An Introduction

The things that really matter!

You probably wonder, “What are the things that really matter?” Or maybe you asked yourself the question already. You might have started to list those things that matter to you mentally. I would have done the same. Welcome to the journey of finding the answer.

You’d agree with me that in recent times, several things draw your attention at the same time. And it is leading to a shifted focus to something that you could consider unimportant and insignificant. In pursuit of these other things, you unconsciously ignore and neglect the things considered of uttermost importance.

It led to the idea of the things that really matter. It hopes to help refocus on these essential things.

“The Things That Really Matter” which is the name of this Publication, has a focus on six (6) key areas seen as very important. It looks into these areas in detail and aims to give an in-depth understanding of each.

The critical areas of focus of the things the really matter are as follows:

  1. You Matter.
  2. Your Health Matters.
  3. Your Finance Matters.
  4. Your Relationship Matters.
  5. Your Mind Matters.
  6. Your End Matters.

Each of these areas of focus has a series of topics outlined under them for discussion. And to ensure you have a holistic and nourishing experience, these series will be discussed consecutively. In simple terms, a topic on one area of focus will be addressed in one blog post, while an issue on another area will come after in the next blog post. Do you understand? Oh yeah, marvellous!

So each area of focus is discussed. And none left out because our focus was more on another. That’s great right?

The series of topics on each focus hopes to span over one year. A post would be released once a week (Sundays are perfect). The outline of issues on each area of focus would be discussed during this period. Although, there will be room for posts on topics outside the current outline but still within the areas of focus if requested by you, my dear readers.

“The Things That Really Matter” is a journey, one that we will embark on together. The v is such with the purpose of Learning, Gaining more in-depth insight, better understanding, Enlightenment, and Illumination. Whatever knowledge is gained on this journey will be for you and me, for life.

It is fantastic that you have chosen to go on this journey with me. And I trust you will not be disappointed. You’d rather be better than your now I hope.

I long to hear from as often as you will from me. I wish you a super enlightening ride void of speed bumps or potholes. I know we’ll reach our destination as better persons!

PS: We are all starting together. No one knows it all, not me. We’re merely moving ahead towards gaining knowledge and being better versions of ourselves.



Wonderful (Barnabas) Adebagbo ✍️
“The Things That Really Matter”

Academic Research Writer || Research Writer || Writer & Editor || Researcher || Providing solutions to improve the clarity and impact of your research writing