The 1971 Readings

The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God
148 min readAug 17, 2020

(First half)

Part 1 of 2 of the 1971 Readings are in this article below: January 8, 15, 22; February 19, 20; March 5; April 3, 16, 17, 23, 30; May 2, 7, 14, 21, 25, 28; June 4, 5, 11, 18, 25, 30

These readings are in the second article, Part 2 of 2 of the 1971 Readings: July 1, 2, 3, 9, 10 (private), 16, 17, 23, 30; August 6, 13, 15, 20, 27, 29; September 1, 3, 5, 10, 13, 16, 24; October 1, 8, 9, 15, 29; November 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, 30; December 3, 7, 10, 17 (One transcript is missing: December 28)


January 8, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God. One moment.

Yes, now all is in accord.

And now, as permission has been given and request of the soul of the same, the information shall be given for a life reading and health reading on soul [4–6–70–003].

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Now, as the Book that was written in the beginning, we see this name; therefore, we should say unto thee, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. All, as thy would know it, is [intact] with one another; therefore, the request and the information this soul should seek shall be given.

First, we should say unto thee, we see this entry in the time of the time before, of Atlantis. We find there this entry of royalty of this time, a very selfish nature of this time, of giving not of itself in any form, only taking from and attacking to its servants.

Therefore, we find this entry again in the time of Atlantis in the time of the one you would know of as Noah, therefore, as a guard of the archives in the time of the same, the archives of the time of knowledge in the temple of the gods of One. Therefore, we find the beginning and ending of your karma of that time of before. We see thy body, a violation by another.

Therefore, we find not again, until of the time of the year before the birth of Christ, this entry once again. At this time this entry is the keeper of the one who should become the seller of the one you should know as the animal beast as the burro. Therefore, this entry gave into Joseph of the burro type of animal of which Mary should ride into the town of Bethlehem. Therefore, we find this entry who carried upon its back the necessary provisions for the burro upon the journey, and was present in the time and birth of the one, as thy would know, as Jesus Christ. We find this one again, as the one known as Mark is sent forward into a town to say of these words — to loan, thee, thy beast of animal to carry thy teacher, and it should be rewarded into thee. This one gave unto this animal again unto the one known as Jesus Christ, therefore again, an end of his karma; therefore, we find a death by crucifixion by those of his own kind.

Then again we find this of the same of one entry in the time of yours — one moment. Yes, we find this again. At this time we find that this soul should be the father of the same who should be the father and was of the substitute of the father of the same of this plane, and bearing forth and giving kindness into this soul. At this time, this soul did violate against him, therefore, and causing unto him not only his death, but the death of his oldest son.

Therefore, upon this plane we find birth again and purpose; for he was born and his father taken from him, that the son of before could become his father, and therefore, repay his karma unto him, and unto others of his kin.

Now, we say unto this soul, you ask, in what way may thy serve unto this time again of the coming of a Messiah? And we should answer thy question. Thy have bore the fruit of many karma; therefore, we asked again that thy should become the guards of the archives of the valley below the sea, for before in another time, this valley was known as a place known as your time, and therefore, there are records buried there once again. We bestow upon thee thy task to look into the ground beneath thee and find this location, for soon it should rise from the earth and yet again be buried again below the sea. But before this happens thy should take the knowledge into which we have given unto this group and use thy knowledge of before in giving this gift unto others.

We see thy frustration at this moment upon our gift unto thee, for thy shall guard with the one who should carry the veil, for you have walked upon this earth before, and together you shall erase from the face of the earth a karma unto which thy have bared a yoke. Take of this gift, not as a burden, but as a burden of love. Give it in a way thy should know of love, for as we have spoke before, our Father asks thee to give unto Him one tenth of the love He has bestowed upon us, His children. In many of your worldly churches thy would think of this as material blessings; our Father spoke of it as in love. But accept from another that part of himself which he could have giveth unto thee; accept it and be prepared to forgive those who would trespass upon thee.

At another time we should give the life of this soul, of the health of soul [4–3–70–005] again. Thy have other questions, ask of the same.

“Yes, Aka, in our studying of the.…”

[Editor’s note: The remainder of the reading was lost from the tape recordings. One member suggested a question had been asked if the group was on the right track in thinking of the pyramids. The answer was affirmative.]

[Note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared with the available audio recordings for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


January 15, 1971

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Does soul Ray stand with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

“Have you anything to tell us this evening?”

As we have said before, as thy group should grow and grow again into those of thirteen and thirteen beyond, and become as one, and those of thirteen should become as five, and then as thirteen, as raindrops so shall your knowledge grow. [See Acts, chapter 1.]

Then we should tell thee of the beginning, of the time of the firmament, while there was a heaven and an earth, and these our Father did create, for in the heavens were the spirits of man, and there the spirits of man was created. And then upon your earth the man-animal was created, and then He did create them, both he and she, to dwell upon thy earth. And then the spirits that dwelled above thy earth entered into the man-animal, and therefore, created the soul.

Can you understand of which we speak? [See Genesis, chapter 1.]

“Not fully, Aka.”

Then we say unto thee, thy can destroy nothing, that all things upon thy earth are of one, only the form has been changed — that the Creator, our Father who would set forth upon energy upon your planet or your earth in the form of cosmic rays, and through His form life was given unto the human beast and to all the fowl of the air and the fish of the sea, and to the smallest thing that dwells upon your earth and in it. Therefore, we say unto thee, nothing, even to the smallest thing upon your earth, should fall except with our Father’s permission. What you have done unto others shall be done unto thee; “If thy eye should offend thee, cast it aside.”

