Toward Stoicism 3.0

We’re on the Verge of Something Extraordinary

Steven Gambardella
The Sophist


Plato’s allegory of the Ship of State painted a dark picture of a ship manned by foolish sailors who ply the ship’s owner with drink and dismiss the navigator (a philosopher?) for being a “worthless stargazer”. The original point was that we need “philosopher kings” to rule the ship of state (and keep the ship in good condition and on course). In our modern and less socially-stratified world, philosophy can enlighten us to know our place in the universe and give us purpose. Stoicism is a philosophy of duty and collaboration, it can convey the ideas necessary for a well-run society. Image: The Ship of Fools, Volume 1, 1874 edition. Sebastian Brandt, translated by Alexander Barclay (Public Domain. Source: Project Guttenberg).

At its best Modern Stoicism could be the antidote to the endemic division and cultural antipathy we’re experiencing, as well as helping stem a growing mental health crisis. It could be a whole new way of looking at morality, a guide for society as well as individuals.

Stoicism is now widely popular. We haven’t seen this level of enthusiasm for philosophy since a political philosophy boom hit nineteenth century Europe, which I will come back to.

Modern Stoicism currently only helps society in so much that it helps individuals, but there is scope within this philosophy to lay the foundations of a new approach to law, economy, healthcare and so on.

But to achieve this, modern (small “m”) Stoicism needs to grow out of its self-help adolescence. There’s too much “Broicism” and “Swords’n’Sandals Philosophy”, too many fortune-cookie platitudes and silly merchandise lines.

It could go either way — a fad that’ll fizzle out in a few years, or a philosophical movement that could profoundly change society for the better. A movement needs critical thinkers and galvanisers, it needs ideas that’ll electrify minds and inspire evangelists.

I’ve written this many times, but it’s worth repeating — Massimo Pigliucci is the best…

