7 Lessons Guaranteed to Make No Difference Whatsoever

What I learned over our winter holiday

Lon Shapiro


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Since December 11, I’ve been off the grid. On that day, we boarded a plane headed to France to visit my wife’s family. We came back a week ago and I’m only now starting to feel “normal” again.

LESSON #1: the pandemic may never end, except for rich people.

The price of airline tickets increased because they charge more for basics like reserving your seat and having one checked suitcase. But now there’s another hidden cost: the rapid PCR Covid test. You can’t go out of the country without a certificate that you tested negative within the last 24 hours. That cost my wife and me an extra $100 each to start our vacation. And another test would be required to get back into the U.S. (more on that later).

While we were gone, we learned that the French had banned English tourists over Omnicron concerns, even people who had been vaccinated. And the English have a far better vaccination policy than the French, who still don’t require the vaccine for children. The ban extends to all people unless you have a “compelling reason” to travel, such as being a top-tier athlete.

And that brings us back to the Djoke That Keeps on Giving, tennis player Novak Djokovic…



Lon Shapiro

High quality creative & design https://guttmanshapiro.com. Former pro athlete & high quality performance coach. Teach the world one high quality joke at a time