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UX Reviews
Sharing UX problems and appreciating amazing UX in the most unlikeliest of places, this is an effort to critique the UX in our everyday lives.
Note from the editor

Sharing UX problems and appreciating amazing UX in the most unlikeliest of places, this is an effort to critique the UX in our everyday lives.

Go to the profile of Gautam Krishnan
Gautam Krishnan
Hacker | Product Designer at Vitech | Former UI/UX Designer at Zoho. I love solving problems and making people’s lives better. http://www.gautamkrishnan.com
Go to the profile of Gautam Krishnan
Gautam Krishnan
Hacker | Product Designer at Vitech | Former UI/UX Designer at Zoho. I love solving problems and making people’s lives better. http://www.gautamkrishnan.com