Go to The Story Being Written
The Story Being Written
Companies are not real, and people are everything. Forget 5-year plans. Learn to write 5-year, 10-year, and lifetime stories. In your personal an professional life, the story is being written. If you aren't writing it, then who is?
Note from the editor

Companies are not real, and people are everything. Forget 5-year plans. Learn to write 5-year, 10-year, and lifetime stories. In your personal an professional life, the story is being written. If you aren't writing it, then who is?

Go to the profile of Tyson Nielsen
Tyson Nielsen
Marketing & Employee-Experience Business Consultant | Sales Professional | Former Business Owner/Entrepreneur | Part-time Creative | Father & Husband
Go to the profile of Tyson Nielsen
Tyson Nielsen
Marketing & Employee-Experience Business Consultant | Sales Professional | Former Business Owner/Entrepreneur | Part-time Creative | Father & Husband