Celebrating the 1st Anniversary of The Startup’s Guide to Customer Success


Recently, I celebrated the one year anniversary of the publication of my book, The Startup’s Guide to Customer Success and the word that sums up the previous year was: excitement.

Over the past year, I’ve had a blast meeting like-minded, customer-centric champions who have been or would like to champion the customer at their companies. We’ve geeked out together at Customer Success Meetups, on podcasts, at conferences, over video chat, at workshops, and in coffee shops and restaurants. It’s been also amazing to hear how customer success is flourishing all around the country here in the United States, but also around the globe in Europe, South America, and Asia!

What’s been more clear to me than ever is that there is a growing need for more customer-centric minded folks in this economy; and what’s great is that there is also a growing community and a growing interest in championing the customer.

As I recently said on a podcast, this benefits everyone. This mentality has countless upsides for both businesses and consumers. Businesses that champion customers will have more satisfied customers who will not only keep coming back, but also rave to their friends about you. Customers who frequent that customer-centric businesses not only get a better overall experience, but also raise the standard for customer excellence across the board.

This isn’t easy — which is one of the many reasons that I wrote my book — but we are all in this together. Whether you are at a startup that is struggling to better understand their customers, a newly hired Customer Success Manager, or a recently promoted VP of Customer Success, I and this community are here to help.

Looking forward to another great year and feel free to reach out whenever on LinkedIn — seriously, I love this stuff and nerding out on it is always a highlight of my day :)



Jennifer Chiang
The Startup’s Guide to Customer Success

Customer success director, Author of The Startup’s Guide to Customer Success, mental health advocate, political economist, and speaker.