Please join in association with spiritual messengers of God, Aka, in the Association of Universal Philosophy they asked us to form. You can see how to join and become part of their preparation for the coming of the Messiah at the end of this article.

A brilliant light passed over Earth, March 25, 1970; it shone in the east through April for all to see. With it spiritual messengers of God arrived and began to speak through the unconscious man in a town named Globe to the world. “We were sent for the one who asked our Father.

A man had prayed for death and gone before “one with more love in his eyes than anyone” he’d ever seen. He was given a gift and the choice to stay there or to return to his body. Ray didn’t know what the gift was. But if he returned, he was asked to give this gift freely to others in the same manner of love it had been given to him.

He spent the next 30 years of life that was returned to him sharing this gift.

How did this happen? Read “We Give This Message from Our Father” and “A Gift from One with More Love in His Eyes than Anyone.”

The words the spiritual messengers of God spoke were recorded from 1970–1989 and then transcribed for you read.

The spiritual messengers of God asked that their message be called the Book with Wings.

“New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.” (Aka, spiritual messengers of God, December 1, 1972)

They ask, “Give our words wings and let them go unto the world.”

As they requested, their words were separated into three writings: the philosophy, the past-life readings, and health readings. Yet all are part of one book, a new BOOK with wings.

The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, asked, “You should separate these readings. Separate the philosophy from the medical readings; separate the life readings from the medical readings; but combine all three into one writing, yet make yet three writings. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“This task shall be laborious. But remember these words, our time grows short, for now is the time of the Cherub.” (March 5, 1971)

See Universal Philosophy (Part 1 of 2) and Universal Philosophy (Part 2 of 2) in paperback. All are availble as e-books also.

“We give this knowledge so that man, all of man, would know of the love of our Father, and by knowing of the love our Father has to give, of the tears our Father sheds, that all men of all religions should come to our Father together in peace and love.” (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, July 15, 1970)

Aka’s messages are gathered into topics for you. You can learn about these in “Words from Heaven to You”. Links to the books are on Aka’s Amazon Author Page.

You can also read articles gathered from Aka’s words on

See these publications:

(1) “A Stairway to Heaven,

A man died and went before one with more love in his eyes than anyone he’d ever seen. He was given a gift and the choice to stay there or to return to his body. If he returned, he was asked to give this gift freely to others in the same manner of love it had been given to him. In these articles, part of this story is told.

(2) Some of what the spiritual messengers of God tell us about Earth changes is inThe Great Sword Is Here.”

They say, “On one side of the Sword, it shall change thy earth. Its whole form shall change. Where no water flowed, water shall flow. What was a desert before shall bloom into gardens. On the other side of the Sword, thy will see man. Those who should not heed God’s word, this Sword shall cut them from the face of the earth, for, because remember, we are here to prepare a way. We are here to build an army of minds for the birth of our savior who shall rule both heaven and earth for a thousand years, and his peace and his love shall be felt by all who would put their hands and reach to God. Can you understand this?” (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, June 9, 1970)

(3) What is the great Sword? It has been shown to us in many ways. See “Now you ask, ‘What is the great Sword that cuts two ways?’”

The spiritual messengers of God tell us, “The great Sword, first, is a battle of minions and spirit and soul for the minds of men. By gaining their minds we gain their soul again, and by gaining their soul again, we gain their spirit. One shall cut of mind and body; the other shall cut land and ice.”

(4) How can we prepare for the probable coming times?

Since they arrived on Earth and began speaking to us in April 1970, the spiritual messengers of God have guided us to prepare for the great famine. They suggest many ways we can do this, which you can read.

Read the angels’ guidance in “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine.”

What will cause this famine?” one person asked the spiritual messengers of God on May 1, 1970.

Aka answered — “Man shall cause this famine.

More to know

You can study each year of the readings from the 1970 to 1989, which are transcribed exactly as they spoke them, in The Words of Aka, spiritual messengers of God.

Or listen to Aka, spiritual messengers of God, speak on their channel on or on the Association of Universal Philosophy channel on YouTube.


Would you like to join the Association of Universal Philosophy the spiritual messengers of God asked us to form?

A candle (left) and seven candlestick candelabra (right) shine with the light of God at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association of Universal Philosophy in 2020. Here are photos of the Association of Universal Philosophy’s church to God that tell its beautiful story.

Click to see how to become a subscribing member. Then be sure to send an email at or Please tell us your name and where to email your newsletter, “Rays of Philosophy,” (6 issues per year).

You can enjoy previous issues of the “Rays of Philosophy” from 2003 to 2021 to read and study.

You can also message us on Facebook at our Association of Universal Philosophy page. Enjoy daily quotes from Aka.

We hope you will join in the Association with the spiritual messengers of God and help to continue their preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

God bless you.



The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.