Can you understand now of which we speak? [See Matthew 15:10–20 and 18:1–10.]

“Yes, Aka, I think we do.”

Then we would say unto thee, this is the energy, soul Bartholomew, that you have sought so long for. But remember, it dwells in all things. And through the creation of the Great Pyramid, and through this time forward, should the bird of the Great Pyramid take flight. But, as those of before who would build unto the tower of Babylon, do not walk backward, for our Father should take of thy right hand. Take care.

Thy have one among you who would ask this question and permission has been given that we should answer her in this way. For as a man should lose his hand and pray that he may use one hand in the place of two, those who have lost their hand before should be sent to him, and therefore, become his teachers, and he their pupil. But a pupil can never be greater that the teacher, and the teacher never greater than the pupil. Then we say unto you, fear not this one, for this, your request, has been granted. Can you understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully. Then we would say unto this one, for even unto the smallest creature upon your earth was given sight and hearing; therefore, we should give thee this gift of sight. If this gift should frighten thee, remember, it is given only as a gift. You may return it back unto soul Ray at any time thy wish.

Ask thy other question.

“Aka, I don’t know that this question hasn’t already been answered, but [9–25–70–001] asks if what she saw the other evening was her guardian angel? If not, who or what was it?”

We have answered that question.

“Thank you, Aka, I assumed as much. G_____ asks this evening, Aka, if you can give her any information at all about the dream she had last night?”

We should say unto thee, the dream is a personal thing, like a prayer. One moment.

We would say unto thee, your answer lies in the star, for it is an answering dream, one which will come true in the future. If at a different time you still cannot understand of which we have spoken, ask again.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes.” [She answers.]

Nay, not fully. Then take thee the firm of the earth and plant thee a tree that it may ferment and grow. Then thy shall know of thyself, for what thy have been before, thy shall be again.

For think thee of a circle. Think thee of a time in Rome; think thee of a time when those of your kind were treated then of high honor.

Ask thy other questions.

“Aka, this evening [11–2–70–001] is quite concerned about his wife, [C________]’s health. Could you give her a health reading at this time?”

We see thy need. We shall enter, and therefore, give thy healing. By the time that thy should reach home thy healing will have come about. This soul must take much liquids into its diet, and rest, for five days. Eat of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus] in quarter-by-quarter-inch cubes once daily, using of a salt substance in a gargling manner four times daily.

But worry not upon thy mother, for we have seen thy need and shall take care of this.

Ask thy other questions.

“Aka, this evening D__ asks a silent question.”

We see thy need, and we should answer thy question in this way. Soon thy shall be called into a different land. Thy shall travel in a means that thy are not used to. Do not fear, for no harm will come unto thee. Thy mother will need thee, for she shall become greatly upset from this need, for in her shall be a house divided.

We can see thy fully do not understand of which we speak, but since thy ask thy question in silence, we must answer thy question in the same way. But soon thy shall know of our meaning. Fear not, for we shall travel with thee. But guard against the serpent, for one shall use you against another. Stand on neutral ground.

Ask thy other question.

“She also asks if you can give her any information as to what caused the reappearance of the growth on [M_____]’s foot?”

Thy have ceased to do the things we have suggested. Do them again, and this shall be no longer.

Ask thy other question.

“Aka, I have one this evening. Why did I get such a negative reaction from the pyramid drawing with the 13-figure drawing inside?”

For, at the time that Satan was cast from the heavens, remember, he knew of our Father and of His work and of the strength of thirteen, but he cast it into the darker side. And that part of man shall dwell until the thousand years of peace upon your earth. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Ask thy other question.

“Aka, at this time we have no further questions, this evening.”

Then we should answer thy last question in the mind of the one who should catch of the blood. Be patient, my son, for thy time is close at hand. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes.” [John answers.]

Then awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: After Ray returned into his body and woke up, he shared guidance he’d received coming down the stairway from God: “We’ll be called upon to help people of many races [depending on the] timing….”]

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


January 22, 1971

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Does soul Ray stand with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

“Thank you, Aka. Have you anything to tell us this evening, Aka?”

First, we would give you of these words. For all that has been covered shall be uncovered, for where no light has shone light shall shine again, and our Father’s light shall be seen both upon your heaven and earth, for our Father is the creator of all things.

For as we have said before, if thy brother has offended thee, go unto this brother, but before, prepare thyself to forgive thy brother and thyself. Then thy brother may forgive himself and you. Walk in thy climb of the ladder in such a way that thy shall be a mirror upon thy earth. And as God gives His love unto thee, this love shall flow into your hearts and souls, and out again unto your brothers.

Remember, in the beginning God made of both man and woman. God did not ask that the woman walk behind the man, but beside him.

Of your question, we should say unto thee, we have told thee before of the signs of the spirits of our Father, and that the Seven Spirits of our Father hover evermore above your Earth. You have been given warnings. You have taken into each of thy souls of thy own need. [See The Revelation, chapters 4–8 and 14–19.]

Of thy question — of thy question, this shall come as another of these warnings. We should say, in the location of which thy see, the fractures shall be so small that the human eye will not at this time be able to detect these, but yet, the damage will have been done.

Remember, there are other powers upon your earth at work that are not our Father’s.

