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The Squash and the Tomato
The Squash and the Tomato
A squash and a tomato come together to create the ultimate grocery shopping application. Ever.
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What to focus on when bootstrapping an application

On November 1st, I launched Squash Tomato. It was my first product launch. Hell, it was my first product! But, even being my first product and my first launch, I’ve learned so much about what’s really important to focus on. Here’s what I…

Squash Tomato Journal — Oct. 30, 2017–23:45

  1. Debugged why the new google analytics global tag script wasn’t working — turns out, it’s just buggy. I switched to another tracking method, analytics.js, and it works perfectly!
  2. Added a countdown timer to Nov. 1st at noon.

Squash Tomato Journal — Oct. 25, 2017–04:00

  1. Added npm package, mongoose-double, to mongoose User schema to allow Doubles (floats). Although MongoDB allows, mongoose doesn’t allow floats in a field type: Number.
  2. Total is now calculating and displaying correctly thanks to…

Squash Tomato Journal — Oct. 24, 2017–00:24

  1. Redesigned the user register flow.
  2. Tested the new register flow on a 75year old lady, 2 Gen Xers, 3 Millennials, and 2 Baby Boomers.
  3. Strongly considered rewriting all pug functionality in Vue — decided…