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The Squash and the Tomato
The Squash and the Tomato
A squash and a tomato come together to create the ultimate grocery shopping application. Ever.
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What to focus on when bootstrapping an application

On November 1st, I launched Squash Tomato. It was my first product launch. Hell, it was my first product! But, even being my first product and my first launch, I’ve learned so much about what’s really important to focus on. Here’s what I…

Squash Tomato Journal — Oct. 27, 2017–0330

  1. Configured Codeship to automatically deploy any pushes to my master branch to my server! It works! Post incoming.
  2. Updated Register page with new designs.
  3. Updated Login page with new designs.

Squash Tomato Journal — Oct. 26, 2017–23:00

  1. Spent all day trying to setup Codeship to automatically git pull any pushes to my GitLab master branch on my cloud server. I still didn’t get it working.