Remember, also, that the information we are allowed to give, we must first obtain permission from our Father, for we are not allowed to trespass upon any soul, be he alive, as you would think, or dead, as you would think, or lost. But remember these words, our Father is “the God of the living, not of the dead,” for in our Father’s eyes there is no death. The tears our Father sheds are the tears for His children who would lose their way.

Then think thee of this race before yourselves, as you would think of them, as your ancestors; for remember, for they are you and you are they. And what they have done before, and the karmas that they have built upon their Earth, upon their nations, upon their souls, you must re-live these karmas, for is it not written that he who should slay with the sword shall be slain with the sword of the same?

We have spoken words unto thee; go back then, if thy must, into the beginning. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Aka, I think, I think we do understand.”

Nay not fully. We should say unto you these words. When we say unto you that “all is in accord,” it is because all thy love is in accord with God, and all thy love for thy fellow man is in accord with God. But remember, what God has given, it is only God’s power to take away.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, this evening I have a question of soul Ruth. She would like to know if there is anything more she can do to comfort Great-grandmother T_____, as there is a breakdown and lack of communications since their not being able to speak because of her recent illness. Can you give her anything at all on this?”

Part of her question we have just answered. We would say unto you, we see thy need; but remember, to where this soul goes is so much more beautiful now, with the message she shall take with her, than where she has been before. Then release her with love; pray that she has seen the light, for all you are holding now is the shell. The soul has departed.

Ask thy other question.

“Aka, this evening B__ has a question, a very important question to him. He asks, ‘Is our well water safe now?’”

At your location, not at the present time, no. It would be safe unto the animal consumption because of the difference in your creation. We would suggest the usage, if possible, of that water which comes, as you would know it, from the Dominion Mine. This water is now safe. Your own water will become safe soon. We have created the necessary elements in your earth that the same will soon be no more. We have created the necessary thoughts of those who would use this again that this will be no more, for as we have said before, those who should strike his brother in this manner shall feel the wrath of our Lord, our Father. But remember; forgive those who trespass upon thee. [Editor’s note: The U.S. Forestry Service had sprayed a defoliation chemical that was used in the Vietnam war called Agent Orange on Pinal Mountain near Globe, Arizona, to create more water runoff. In the canyons below, it had harmed the health of families and caused birth defects in the animals. In 1970, after the spiritual messengers of God began to speak through Ray in trance, this family had come for guidance and healing. The healing was given to each of them.]

Ask your other question.

“Aka, we have a question this evening from G____ T_____. He would like to know, ‘Will my grades in school improve?’”

(Laughter) we should answer your question in this matter. If thy should plant a tree into the earth and water it well at first, and give fermenting into it at first, and then forget to water or feed this tree again, our Father will look after it for a short time. But if you continue to neglect it, it shall wither and die, and turn back into what it was in the beginning. Your mind, we shall help thee, but only in this manner. One moment, please.

Yes. [Aka whispers.]

Yes, we now have permission. We should answer you in this manner. We shall give you the first water, but you must give of the second. Fail this and you have failed yourself.

Ask your other question.

“Aka, earlier soul Ray has had some disturbing dreams of extremely cold weather, extreme cold everywhere. Can you give us any account as to what his particular dreams of terrible cold signify?”

We would answer in this manner. There are many messages which we should place before him. The cold shall be those of his own people who should walk away from him. Of the other dreams, we should answer in this manner, that all he may sow may not necessarily grow, but even into the smallest part of man, which is the seed, a little of the green or of the purification of life shall grow there. Then it has been worth the effort. And into the best of the trees he may see bad fruit grow from the same.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, this evening we have no questions other than pertaining to our experimental release forms.”

We see a question, and we should answer. Are you, soul John, you above all other — we have told you of the growths that may form in the body. We have told you. Then we should say in this way, to take and make of the sage tea, placing of a two-inch cubicle into the warmth of the hot tea of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus]. This must be done unto three days. But remember, we may only enter to give healing for those who would seek it.

Soul Ray now grows very tired, and we grow weak.

Then think ye of the sign of the ankh that we may enter.

[Editor's note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


February 19, 1971

“Good evening, Aka. Does soul Ray stand with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

“Thank you, Aka. Is there anything you would like to tell us this evening?”

One moment, please. Yes, now, that is better; all is in accord.

Now, as we have said before, the spirits of our Father hover above your earth.

We have told you before of the isles of California. We have told you before of the great tidal waves that shall come. We have told you before, that that has been buried shall be uncovered. Where no light has shone, light shall shine again.

We have told you of the coming of the Anti-Christ and the Beast, and the beast from within. And even though thy should cut the Beast’s head, it shall heal its head from one of a greater. And then shall come the time that the ten nations that stood beside it shall join together in slaying the Beast forever. [See The Revelation, chapters 13–18.]

As we have said before, we are not great. Our power comes from our Father.

We have told you before, [prepare] thyself for the famine. For soon, as you have seen, the might of our Father’s hand, and in His anger, shall separate those places into which Lucifer should dwell. And in separating them, still, as during the time of Abraham, He should look within them, and if He should find good among them, He shall spare them; if not, the same shall happen unto them as happened unto Lot’s wife. [See Genesis 18:16–33, 19:1–29.]

We have told you of many things that shall come. We have told you that Atlantis shall rise again and fall again. Man, as you have known him, has dwelt upon your earth for millions of years. Our intention is not to destroy your earth, but to reshape it, that peace may dwell upon it.

We have told you before that very soon you should hear words from what you call as outer space, from other worlds, much like your own, only farther advanced than your own. It is our Father’s plan that before your influence may dwell beyond your own planetary system, your thousand years of peace shall dwell; and they shall dwell as He should count, not as you should count.

