Go to The Spin Notes
The Spin Notes
Notes on creating and inventing in a liquid world. Design, digital, society. By the people at Spintank.
Note from the editor

Notes on creating and inventing in a liquid world. Design, digital, society. By the people at Spintank.

Go to the profile of Spintank
Online corporate communication agency.
Go to the profile of Nicolas Vanbremeersch
Nicolas Vanbremeersch
CEO, @Spintank. Godfather, @letankparis and @letankmedia. Admirer, maker, thinker, mover, winelover, entrepreneur, whatever.
Go to the profile of Guillaume Bernard
Guillaume Bernard
Directeur associé @spintank
Go to the profile of Maxime Blondeau
Maxime Blondeau
Enseignant, anthropologue, écologiste 🔥💧🌳www.maximeblondeau.com
Go to the profile of Pascal Debomy
Pascal Debomy
Head of UX & Digital Production.
Go to the profile of Laurent Cabioch
Laurent Cabioch
Directeur conseil @Spintank
Go to the profile of Louis Boulay
Louis Boulay
Prof de S.E.S. en lycée / ex @spintank / ex Min. Ville Jeunesse Sports / @SciencesPo / #numérique #économie #société