Go to The Tallinn Dissenter
The Tallinn Dissenter
Always independent, never neutral
Note from the editor

This virtual magazine was created by four permanent residents of Tallinn. All of them brought up to appreciate the debate (and sometimes the petty bickering) a democratic society inevitably entails, they found that the available English news about Estonia and its events didn’t quite live up to their expectations. The Tallinn Dissenter doesn’t want to contradict everything going on. But it would like to see Estonian news available to the English-speaking world go beyond lucky startups, tacky Internet-age stereotypes, bland rewrites of government press statements and awards won.

Go to the profile of Dario Cavegn
Dario Cavegn
Otherwise engaged at ERR
Go to the profile of Andrew Whyte
Andrew Whyte
Nobody’s James Herbert, I don’t care what anyone says.
Go to the profile of Derek Saunders
Derek Saunders
Gripe, groan, dissent.