 10% richest people in the world, a privilege that requires a net worth of $95,000.

Around 100 million Americans are in this privileged position. Being in the top 10% of the world makes you richer than almost seven billion people.

Throughout the history of mankind, billions more people lived in a less developed world than the one we live in now. Just a few generations back, our ancestors struggled with the elements in a way we couldn’t comprehend, further back they likely would have tolerated the feeling of hunger more than we do now. We get “hangry” and buy a sugar-laced snack, they looked for work.

Diseases we barely give a moment’s thought to would have been a threat to their lives, as they are to many people alive in the world today. We get vaccinations. We go on vacations. What a treat!

Self-Inflicted Unhappiness

