Go to The Teacher Show
The Teacher Show
Education is a sideshow full of crusty clowns and acts of violence. Read a variety of articles about the state of teaching discussing student violence, teacher dismissals, funding, and the overall state of education. This publication will help you to navigate or evacuate.
Note from the editor

Education is a sideshow full of crusty clowns and acts of violence. Read a variety of articles about the state of teaching discussing student violence, teacher dismissals, funding, and the overall state of education. This publication will help you to navigate or evacuate.

Go to the profile of Deshaun Johnson
Deshaun Johnson
Stretch your writing beyond text using YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/youtube-writer
Go to the profile of Deshaun Johnson
Deshaun Johnson
Stretch your writing beyond text using YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/youtube-writer