Living life, courtesy of the writer.

My Tempest origin story all started when I met Michelle Obama

I can promise you that.

Katherine Kaestner-Frenchman
3 min readSep 26, 2018


Four years ago, I was selected to cover the State Department’s International Women of Courage awards. I arrived, excited and nervous to meet other women who were chosen to do social media coverage. A lot happened that day (including meeting former First Lady Michelle Obama!), but the thing that stuck with me was one of my fellow guests: Laila Alawa.

Here’s the proof: I’m all the way on the right, and Laila’s next to me. via

She told me she was running a platform called Coming of Faith to tell the stories of Muslim American women and I secretly wished I had a place like that. In the months after that meeting, I voraciously read Coming of Faith’s heart-wrenching, beautiful and status-quo-busting Muslimah narratives. I thought I knew a lot about Islam, but with every story, I learned something new. That’s when I discovered the real power of storytelling to bridge the gap between oceans, cultures, and faiths.

Of course, that emphasis on story is the foundation of The Tempest.

The feeling you get when a friend confides in you their darkest secret, and you can say “I’ve felt the same way.”

That sisterhood is our driving force, and it is not to be underestimated. In the age of “#MeToo,” the culture at large is starting to understand the importance of our narratives.

Our truths have been relegated to the sidelines, but that’s changing.

Here at The Tempest, we are laser-focused on emerging writers and on the stories that we have all heard from our friends but never seen represented in public. We’ve been helping you tell your stories, our stories, for years now, and do not intend to stop.

I can promise you that.

It’s why I am so thrilled to announce that I am the new Managing Editor of this incredible team, a team that has been like a family to me for so long now.

via JGoldcrown

When I first started writing for The Tempest in 2016, I knew I had found my home. Through the rigor of the editorial fellowship and the challenges and joys of jumping into my role as the inaugural Interviews Editor, I have grown as a writer, editor, and manager.

I am so proud of The Tempest’s growth and our commitment to always working towards being better thought leaders, writers, and creators.

I’m taking the reins from my friend and mentor, the formidable Nadia Eldemerdash, and this responsibility is exciting and daunting. The Tempest is expanding and evolving as we continue to provide thought-provoking, vulnerable and beautiful content.

We are a springboard for so many new writers, and I am immensely proud that women from every corner of the earth know they will be cared for, welcomed and nurtured as creatives at The Tempest.

We are entering a new era of growth as our teams work hard toward the diversification of our content and our community is stronger than ever. I am so excited to be here now and to be leading our talented and hardworking editorial team.

My virtual door is always open.

I want to know what you want to see on The Tempest, where you think we could be better, what experiences are underrepresented. Even if you aren’t ready to pitch us or apply for a fellowship, your opinions matter.

I want to be in dialogue with you — our fam! — so stay in touch, okay? Here’s to starting an incredible journey with you all — one story at a time.

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