We should also tell you, within one month’s time you shall feel new eruptions very close to you, for in the heart of the earth now dwells and smolders and is ready to erupt into what you would know as volcanic action. One shall be in what is known as part of New Mexico region. This region shall be very close into what thy know at this time as Taos, New Mexico. Your next eruption shall be in what is known as Flagstaff, Arizona. These shall divide; these shall divide, and therefore, be the parting line, and hold back the eruptions from our Father’s people.

Now, we should say unto thee, we have given thee these warnings.

We have asked that thy form of one by one, and two by two, and three by three, and groups of Thirteen, and Thirteen, and Thirteen beyond. [See Acts, chapter 1 and 2:1–41.]

We have told you before that thy time should grow short.

We have told you before that thy would throw stones at each other. We have told you, let us stand before you and to cast thy first stone at us.

Now we should tell you of this. We have mended, guarded, and taken care of this one known as soul Ray. But we cannot re-create; it is not our Father’s intention. Our instrument was chosen to come among you. We did not choose that that was great in the man’s eyes. We chose one who had risen high in man’s eyes and fallen, as thy would know, to the bottom of the pit, that he should know humility, that he should know forgiveness. Can you understand of which we speak? Nay, not fully.

Then we would say unto you, your work has just begun. Join together as one; build on your earth God’s mighty army of minds. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

But do not destroy nothing as thy build, only build upon what is there. Do not denounce a man because of his color or his belief. Bring him here to us that we may speak unto him.

As we have told thee before, and thy have not listened and heeded unto our Father’s words, if thy brother should offend thee, go to thy brother. But be prepared to forgive yourself, that he may forgive you. Do not hide your feelings, for remember, “the first shall be last and the last shall be first.” Cast God’s spirit into the brook. Let it flow to your rivers, and from there to your oceans, and into the many lands. Let it flow to the leaders of your nations.

Your work, we have told you before, is to prepare the time of the coming of the Messiah. We should say one more word; add this to your name. Place the word of Association before your name. This should place thee all in accord, and as we have said, all in accord with God and in accord with one another.

Work together. Listen to each other.

If thy have doubts, come unto us. If we are permitted, all thy questions shall be answered. But remember, only with permission from our Father may we violate unto another soul, and these cases must be of the most important of all before thy ask. We know at this time thy cannot understand of the words we speak.

Then, we would say into the one known as soul Luke, and unto thy helpers, we should request at this time that both soul Luke and her helper, soul J______, should come unto this place and study and meditate, and that those that are chosen should go back with them. For now, We command this of thee, for as we say, We, our Father.

You have many questions, ask of these.

“Aka, this evening we have questions. [4–6–70–003] asks this question. ‘Has my mother given permission for receiving help with her leg?’”

We find permission has not been given. We should say unto thee, we have shown, through you and through soul Ray, the power of healing. If, in thyself, the knowledge still does not gather within itself, then come to soul Ray and bid his help in your meditation. Only in this fashion may this be done. But meditate upon permission before the healing.

Ask you other question. One moment, please.

We should say unto thee, if thy are to learn the lessons that are to be taught unto thee, come in truth. In the practice and the study, as thy would know, of hypnosis, use only of truth. Only in this way may help from us be given. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes.” [She answers.]

Ask your other question.

“Aka, [4–6–70–003] also asks what course they should follow with the mining claims down south by the border?”

We should say unto thee, keep these as seed. Go unto this place and prepare there a haven for thyself and children. Do the work that is necessary. We have given you seed. Take care of the seed. Can you understand of which we speak?

“Not fully.” [She answers.]

Then we would say unto thee, if thy should have two trees which could bear fruit, and one was younger than the other, yet the older bore the largest fruit, would you cut down the youngest, or would you leave it for when the day comes when the older shall die, and thy shall be in need of this? Now can thy understand?

“I believe so, Aka.” [She answers.]

There are many other questions upon your mind, soul [4–6–70–003]. We shall answer them at a different time.

Now, because this reading shall be lengthy, we shall rest soul Ray’s body for a moment.

Ask thy other question.

“Aka, soul Ray has questions this evening.”

Ask the other questions first.

“Yes, Aka. We seem to have no other questions other than a few soul Ray has, except for one I have this evening, Aka.”

We feel still another question from the new soul.

“We have a question from a new soul in the group, which would be, one minute, please.”

We find that thy question is in the mind of the new soul that resides in this house at this time.

“I feel that the question in question, as I might put it, is the question of a health situation in this new soul. Am I correct in thinking so, Aka?”

Yes, but we find she does not ask for herself, that she asks for another.

“She asked for Alice.”

We can see this. Now, we shall look into your mind, into your soul, into your spirit. We shall enter and shall give thee blessings — this, and we shall take the burden which rests so heavy as a yoke upon your shoulders. But we should ask that thy carry another. And in its place we ask that thy should carry the yoke of our Lord, our Father and yours, for He has love in His heart for this soul.

We find also your concern for the other. Fear not. Pray that they shall see the light of our Father. Open your house and your heart, and tonight, as thy should sleep, say these words unto thyself. Say them over and over again. Repeat, “I shall open the door to my heart and soul to our Lord, our Father, God, that through all of His blessings He may send those who should help thee.”

But repeat these words of Aka. Remember, we are not here to rob thee from thy churches; we are here only to build upon them. If our Father so desired to rob thy church, do you not think He would not have sent us, but He would have sent the one who should have fire from his mouth and a saber in the same? [See The Revelation 19:11–16.]

