Why Are We Open-sourcing Our Curriculum

PS: We also have a free crash course for you!

Ankit Kumar Singh
The Spectrum
Published in
2 min readFeb 12, 2019


Continuing our path to become a fully Open Academy (more on this coming in the next few days), today we are open sourcing our entire syllabus on GitHub.

The Open Source Revolution is long overdue, but one of the last areas to be impacted has been government services and education.

At Bridge Academy, we think that open source will come into its own in the next decade within education, that’s why we encourage our fellows to write and publish open source code for their capstone projects as well as contribute back tutorials and new materials to our curriculum over time.

In fact, one of our own fellows from the very first Alpha Cohort of Bridge.Academy , Jacob Beard, built OSSMO, a new approach to sustainably fund open source software projects (OSS). The vision is to enable zero friction financial transactions between software developers who use OSS and OSS project authors, by allowing users to opt into mining cryptocurrency at the time of OSS installation.

Our methodology behind this is the fact that the best innovations come when a random group comes together, brainstorms and collaborates to find the best possible solution together. In fact, if it weren’t for open source collaboration between a bunch of talented individuals we wouldn’t be here in the Blockchain Revolution.

Today, we are inviting each and every blockchain evangelist/ educator/ developer/ entrepreneur to come in and help us create the best curriculum for every aspiring blockchain developer out there.

If open sourcing our curriculum weren’t enough, we are also providing a free crash course to learn Decentralized Application Development available to anyone, anywhere and anytime.

You can apply to get access to the course here:

But wait, there’s one more thing…

We are accepting applications now for our second cohort beginning on March 6, 2019.

Blockchain Development Track(Part Time)https://bridge.academy/blockchain-pt

Blockchain Development Track(Full Time) https://bridge.academy/blockchain-ft

Full Stack Web Development Track(Full Time) https://bridge.academy/fullstack-ft

