“You Matter”

You Matter

You Matter!

You’ve probably heard that before. Perhaps more times than you can count on your fingers. Or maybe at motivational talks, in inspirational books and self-development materials. It might not be a new phrase for you. But it is as vital as it should be in your consciousness every day.

You might be one finding your path. You might, at some point, had a reason to question your relevance. The previous treatment you’ve received from others might have made you doubt the whole essence of your existence.

You know, certain things happen to you, and in a split second, you find yourself asking, “why me?” Especially when things seemed fine, and your life was moving in the right direction.

Perhaps, you’d found your way, discovered yourself, and charted the path you would go. Everything was alright, and you had no worries. ‘Life could only get better,’ you thought.

Suddenly the tables turned. Maybe you lost a loved one or the thing you expected anxiously got denied. Perhaps that man looked you straight in your face and said you weren’t good enough. Probably the expensive gift you got her wasn’t appreciated.

Then in your solitude, when you’re in your headspace, you thought. You began to question your worth, and gradually, you lost sight of your relevance. Your self-esteem was crippled, as your enthusiasm waned.

You could be passionate about music, arts, science, or other things that people around you care less for. But it is what drives you and only where you channel your energy. It is what you want to do all your life.

However, people who see things differently surround you. They wouldn’t know any good in all your energy. They’d say to you, “this is a waste of time, quit messing around!” They advise you to ‘focus on something meaningful to do with your life.’

You sit back; you wonder if they are right. You ponder on these words, as many questions come rushing through your mind. You ask, “Does this really matter?” “Do I even matter at all?” Though it is what you love, self-doubt lurks around.

You’re soon tired of feeling this way. You get pissed with yourself, and then more pissed that you’re pissed. The ‘feedback loop from hell’ sets in, as Mark Manson puts it. You feel helpless as all your energy is gone.

Why not look at things like this? Maybe you will better understand your relevance.

Out of over 300 million sperm cells, you alone fertilized the ovum. I doubt there’s any better way to prove the extent of your power. In the short struggle of the survival of the fittest, you came forth.

You survived through about nine months in the darkness of your mother’s womb. You received what was given for your growth and development. You didn’t have a choice; what was offered was all you got.

Then you were born, with a victorious cry or not, you emerged. You are alive. The doctor probably said something like “time of birth; 11:37pm”. Joy filled his heart at the sight of you.

You were nursed, weaned, and grew. You survived the cold, heat, days and nights, until now. Think back on that time it’d have been your end. That event that made you think, “Is this the end?”

But you’re still here, and you’re reading this right now. Your thoughts roam, and you consider these few things. You understand these things. Perhaps you can relate to them.

Then, you think you don’t matter? You believe what someone has to say about you should shape you? That others’ opinion of you is who you are? Oh, c’mon! You know better.

It’s their right to say whatever they will about you. You shouldn’t deny them that, Should you?

You know their opinion of you is just an opinion. It mustn’t shape you, must it?

That she doesn’t like the work you did shouldn’t mean it can’t be better or that there’s no room to improve. That man didn’t value your gift doesn’t say it isn’t unique. At least, it means a lot to you. That’s all that matters.

So why then do you lose sight of your worth? Or beat yourself up because it was them? No, you’re you. And that’s what is most important. What you can become is all that matters, and how you see yourself is what’s relevant.

Don’t beat yourself up! Come on; you don’t need it. You know you matter and you shouldn’t forget that. Others opinion that makes you feel otherwise is irrelevant to you. But the ones that push you to achieve more and make you better, you shouldn’t neglect.

You might have made mistakes, and I have too. But it shouldn’t make you lose sight of your value nor question your worth.

So if you’re in that state right now, or feel like you don’t matter. You have to pick yourself up, remind yourself that you matter, and never forget it.

I hope this piece helps you.

And I’d love to hear from you.

Your opinions, suggestions, and stories are welcomed. They matter a lot to me.

Please kindly comment and share this with friends if you find this post helpful or feel there’s more to be said.

I don’t take it for granted!

P.S: Perhaps you haven’t read the Introduction to this publication, or maybe you’re confused about what it’s all about. Click here.

Thank you!



Wonderful (Barnabas) Adebagbo ✍️
“The Things That Really Matter”

Academic Research Writer || Research Writer || Writer & Editor || Researcher || Providing solutions to improve the clarity and impact of your research writing