My Own Leadership Philosophy


When I was doing research on leadership philosophies for my previous post, I realized how difficult it was to find a good example — so I figured, I’d contribute an abridged version of mine!

Of course, this is a living philosophy and may change as I grow. Would love to hear what you think about this in the comments and/or messaging me directly :)

My Leadership Philosophy

I aim to enable and empower people to thrive through evolving trust, sincere feedback, empathetic support, and a clear vision.

Breaking this down…

  • Enable: To pave the path and to unblock. I want to create an environment where you feel like you can do your job and reach your goals.
  • Empower: To provide the support and motivation for success; a space where you feel like you can and want to knock it out of the park.
  • Thrive: To grow and flourish in the job (and beyond) with dignity
  • Evolving Trust: Two way trust is the foundation for any great relationship. This trust is “evolving” because I acknowledge that gaining someone’s trust or for someone to gain my trust isn’t always linear with time (but that is the hope!)
  • Sincere Feedback: I want to create a feedback positive environment — one where both good feedback and constructive feedback are welcomed and taken positively.
  • Empathetic Support: We are all human and I acknowledge that creating that space to be human is powerful. I also want to create a safe space for all of us to learn, fail, celebrate, try, and debate.
  • Clear Vision: To help provide direction and confidence, it is my privilege and role to articulate what our north star is. This not only helps you with understanding your role in the day to day, but also helps you through the ambiguous times.

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So, what is your leadership philosophy?



Jennifer Chiang
The Startup’s Guide to Customer Success

Customer success director, Author of The Startup’s Guide to Customer Success, mental health advocate, political economist, and speaker.