
Four Questions To Ask Yourself Before Applying For A New Job

Karen Springer, Spring Forward Résumés

Leaving an unsatisfying job is a common New Year’s resolution. If you’re thinking about applying to a new job, you need to ask yourself some questions to…

Lost Your Mojo? Get Motivated, Regain Enthusiasm, and Keep Working

Karen Springer, Spring Forward Résumés

It’s been quite awhile since I lasted posted a blog. I just could not get motivated. Some of my loyal followers, eager to read more of my weekly posts…

The infographic resume debate: here’s why you should consider chucking the traditional resume

Karen Springer, Spring Forward Résumés

There’s been a lot of buzz lately around the newest resume formats. If you’ve read some articles recently…

Get Ahead With Manners

Karen Springer, Spring Forward Résumés

A client who lives in the Pacific Northwest recently told me that no one acts civil anymore, and people use the excuse of “not having time to do it.” She has suffered from severe illness for several years and is now in…

Resume Format Tricks

Karen Springer, Spring Forward Résumés

Many people think that if their resume format is off the wall, they’ll magically get an offer on the spot. I’ve talked many clients that think they’ll get a great job just because they used a resume template online with bright…

Update Skills And Get Ahead With ALISON

Karen Springer, Spring Forward Résumés

One of the most common things I hear from clients when I consult with them is, “I know I need to update skills, but I just don’t have the money or time to go back to school or take a course right…

“Do You Think You’ll Get Bored?” How To Handle The Wackiest of Interview Questions

Karen Springer, Spring Forward Résumés

When you’ve spent hours researching a company, reading up on their products, learning who the big players are, and seem to…

How To do The Salary Question Dance In Interviews

Karen Springer, Spring Forward Résumés

“They’re asking me what I want to make on the job, and I haven’t even applied yet! Help! How do I answer this? I don’t want to price myself out of the market by replying, but I…