Go to The Uncomfortable Brain
The Uncomfortable Brain
The Uncomfortable Brain explores all elements of human behaviour, from psychology and neuroscience to narcissism and philosophy, to leadership and persuasion. We’re new so we’d love to welcome interested writers to contribute!
Note from the editor

The Uncomfortable Brain explores all elements of human behaviour, from psychology and neuroscience to narcissism and philosophy, to leadership and persuasion. We’re new so we’d love to welcome interested writers to contribute!

Go to the profile of Sonia Diab
Sonia Diab
Sessional lecturer, corporate trainer, coke zero fiend. Writing on human behaviour, psychology, productivity, philosophy & other stuff. subscribe soniadiab.com
Go to the profile of Sonia Diab
Sonia Diab
Sessional lecturer, corporate trainer, coke zero fiend. Writing on human behaviour, psychology, productivity, philosophy & other stuff. subscribe soniadiab.com