Harrison Butker Casts Shade on Taylor Swift in His Infamous Speech

His words were an intentional slam to the self-made billionaire

Ali Hall
The Virago


makaiyla willis, CC BY 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

Imagine referring to one of the world’s most successful women not through her identity but by how she relates to a man.

If you aren’t already up to date with the Harrison Butker fiasco, you can catch up in my article titled Harrison Bukter Can Buck Right Off.

In my previous article, I paraphrase Harrison’s now infamous 20-minute speech in a few sentences.

“Women, your place is in the home. Men, high five bro, you ‘da man go out and do hard things. Joe Biden is delusional for being a Catholic and pro choice. Oh, and abortion, IVF, surrogacy and euthanasia are all bad. All contraception is evil, cohabiting before marriage is immoral and LGBTQIA+ is a sin.”

But something I didn’t cover in that piece, as it needs a whole article unto itself, is the way he refers to Taylor Swift.

Harrison indirectly quotes Taylor Swift, who needs no introduction herself.

“As my teammate’s girlfriend says, ‘familiarity breeds contempt.’”

My teammate’s girlfriend! Really?



Ali Hall
The Virago

✍Well-being, feminism & personal growth. Childfree & owner of Life Without Children. Lover of trail running & dogs. Also at abnormallynormal.substack.com