We come here, not to violate thee, but to give thee peace. Can thy understand of which we speak?


Now, we would say unto the other new soul which dwells here tonight, we look into thy heart and thy eyes; we find things we do not like. Fear not for thy knowledge of thy mind. Cleanse it of hatred. Cleanse it that we may enter. And we should say unto these words, we find no sin here, as you would call it. We see thy karma. We see thy karma. We see thy karma! [Editor’s note: A person gets up and goes out the door.]

Now ask thy other question.

“We have no other questions other than soul Ray’s this evening, Aka, and with your permission I’d like to get those now. I think maybe some of the questions have been answered that were in soul Ray’s mind.”

[Note: the door is heard to close a second time.]

We should suggest at this time that thy should waken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor's note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.This transcript was compared with the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


February 20, 1971

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Does Soul Ray stand with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

“Thank you Aka. Due to the….”

Now all is in accord.

Now we would say unto thee — of this one we called thy instrument, for as three have passed before thee, and as we have said before, “the last shall be first, and the first shall be last;” you have asked this question, “What shall happen to our earth?”

Then we say unto thee, that now thy have the last before the first.

Upon the death, as you would know it, of our instrument, until the coming of the Messiah, we shall leave unto thee the spirit. And the spirit shall dwell within the disciples of this work. And this Our Lord, Our Father, has so commanded.

For you, soul John, our Father sha1l command that thy shall become a teacher. Thy shall dwell in many places upon this land. Ye soul shall command thee to go unto the land beneath the sea [Yuma, Arizona, which is below sea level], and there gives the assistance and guidance unto soul Luke and unto soul Jeannie.

To thee, soul Paul, our Father has so commanded that thy shall remain and give support and guidance unto our instrument. And therefore, be a pillar of great weight.

To thee, soul Peter, our Father has so commanded, “Upon this rock, he shall build unto this temple of man.”

Unto thee, soul Bartholomew, we say unto these words, thy have become lost. Come back and be as a shepherd unto thy people, for in the isles of California thy shall be needed. [San Bernardino or San Diego area?] For as Abraham, thy shall be needed to talk unto the Lord and His children. For should He not see thy need, then these isles shall turn, as did the wife of Lot, into nothingness.

There shall be many eruptions upon your earth, for every rock upon your earth shall be changed, as the descendants of Abraham were changed. [See Matthew 24:1–3.]

[Editor’s note: In early times when the Hebrew were changed from “ibu,” or wanders, to a people who had been chosen to be God’s people through His covenant with Abraham, prophets went from small settlement to settlement teaching the worship of their God. Where the prophets found large stones (or altars, holocausts) were erected to other gods, they got angry and threw the stones down, showing the Hebrew people the meaning of, “There shall be no other gods before Me.”]

If this work does not succeed upon your earth, then upon our instrument’s death you shall have the darkness that arose upon his death and the death of the one known as Jesus Christ. [Note: Aka said that Ray had been one crucified on a cross next to Jesus, the thief who rebuked the other criminal for taunting Jesus, and asked Jesus to remember him when he comes to his throne. Jesus answered, “I tell you this: today you shall be with me in Paradise.” [See Luke 23:35–47.]

For you have thought in thy mind of the one known as soul Cayce [Edgar Cayce]; therefore, he was our instrument. This one [Ray Elkins] is our instrument.

And as there were three, and as there were three hours of darkness then, if this work through his disciples does not succeed, we shall give your earth three hundred years of darkness. We shall give your earth a time of barbarian, of killing — of all things.

For as we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub.

Now we give unto you this time — in the year of 1998. Then we shall spare thee by two years. If all is not in completion for the arrival of the Messiah upon your earth, and peace, the wrath of the Lord into His seven angels shall spill forth.

There shall be many messages. [Editor’s note: See first note at end of reading.]

For those, we should say unto now, who are prepared to give into their lives unto the Lord, do so.

For those who should not who we have brought forth into commandment, then we should wipe from thy mind all that has transpired, that you may go forth as sheep upon your earth. But remember, you must live again, these sheep. What you do unto this day forth, records shall be kept. If thy throw stones, stones shall be cast back. All that we have given unto you, we should take back. For as the Lamb has said before, ‘Go unto this house and give blessing. If you are rejected, take back your blessing.’

Now, we say unto soul Judas — and from this day forward, he shall be known as Jude, the blessed — you shall teach in many places. You shall give forth blessings in many places.

And for that one into which you call, soul [11–2–70–001], shall be called no more by this name, for we shall call him Mark, if this soul is willing to accept the responsibility.

Now thy ask, “Into which way does the science of astrology and numerology affect the people of your earth?”

In the beginning, our Father gave forth knowledge into those He would create. He gave forth this knowledge; much of it has been misinterpreted. Within time, we shall teach thee the truths of this science. It shall help thee in thy study and thy understanding of man. We shall give forth, through this instrument, the knowledge of the science, as thy would know it, as hypnosis. But in fulfillment, it shall be known as soul travel.

We shall give forth into thy hands healing unto others. We shall give forth into thy hands power unknown to any of you at this time.

