The Martian Guy — Klara’s Way to the Home [Ep.8]

After Returning to their village, Klara and Mike will know the past incidents of the Witch and the glorious times of Belgram.

Anirban Ghosh
The Storyteller’s Vault
6 min readOct 12, 2022


Klara was returning to Belgram, to her home. She was not returning alone, Mike was with her. Mike was a magician, he knows a lot of tricks. His skills and tricks would be useful in these kinds of situations. So Klara was a little bit satisfied that she was returning to the village with some kind of help at least.

Way To The Home

On their way to the village, Mike asked Klara about her family and neighbors. Klara told him, she lived with her father, Robert. He was a great man and the ex-leader of the courageous squad. He led the squad for many years. Before Robert, her Grandfather was the leader then.

Her mother died long ago from an unknown fever. So, now she was alone, and she had no more family members with her. But her villagers are very kind to her. They all are like a united family. Her neighbors are also helpful. She gets any kind of help from them. But with the ongoing situation, everyone is scared right now. She also told Mike, seeing him they’ll get some sort of relief.

Mike was a man of humor. Hearing that from Klara he laughed and told humbly that he will do whatever would be best for her. Klara felt a moment of relief hearing that from Mike. Actually, in his mind, Mike felt sympathy for her. She has no one beside her at the moment, being a beautiful girl and at such a young age she lost everyone and went through hard phases in her life.

But, Mike observed that she actually is a brave girl. Mike told Klara how she went to Korkota alone for help remarkably a brave task. She was happy to hear Mike praise her bravery. Then Klara thought she should tell him about Viscus and Tirik.

This duo are brothers, they’re brave enough and don’t hesitate to take courageous steps for the village. According to behavior and mentality, Viscus is way better than Tirik. He’s a nice human being and a protector so it makes him the right candidate for the leadership, but not Tirik.

Then Mike asked about that old monk, Klara smiled and told him, he was a great warrior of his time, the last one of the main tribes of Belgram. He’s the oldest of them all so he knows all most everything about this village. Though he’s not fit enough to fight anymore, his powers are still worth appreciating. Villagers and the squad still obey what he says.

On the way back to the village, Mike got all of his answers about what he wanted to know from her.

Interview With The Old Monk:

The front face of an old monk, holding a wooden stick in his right hand and wearing a black hood which is covering some parts of his face
Credit: D-Keine from gettyimages

Mike and Klara reached Belgram. Villagers looked happy and excited after seeing Klara. They asked her where she was for these days. Hearing Klara arrived, Viscus and his team also reached the place.

Viscus looked angrily at Klara, he shouted where was she for so many days? Why hadn’t she told him about her plan? Why did she leave for Korkota alone?

It didn’t take time to understand that Viscus expressed this way as he was worried about Klara’s whereabouts. As he was affectionate to her, it was quite normal for him. He definitely expected that Klara would’ve told him her plans. He could help her by going to Korkota with her.

Klara told them everything about what happened in Korkota. Then she introduced Mike to them. The Magician Mike possesses mighty powers of magic and tricks. He’s willing to help them with their needs so he came with her.

Villagers were glad to hear that, but Viscus wasn’t. He doubted Mike and thought he might not be a good idea for the Belgram. Saying nothing on that introduction Viscus went to their shelters with his team.

Mike was surprised by Viscus’s attitude, Klara sensed that and told him not to think about that. Then they approached the Old Monk, the original last living tribe of Belgram.

He was resting when they entered his hut. Seeing them the monk told them to enter and sit down. Mike introduced himself in front of Gabba, the monk.

Gabba said he knew about him. His father once visited Belgram, he was also a mighty powerful magician and helped Villagers to restrain decoit attacks. Robert knew his father well, he protected Robert in that battle, Gabba told Klara. But, no one thought that someday Klara and Mike will again reunite themselves.

The Golden Days of Belgram:

Klara asked Gabba about the past of this Squad. Gabba told both of them, her great-grandfather created this courageous team. The team was formed to protect the villagers from any kind of obstacles, like animal attacks, decoit attacks, or from something unnatural. Gabba was the most junior of them all at that time.

Old architectural stone gate in a greenish garden, few trees are at the backside
Image by unnamed_terror from Pixabay

At that time Belgram and its north woods were not as horrific as today. It was a lovely place then, a village with happiness and joy. Korkota was directly connected with Belgram and the people from Korkota often visited here for studies and research.

The main problem was then, repeated attacks from Agrasar. Agrasar is situated in the northeast section of the deep dark woods. They tried to capture Belgram and its happiness. Invaders always attacked us from the northern forests, they thought that it was our weakness. But they’re wrong, it was our strength then. Always they tried to attack from the woods and they got defeated in those deep forests by our men. Then Klara’s great-grandfather thought of some extra protection. Protection that will help Belgram forever and retain Agrasar for their repeated attacks.

At that time no one knows, that protection will become our ultimate nightmare, our doom. There’s a witch who lived beside the Ketki riverbank named Lilith. She lived there alone in her abandoned hut. She used to eat fish from the river Ketki, and birds from the trees of the riverbank. Her carnivorous nature provided her beauty and the powers of black magic with wicked tricks. But she never ever entered the village nor killed any villagers before.

Gabba told Klara, your great-grandfather went to her for a deal. He asked her to help to retain the attacks of Agrasar, and in return, he will provide her with sacrifices. Sacrifices are another deadly event to increase the power of a witch. She wasn’t ready initially, but she accepted the deal after several conversations between her and Klara’s great-grandfather.

Villagers weren’t happy with the decision but everyone thought if the witch can restrict the attackers of Agrasar then that’ll be the most useful in that situation. So she was given an abandoned house in the dark woods. She made her realm those deep dark woods that a normal human will not agree to enter alone in the morning. She was given sacrifices of pets to increase her powers. She was glad to receive those sacrifices like goats, cows, buffaloes, and even snakes. Gradually she became more beautiful and more carnivorous living in that dark forest. Her urge for the flesh became unimaginable after some days.

To read the next episode of the story visit here.

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All my thanks to Chelsea Marie for the inspiration from one of the prompts found here:

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Anirban Ghosh
The Storyteller’s Vault

I am a fusion of coder, programmer, teacher and writer. I love to write stories on suspense, thriller, horrors and adventures. I’m a newbie but pro from mind!