Announcing: The Bridge Academy Build Challenge 🏗

Adam Breckler
The Spectrum
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2019

April, 2019 Edition

TLDR: Pick up a new technology and get a crack at over $100k in scholarships to join Bridge.Academy’s technology career accelerator!

## Calling all Developers 📢 ##

Are looking to pick up a new language or tool this month to add to your toolbelt? Are you looking to transition your career and level up your knowledge of a particular new field or technology that you’ve been interested in for some time, but haven’t had hands-on experience with yet?

If so, the Bridge.Academy build challenge might be right for you.

We’re excited to announce the next challenge, kicking off in April to help accelerator your learning process through participating in the Bridge Academy Build Challenge.

Here’s how it works

Each month new applicants to join Bridge.Academy participate in a build challenge in order to demonstrate their ability to quickly pick up new skills through working on a project of their choosing.

Applicants receive points based on their progress. The more impressive your pace of improvement, the higher your score will be and better your chances for being accepted to our program.

You can read about past challenge winners and their projects here.

## Prizes ##

This month: Over $50k in scholarships available for the following:
- Top Prize: One ($19k) Full Scholarship to join Bridge Core
- 2nd Prizes: (2) $8k Scholarships to join Bridge Core Program
- 3rd Prizes: (4) $4k Scholarships to join Bridge Core Program
- Consolation: (13) Other Invites to join Bridge Core Program

## The Process ##

1. Submit your application · Due Sunday. You’ll describe yourself and your project.
2. Vote on projects · Monday. Other applicants & Bridge Mentors will also vote on your application. Applicants will only see some of your responses.
3. Submit weekly updates · Due every Sunday. You’ll submit a progress update once a week.
4. Vote on updates · Every Monday. Get points from other applicants based on your progress. The more impressive your work, the higher your score will be.
5. Get invited to join the Bridge Core Program. The highest scoring applications will receive the Bridge offer.
6. Demo Day & beyond. After 3 months, Bridge members will present their work during a “Demo Day”, which will be streamed live online.

## How to Participate ##

  1. Register for the challenge here. Read the FAQ’s here.
  2. Join our discord chat here to find collaborators and chat with the community about your project idea.

## Project Ideas & Inspiration ##

Need some inspiration for your project? No problem.

Here’s a list of project ideas we’d like to see built during this challenge:

  1. Blocktrivia: A decentralized trivia app where anybody from world can participate (regardless of what time zone they are from) and get instantly rewarded for their knowledge (Blockchain track)
  2. Knowtable: A fully-encrypted note taking app built using Blockstack made for Mobile. Can be forked from an open source project like Joplin. (Blockchain track)
  3. Credible: A Blockchain powered solution for Consumer credit reporting agency. (Blockchain track)
  4. MailMonkey: An email marketing/newsletter subscription service that allows the creator to truly own the email address captured. With MailChimp and other services, all emails are stored on their servers. This could be built on Blockstack, leveraging something like SendGrid or MailGun. (Blockchain track)
  5. TweetTheBook: A web app that fetches the most “tweetable” quotes from any book depending on how many times they have been tweeted.(Full Stack Track)
  6. PersonGraph: A web app that fetches the best blogs, tweets, articles from the internet for any individual in real time. (Basically, build an for everyone in real time) (Full Stack Track)
  7. PredictIT: An ML model that predicts the winner of a match between two teams by taking in the players’ performances over the past six months on different parameters. (ML Track)
  8. AI.DAO: A DAO which gives out grants for AI Research to deserving fellows. (Blockchain Track)

About the Author

Adam Breckler is the Founder of Prism Labs, building Bridge.Academy.

Thanks to Ankit Kumar Singh for feedback on this post.

