
Arundhati Gupta
The Unpublished Diary
2 min readNov 19, 2019

“I saw him walking with her near the park yesterday! Looks like there’s something going on between them. Oh, wait! But I saw him at the cafe with the new girl in the neighbourhood yesterday! Looks like he has ‘affairs’ going on…! The two ladies moved on with a sigh.”

Have you been subjected to such judgements ever? Or wait, have you been involved in judging people in a similar manner? Ah! I know most of you would relate to it but might not have the courage to open up. Well, if some of you have never heard or made such statements (haha!), you might want to have a look at some confession pages or maybe walk around your neighbourhoods without your earphones plugged in.

Now, this has to be real quick! What is the first image that comes to your mind on hearing the word LOVE? Quick! Ummmmm………. Is that a girl and a boy? If yes, then I am sorry you also belong to the category of those who have never known what eternal bonds and love is all about.

I have always felt that life is an unpredictable journey and we are all merely passengers walking together. On this journey, some of us often feel connected with certain people, irrespective of their gender, race, caste, creed, culture, tradition, beliefs, ethnicity and so on. And, the connection I refer to here is what I call a bond. I am not sure how many of you have come across some of the ethereal passengers that exist in this world. I have known some and I have learnt that love is something that you cannot define. It is eternal.

People often relate love with the intimacy and call it an affair. And such minds are the ones that are still living in the stone age and reside in those unfortunate bodies who never felt the essence of a selfless connection and bonding between two souls. We have definitely come a long way and have acquired skills, knowledge and are the so-called educated people. But, some of us still need to move from narrowmindedness to broader thinking.

You might also check out my poem “An Ethereal Passenger” that depicts the image of an angelic passenger.

Do check out more work from my diary at “The Unpublished Diary”. :)

