Go to The Velvet Speakeasy
The Velvet Speakeasy
Futurism, Art, Philosophy, Evolution, Innovation. Exploring The Vast array of pathways forward.
Note from the editor

Futurism, Art, Philosophy, Evolution, Innovation. Exploring The Vast array of pathways forward.

Go to the profile of Sarah St. Erth
Sarah St. Erth
I am a digital and multi media artist, I like to write sci Fi, and futurism. I love to explore solutions, evolution, healing, gardening. Something for everyone.
Go to the profile of Rachel M.J
Rachel M.J
Magical realist and psychology researcher based in Australia. I like to write about things behaving how they shouldn’t
Go to the profile of Dawn Salois
Dawn Salois
Mother of a wonderful son. Writing is a relatively new passion of mine. I love to create my own images. Self-published author of Shadow and Flame.
Go to the profile of James U. Rizzi
James U. Rizzi
After years of hardships, I’ve finally decided to return to my passion of writing. I hope you all enjoy taking this journey with me. I can’t wait.