And now, we would say to the one who has waited so long for his calling, and could not understand our message, this one we should call, as once before. For he bore the burden to feed the animals. He bore the burden of many tasks, to guard the records. We have asked that he do this again. Therefore, we should ask of him that he shall be made responsible in his location for the release and publication of many materials dealing with this work. Now, as we say unto this soul, thy shall understand, for we dwell within thy heart. We shall dwell within thy mind, and give guidance unto thy hands. But we have placed those — and listen unto those, of the advice of soul Luke, the healer or physician. There are many things we shall place in thy mind for discussion.

Before your other questions we should say these words, a new eruption shall come about. You are feeling the beginning of this time. In soul Rays mind, the day of the 26th of this month has been very important. I think thy should now know and have felt why. [See second note at end of reading.]

Take care of thy seeds. Take care of thy seed that thy should plant in the ground and in the womb of a woman, that it may grow and become one of God’s people, for the souls that shall enter shall become part of God’s great army of your earth. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

Ask your other questions.

“Aka,[7–20–70–001] has a question this evening concerning his son. He asks, ‘Will it be advisable for my son, Mike, to go to the Snow Bowl in Flagstaff February 27th and 28th?’”

We have just answered this question. [See notes.]

“Aka, we have a soul in need this evening. Soul [9–25–70–001] asks a question. She asks if you can give her any information at all on the health problem she is expressing at this time?”

We see thy need. We shall take care of this problem. Bear with us for three days, and the fruit shall bear forth upon the earth and thy needs shall be no more.

Ask thy other question.

“Aka, soul Ray had one more question in his mind in reference to the tombs and the records buried in Cairo, under the city of Cairo. He asks if you can give us any information as to the entrance or passageway which [was made], and the location, which has been covered for so long?”

Through the first passageway into the Great Pyramid, which was blocked, as thy know, with a great granite plug, down through the narrow passageway, should lead 100, as you would know it, pyramid feet beneath the base of the Great Pyramid. At the time of the building, a plug of granite was placed at the entrance, and therefore, water pumped over this entrance. And as thy should know of the pyramid in itself and its function, therefore, you should know that moisture should gather within, and go into this pit. If this water were pumped from this pit and tunneled around the granite plug which was carved at this time, as you would know, into sandstone, behind this thy shall find a sandstone debris. After this is removed, thy shall travel approximately two miles. Again thy shall find a granite plug. Tunnel around this plug, and this time thy shall find sand. It will appear that there is no other way. Remove this sand, and go on. The sand shall be one-half mile in dimension. There again thy shall find a plug. Travel then again through the passageway, and there you shall find another granite plug. This plug shall come in four parts. After all of these have been removed you will be at this time into the Tomb of Time. From there are six passageways. And through the bottom is the seventh. Open this passageway and there shall be the records which we have spoke of.

Ask thy other question.

“Aka, I have no further written question this evening other than what someone may have in the group. But as far as written questions, that’s all we have this evening.”

Then we should say unto soul Ruth, you and your sister, soul Pat, shall bind as one. No longer shall there be small quarrels between you. No longer shall there be into the smallest of doubt. For our Father should say unto you, we should bless thee and thy descendants. We give unto you this work. For remember, as our Father created those in His image, so did He create he and she. For one is not greater than the other, and without the other there could be no more of the same. Therefore, find thy work. Go forth, and we shall expect great things from thee.

Now we should answer into soul Luke, your doubt. We have done these things unto thee. We have given thee the time necessary to cast stones at us. This time has passed. Thy are a disciple of the Lord, our Father and yours — for you are the descendant of Abraham and Isaiah, for you are a descendant of Adam, a descendant of the one known as Eve — for you were there before, and you are here now again. Let us not waste our labor.

Now is the time to waken soul Ray from his slumber.

Editor’s note: Perhaps these words will help us understand what the spiritual messengers of God have said about Ray’s death and the words of prophecy in this reading given through Ray in trance in 1971. They may have even told the year of Ray’s death, and what is happening to our earth now, and to Israel — — before the Messiah comes, if a way is prepared for him. (See Zechariah, chapter 14.) Let us pray for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, that all be in readiness for him. Aka says, “For those, we should say unto now, who are prepared to give into their lives unto the Lord, do so.”

Explosive eruption on 22 February builds island

Was this the new eruption Ray felt?

From the Smithsonian archives of volcanic activity: (24 February 1971)

“Submarine volcano Karua .erupted strongly 22 February 1971..By 1030 23 February no activity at all except very minor water turbulence. Island of cinders about 200 x 70 m built to about 1 m above high tide mark.” March 1, 1971: “Although activity of . . . 22 February was reported to be much stronger than the last time an island was formed in 1959, eruption ceased quickly after only 1.5 hours. No recurrence of volcanic activity to 1000 local time 26 February, but series of earthquakes felt on Tongoa 5 km S of Karua..

Report of island visit 10 days after 22 February eruption: “On 22 February 1971, at about 0800, a known area of crustal instability began to erupt [at Karua], giving off clouds of steam and shooting black masses of cinder, ash, and pre-solidified crust up to 600 feet into the air. The activity intensified during the day with increasingly frequent explosions and clouds of dust being formed. At the height of the activity the eruption covered an area over one mile in diameter. Accompanying the volcanic explosions was tremendous thunder and lightning, precipitated by the intense heat of the eruption which led to condensation and great atmospheric instability. Then, very suddenly, at about 1800, the activity died away.

“Ten days after the eruption, I went to the newly-formed land mass and found an almost moon-like terrain. The islet was flat with large boulders strewn about the surface. A few hot water pools were in evidence and there was a distinct smell of sulphur in the air. Underfoot the ground was still warm and when kicked smoke appeared from the ash and cinders of which the island was composed. On one side the sea was shallow for some distance but too hot to touch. This is the actual crater and the nucleus of all the activity. I estimate the island to be over half a mile wide and in the opinion of local pilots is easily large enough to land a light plane upon. (Information Contact: Richard J. Ellis, Lakatoro, New Hebrides.)

