Loving Reality

A theory describing reality and consciousness

Chuck Petch
The Transformation Blog
7 min readOct 14, 2022


Have you ever had one of those “Aha!!” moments when something you’ve been struggling with suddenly becomes clear? One such moment came to me recently regarding the nature of reality and consciousness. I’d like to tell you a story describing one possible way the universe works — at least how I believe it may work.

When I was 18, a friend who attended a meditation seminar taught me to meditate. The newfound awareness launched a lifetime of spiritual seeking. Along the way many insights came and went — personal, psychological, interpersonal, spiritual. The most meaningful one recurred a few times and changed the way I see reality. Rather than describe it myself, I’ll let renowned physicist Federico Faggin (pronounced Fah-jeen) describe his experience.

Photo by Jakayla Toney on Unsplash

About a month ago, I stumbled into an interview in which Faggin described a sudden life-changing insight strikingly similar to my own:

“I woke in the night and suddenly, to put it very briefly, I experienced myself as love. It felt like an unbelievably strong and powerful love — an energy which was both scintillating white and self-knowing — and it was coming from me…. I saw that everything is ‘made’ of that same love. I experienced myself as the world made of that energy observing myself, and that was mind-blowing, because I had always experienced myself as separate...”

Like Faggin, my own experiences showed me an intentionally loving consciousness present within all matter and all creation, within every atom and particle of existence. Faggin fleshes out his understanding using quantum physics (which we won’t cover here) to describe a living, conscious “energy” trying to know and love itself:

“…everything is made of an undivided energy that has the desire and the capacity to experience and know itself. I call this unified field ‘One’.”

“Out of One emerge conscious entities that, like One, have the desire and capacity to know themselves… They are not separate from One, though their conscious experience is private. To know each other, these entities… communicate…."

I believe what Faggin describes above and calls One is what many of us would call “god,” the source of all consciousness and creation. Faggin further describes individual conscious entities or beings emerging from but not separate from the One consciousness — what we would call “souls.”

So we have god, the original consciousness, and we have individual conscious souls that remain fully in communion with god and communicate with each other to share their personal experiences. Further, god and its souls all desire to know themselves, to know their experience, and to know and love each other. One could say that is the definition of consciousness.

Based on Faggin’s theory, I believe god and the souls that exist within god co-create reality in order to know and experience their consciousness by interacting with reality. And since the consciousness of god and the souls is loving, the reality they create is itself imbued with their love. Jane Clark, one of Faggin’s interviewers, says it this way, and Faggin agreed with her:

“…there are conscious entities which, because of their desire to know themselves, are creating the physical world…”

Faggin further describes the interaction of our souls with our physical bodies this way:

“…we think of ourselves as conscious bodies. But we are only conscious because our bodies are connected with conscious entities that exist in a vaster reality… So what I am — the real ‘me’ — lives in this vaster reality and it controls my body top-down.”

Most people with a background in any kind of spirituality would say he’s describing souls residing in a soul realm or heaven where they interact with god and each other to co-create and experience physical reality. Their experience of the reality they create occurs through physical bodies they remotely inhabit and control.

The purpose of it all appears to be to grow in the consciousness and loving experience of themselves and one another as they interact with physical reality. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin may have said it best of all:

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

To understand conscious souls and reality from a more personal and practical standpoint, let’s turn to podcaster Sue Frederick and one of her guests as they discuss the nature and activities of souls. The speakers are Sue and her guest Lisa Hudson in Episode 18.

Lisa, a mystic, describes the passing of her mother and details a paranormal conversation with her mother after her mother’s death:

“I was saying, ‘We miss you so much, do you miss us?’ and she said, ‘No, you’re here with me right now. That’s how we’re communicating. We’re communicating at a soul level, and everyone I’ve ever loved for all my lifetime is here.”

In other words, her mother described a place, a heaven, in which all souls are always present, even as some of them are also present in their bodies in physical reality.

I might add that it may be possible in such a reality for our souls to live in multiple bodies in multiple lives. This could explain some people’s distinct knowledge, such as through a soul regression or direct awareness, that they have lived multiple lives as different people.

Certainly if such lives exist, they could occur serially, one life after another. But Einstein told us that space and time are relative and are an illusion — that is, there really is no past, present, or future, nor any passage of time, and that seems to be the soul reality Lisa’s mother describes in which all souls are eternally present.

In such a scenario, we could very easily be living multiple lives simultaneously from the same soul. Science tells us that there are many dimensions. Perhaps we are living in many of them right now. For the soul it might be a lot like playing a multidimensional chess game. It certainly would make for a richer, more exciting experience of life… or lives!

Photo by Signature Pro on Unsplash

Sue Frederick further explains that when we quiet the mind and open the heart through meditation, we begin to get insights into reality and the soul that our logical mind cannot understand. We begin to see frequent unusual and even miraculous signs and synchronicities — coincidences that point to a different understanding of reality. I believe we not only see such signs, but our souls, as co-creators of reality, can actually “bend” reality with our consciousness to create signs that will get the attention of other souls — like waving at a loved one in a crowd to motion them over to you.

Why do we need signs and synchronicities? In my view, it’s because our souls have separate private consciousness, according to Faggin. We become mezmerized by our personal experience of this life, and we forget about god and other souls. But god and more conscious souls send us signs and synchronicities as pointers to help us find and become conscious of our forgotten connections to them. Synchronicities point us to each other across the “boundaries” of multiple lives and between heaven and earth — all for the purpose of helping us love and support one another as we grow in awareness.

Sue says it like this:

“It’s as easy as breathing!” [seeing a deeper reality]

“Once you say… ‘my heart and my soul are gonna trust this,’ and start allowing those signs to uplift you, you live in a different world then. You live in a world of constant miracles, constant signs, constant connection to the divine.”

“Once you do that, this life on earth is completely different.”

She goes on to explain suffering in life as the part of the experience that wakes us up, increases our conscious awareness:

“The greatest myth here on earth is that we’re supposed to have this completely happy, joy-filled, pain-free life. That’s what we have in the divine realms… Here on earth, it’s school… You don’t drop into planet earth to have a party. You drop in to grow, to expand, and have your heart broken wide open… and keep asking what is my soul learning here, what is my soul’s lesson, how can I move through this with love, with grace, with courage.”

To put it another way, if the purpose of life is to give souls deeper consciousness, deeper self-understanding, deeper understanding of god and other souls, a deeper experience and understanding of love, it’s the challenges of life that cause us to question and grow. And if god’s and the souls’ desire is to expand and experience as much of life or lives as possible, the perspective that comes from every single different lived experience increases knowledge and awareness. Diversity is beautiful!

When we open to soul growth, we experience connection and love of everything in reality — trees, plants, animals, all beings and material entities, and especially of all other souls and god. We are living out “the prime directive,” god’s desire to know itself, to know the other souls that come from it, and to experience the physical reality they create together. All of life becomes an act of consciousness and love. The entire universe becomes holy!

Postscript: You may not agree with my theory of reality. That’s OK! The more diversity, the better! This version feels right to me, given my soul’s experiences at this stage in my growth. But we may learn from each other and both come to a deeper understanding of reality. So I ask you to please share your thoughts and questions (in a kindly way). I may write followup articles based on what I learn.

Further note: I found this article by Kimberley Fosu that largely correlates to my own current experience.

Also this article.



Chuck Petch
The Transformation Blog

MBA, BA English | Prose | Poetry | Spirituality | Progressive Politics | Nature | Personal Growth