Courtesy of the writer.

Closing one chapter, writing another: My bittersweet goodbye to The Tempest

2017, we did this.

Published in
4 min readSep 26, 2018


In January of last year, I was excited and proud to announce that I was the new Managing Editor of The Tempest, the groundbreaking media company uplifting the voices of diverse millennial women around the world.

At the time I was an editor, working with many of those amazing women who had the courage to share their stories and take a stand for what they believed in. I couldn’t wait to find out what I could accomplish in a broader role.

The past year and a half has proven to be one of the most challenging and one of the most rewarding times of my life. The Managing Editor role was created at a time when The Tempest was growing rapidly, with new editors and new writers joining the ranks every month.

What had once been a small, intimate team was now a global powerhouse of amazing women.

But we kept that intimate feel even as our fellowship programs grew, with up to twenty fellows working in the Editorial team at any given time.

As Managing Editor, it was my privilege to work with these fellows. I taught them how to write in our style and how to use our backend system, but what they taught me was so much more valuable: characteristics of their diverse cultures, how they survived and thrived through mental illness, how to overcome bias and love every part of yourself I could be here all day.

What had once been a small, intimate team was now a global powerhouse of amazing women.

They taught me to be more inclusive and more aware of my personal biases.

I have decided to pursue other opportunities, but I strongly believe in the mission of The Tempest and in the talent and skill of its staff, people I have worked with for over two years.

At no time has this mission been more important.

Here in the United States, minorities of every race and culture are facing overt discrimination like we haven’t seen in decades. In Europe, anti-immigrant prejudice has continued to rise post-Brexit. And in the Middle East, violence continues to oppress and repress.

Because of this, I will continue to be part of that community, working with those amazing people to write, to raise my voice as an underrepresented Egyptian Muslim woman in the United States.

Before I go, I want to introduce you to Katherine Kaestner-Frenchman, our new Managing Editor.

Courtesy of Katherine Kaestner-Frenchman

Katie came to The Tempest in January of 2017 as an editorial fellow, and she quickly made her mark. As part of our growth in that year, we began reaching out to influencers and accomplished women and female-identifying folks by whom we knew our readers could be inspired. She became our Interviews Editor, a new role that took advantage of her people skills as a marketing genius and adaptable Third Culture Kid.

Katie and I connected on our experiences as American expats abroad, and we became fast friends. When it came time to consider who would take on my role, Katie was first up for consideration.

I was thrilled when she accepted, and I have no doubt that she will guide The Tempest to bigger and better heights. She has vision and drive, and a true and unshakeable belief in our work, and she brings that to every meeting, every story, every call.

Because of this, I will continue to be part of that community, working with those amazing people to write, to raise my voice as an underrepresented Egyptian Muslim woman in the United States.

I’d also like to thank our CEO, Laila Alawa, and COO, Mashal Waqar. They gave me a wonderful opportunity in The Tempest, and I enjoyed every minute of it. My time at The Tempest will always be a highlight of my working life, and I hope to carry that experience with me as I move forward.

This is not goodbye.

This is merely change, and change is inevitable. As The Tempest grows and evolves, it will continue to change, and I believe that change will always be for the better.

I can’t wait to see what the future brings.

So, in the great words of Tigger: TTFN! Ta Ta For Now!

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