E³ — Can Entertain, Enlighten, Empower and Now Boost

Great news for all our writers

Malky McEwan
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower
4 min readFeb 25, 2024


Graduation: Pexels

All our boosted stories are on this list.

I’m delighted to inform all our writers, Medium has chosen E³ to join the Boost nomination program. If you aren’t aware of the Boost program, you can read how it came about here.

I want to read entertaining, enlightening, and empowering articles and that aligns with Medium’s push to promote quality writing. You can read all about Medium’s quality guidelines here.

E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower

E³ has had several articles boosted in the short time we have been publishing, but not as many as I would have liked.

I can now nominate stories that have the qualities of feature stories: constructive, well-crafted, memorable, original, and written by a credible author with relevant experience. Pay attention to this crucial last piece.

Stories that come across as generic or easily written by anyone with access to Wikipedia or ChatGPT are not a good match for Boost.

I did a satire piece on how to get boosted — don’t do these:

For your information

Nominators have a limited number of recommendations they can make. Medium staff make the final decision on which articles they boost. They do not accept all recommendations from nominators (less than half).

Being boosted on Medium is not like winning the lottery. It is validation that your writing has impressed enough to have your article shared more widely. That means more visibility and engagement.

When Medium boosts a story, it recommends it across various platforms, including its homepage, apps, and even the Daily Digest email, which has a readership of millions every day.

That means more visibility and engagement.

The purpose of a boost is to ensure your story gets at least 500 views in the first two weeks. However, the end outcome can be significantly more awe-inspiring. According to the CEO, sometimes boosted stories have garnered a mind-boggling 100,000 views. It is rather exciting when that happens.

Every writer on Medium has a chance of getting their story boosted and promoted to a large audience. However, it is important to realise a successful article doesn’t depend on it being boosted.

I had eleven articles boosted in 2023, but my second and third most viewed articles did not rely on boosting and they continue to attract views, whereas the others have dwindled to almost nothing.

What am I looking for?

As I say in E³’s about page:

Who knows what we are interested in until we read it?

E³ welcomes stories that entertain, enlighten, or empower — and adores those that tick all three.

Even if an article doesn’t interest me, I think of other readers. Will this appeal to someone else? Will it appeal to their sense of humour? Does it contain information that others might find useful?

I can still admire the quality of writing. Put the reader first, I say.

What qualifies me as a nominator?

I’m an author. I’ve written and self-published several books that continue to sell well on Amazon. I have been around Medium for a while — the only thing I can thank Covid for.

If I wanted to earn more money, I’d get a job cleaning toilets. But I don’t enjoy cleaning toilets, I prefer being here on Medium.

I’ve learned so much as a Mediumite (is that what we are called?)

The time and effort I put in helped me become a top writer in dozens of topics when that was a thing. Many of my articles got curated when that was a thing and also distributed when that was a thing. I put in the work.

My advice to you

Writing well requires application, imagination, and practice. There are no quick fixes. Carefully review the submission guidelines of each publication you submit to and follow them.

Comply with the basic principles concerning grammar, images, and formatting. Make them readable. Put the reader first.

It is your distinctive narrative style, personal insights, and experiences that engage the reader. If you can help them to perceive things from a fresh perspective or motivate them to do something, you are on the write track.


E³ is now one of several publications involved in the Boost program. At present, E³ has the advantage of being a tiny publication compared to others.

Also, please know you can get boosted on any publication, not just those with a nominator. Medium staff scour submissions across the entire platform for boost-worthy stories.

Many other publications are popping up with helpful editors and supportive readers. Don’t dismiss these, you can shine on there instead of getting lost in a big dump of articles in the larger publications.

I look forward to your submissions.

Kind regards

Malky McEwan



Malky McEwan
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower

Born storyteller. Born curious. Fascinated with what makes people tick and how the world works. https://malkymcewan.medium.com/subscribe