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript has been compared to Aka’s recorded voice for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


March 5, 1971

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we would say unto thee, we do not find accord here at this time. We should give thee some time, that each in his own way should pray to his Father and for those he has trespassed against for forgiveness.

Aka is here. Now we would say unto thee, all is in accord.

Yes, John, we feel thy need, and we would say unto thee, for both thy brothers and sisters have seen thy need, and therefore, you shall be forgiven — and you should forgive unto them. Therefore, our Father would say these words unto thee, “Be patient, my son, for have we not chosen thee to be herE at a time when the world shall need thee most? Remember, my son, as teardrops, thy needs shall be taken care of.”

We see in thy mind thy question of wedlock. And as we have said before, if we should answer this question for thee, then we should trespass upon thee. As in thy daily life, we have left many of your own decisions to yourself. If we had wanted a puppet, therefore, we would have created a puppet. For this is not God’s way, this is Lucifer’s way, for Lucifer to use a puppet. Even remember, until soul Ray gave his permission and his prayer to his Lord, our Father and yours, that this work should go on, did we continue. We gave of him the necessary knowledge why it should go on.

Remember, there are moral laws unto yourself. See to these. “If thy eye should offend thee, cast it aside.” But, my son, do not place thyself in a position that our Lord should be forced to choose another in thy place.

Now, we should ask unto you this question, and think thee deep; think thee with thy soul, thy spirit and thy immortal body before thy should answer. If thy should remain as John, are thy prepared to do the work of John, from this day forward, forever and ever?

What shall be thy answer, soul John?

“Yes.” [He answers.]

Then, upon thy knees, now at this time, and our Lord shall come in thee, and thy shall not have temptation again. Upon thy knees!

And now, in holy prayer unto our Father: [Hay say nah sah, day lah fah me, yah fatah fa say nay; halva, halva, halva. Amen.]

Rise, soul John, for from this day forward thy shall be known, both in heaven and earth, as soul John. No man may from this day forward call thee D_____.

And now, soul Paul, our Father has looked into thy soul, into thy mind, and we should ask thee of this question. Would thee from this day forward act in all knowledge and in all ways in performing the duties of our Father forever more? Think thee both of thy soul, thy body, thy spirit and thy immortal body.

“Yes”. [He answers.]

Then kneel thee, soul Paul.

“I did not hear you.”

Kneel before thy Father, thy God.

And as before, thy shalt have been struck blind by our Father’s light. [Kay say lal tay, yah say la tay, lah sah mah tay, Saul, Saul. Hay say may nah lah, Paul, Paul.]

And our Father — no man on heaven and earth shall call you again but Paul, for these two have been baptized in the light of our Father from this day forward. Rise, and give thanks unto thy Lord by prayer from Paul.

Aka is here.

And now, we would say unto soul Mark, we have looked in thy soul and we see thy question, and yet there are many. You ask them in silence.

Your first question was why we should choose you as soul Mark? Then we should say unto this words, study the works of Mark. And if in your soul we may find that thy are truly Mark, then, and only then, shall your day before your Lord in full come. Remember also, there is mighty work for you here.

Now we should give healing into the wife of soul Mark. And this shall be done.

And now into soul Jude, thy have fallen many times, and risen many times. And we should say unto thee, be patient; things shall come as teardrops. The gifts that thy should receive shall not be made of gold or silver or [gemstones]. Nay. But they shall be the gifts that should be given into thy children’s children. For, when the time is right and you have progressed, thy shall be a third name, and then your soul shall be in completion with our Lord’s.

Now we would say unto soul Ruth, worry not, for as thy journey we shall journey with thee. Take of this work, for remember, thy are our disciple, and wherever thy travels shall take thee we should go with thee. Speak of this work freely.

And now we should give thee a task. In the readings, as in the name we have given you, was the Association for the Spiritual Philosophy of God. Therefore, you should separate these readings. Separate the philosophy from the medical readings; separate the life readings from the medical readings; but combine all three into one writing, yet make yet three writings. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes.” [Ruth answers.]

This task shall be laborious. But remember these words, our time grows short, for now is the time of the Cherub.

Now, thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, tonight soul Ray asks, ‘What can be done to strengthen and help P____ and B____?’”

Both you and soul John shall bear their strength in returning them into the flock. Each day, all shall set aside a time for meditation and prayer. Enter them in thy prayer. Pray for thy peace of mind and the healing of thy bodies. This we could do. But in doing so, our Father tells us that our power is too great. It must be done with your thought and your prayer. Can thy understand of which we speak?


Ask thy other question.

“Ray also asks, ‘How we can best distribute the information from the readings to people outside the group?’”

We have given this task unto soul Ruth. Once a reading has been [broken] down, then there is the one known as soul Jeannie. For the present time, she should work with this soul and soul Luke. These shall be made — take three readings at a time, compose them into booklet form, placing these in the small local bookstores, as you would call them, at a price that would give unto this organization one-tenth above the cost. Can thy understand of which we have said?


“Yes.” [Ruth answers.]

Ask thy other question.

“Aka, J__ asks, ‘Do you have any information for soul Andrew? Can you tell me if my feelings about November 1972 are correct? And what about P____ B____?’”

