Write for us

Mandy Rae
The STEM Experience
1 min readJul 7, 2021

Please read the “Who we are” article before continuing.

We have a few guidelines for authors:

Unfortunately for a lot of people, the editor is a grammar nazi, so please make sure your articles are at least mostly grammatically correct and written in native English.

IF YOU ARE NOT A NATIVE SPEAKER, let the editor know in your submission (guidelines below), and the editor may be feeling generous with her time that day and edit your article for you.


  1. Write your article (obviously).
  2. Give it an informative title. A one-word title will probably not suffice. It needs to be at least 5.25 words.
  3. It needs to have some sort of flow (choppiness should be minimized).
  4. Less than 1,000 words please.
  5. In an email to the.STEM.experience.Mag@gmail.com, include the following information:

-Your name
-Your medium handle (DO NOT FORGET)
-The title of your article
-Your article content (PASTED INTO THE EMAIL)

You should receive a response within 72 hours. If you don’t, feel free to send a reminder email because the editor tends to glance over emails and not comprehend a word they say.


The editor is Texan born and raised, and may not identify content that others deem offensive. Please send any concerns to the same email above, and the editor will gratefully look into the issue.