Of the first information, we should say unto these words. Soul Andrew should walk carefully. Some of the events that should take place upon this time thy have mentioned have been diverted, but not all. Only in your own heart and soul may this be done. Think thee for one week — seven full days — asking that God, our Father, may enter thy door. You shall spend 15 minutes of your time in the morning, and at noon time, and at nighttime in the asking of this permission. At [each] asking thy shall make the sign of the ankh, praying that permission from thy mother be given, that help may be given unto this soul, praying that thy may forgive [of the] one who has sinned against thee, and praying that those that you have sinned against will forgive unto thee. This must be done into the full seventh day. Then come again and ask thy questions. Can thy understand into which we speak?

“Yes, Aka, I think so.” [She answers.]

Then we say unto these words. Our Lord, our Father loves His children and sheds tears for them. Give unto your Lord one-tenth of the love He gives unto thee, and shed one-tenth of the tears He sheds for thee.

Ask thy other question.

“Aka, [4–3–70–002] asks, ‘Are my dreams what they appear to be?’”

Nay. Your dreams are telling thee in this fashion, that, as though it may look as though thy husband, soul Ray, has turned his back upon thee, nay, for remember, his mind in his awakening state, could ward off harm which should come to his family. As we have said before, we have placed physical blocks in the path of soul Ray’s mind, but remember of these things — we have not left him un-defensive.

As in the time of Atlantis when the men of God possessed the power with thought to have destroyed whole armies in his mind this power still dwells, for he remembers of this time, for he knows in his mind where he has been, therefore, he knows where he shall go again. For as we have said before, where no light has shone, light shall shine again; where there has been darkness, there shall be light; what has been covered shall be uncovered.

Have thee no faith, soul [4–3–70–002]? Have thee no memory in thy mind, even yet?

Ask thy other questions.

“Aka, A___ asks, ‘How may I help B_______?’”

Bring her here, and the help shall be given. But tell her to come without fear, that even though we should see unto her karma, we see no sin. Tell her of these words — our Lord, our Father should forgive. Bring her into this house; therefore, the door shall be opened that we may dwell in her house. And as all prayers are answered, we should send one home with thee who should guard thee. Do not be afraid of this one, for she is sent [you]. Can thy understand of which we speak?


Ask thy other question.

“Aka, today I prayed that the wind would stop for a funeral service so that the people would not have to stand out in the cold. When I do this am I doing the wrong thing, when I pray for this type of occurrence in order to comfort or give aid to other people?”

If you were wrong our Father would not have answered you, nor would we, for we are His helpers and shall stand above thee and give thee thy power. Can you understand, soul Paul?


For we have said before, should thy walk on the water with us, have faith.

And now, we see in the mind of soul R____, and yes, your wish shall be granted. Should this satisfy thee, soul R_____?

“Yes.” [She answers.]

Then we should say no more (chuckle), for this shall be our secret.

You have one other question, ask it, and it shall be the last.

“J__ asked about P_____ B_____.”

This is not the question. You ask, “How should others be brought into thy group?”

“Yes, Aka.”

We should say in this manner. Advertise in thy local newspaper, having this done by those writing to the local [card?] block’s number. Therefore, we should appoint soul John at this time to head this committee.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for improved accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


April 3, 1971

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Now all is in accord.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should tell thee. Thy have asked in thy mind this question. One moment.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

In thy question thy have asked this question — if thy should baptize with water? And we should say these words unto thee.

[Yes], Father.

As the one who was here before said unto thee, “I should baptize of water until thy see the one who should baptize of the soul and spirit, and the Holy Spirit of our Father should come into thee, and therefore, thy shall be baptized then with the Holy Spirit.

And as has been said before, as your one known as Jesus Christ did say before unto thee, “Tear down your temple, and I shall build it again within three days.” And he was asked, should he be the king of Israel? And he said, the kingdom into which he should follow should be the kingdom of his Father. And thus, within three days, he should rebuild this kingdom. And thus, he did do, for he rebuilt the temple of man within three days and, as you would say, it was resurrected.

He said unto you, “I have come not to take away the Law, but to show you justly how it should be interpreted.” [See John 1:15–34, 2:16–22, 12:12–16, and 7:9–31.]

Now there have been many who have misinterpreted these words. They have changed them around to suit their own need. And we say unto you, our Father did give you free choice, free choice to be born again upon your earth plane, free choice to lie in nothingness upon your earth plane, or the choice to build in God’s temple. He did not give you choice to change and twist His words to seek thy own need. For did not the one known as Jesus Christ say unto Peter, when he spoke thus of [all], and spoke thus — that after his death would come one again? And as he spoke these words he did say, for this one should wait for his coming again, and there again should build this temple. [See Acts 9:1–30, and John, chapters 14–17, 20, and 21:14–23.]

There are those who’d speak of Atlantis as a dead myth, but Atlantis has risen upon your earth, and sank again beneath the sea. And it shall rise again upon your earth. For did not we place the one known as Adam in five places and the one known as Christ in five places? For all things that our Father has spoke unto you are true. For all things that we give unto you shall be true.

Then we say unto thee, cast not thy stones again. Come into thy flock, and be led by the Lamb. Clothe thyself in the Lamb’s blood; wash thy clothing in the Lamb’s blood. And when your clothing has reached its purity, go upon thy earth and build on thy earth God’s mansion upon earth in each man.

But remember also, our Father has many mansions. Thy can destroy nothing. Therefore, build upon what was already there. This is what Christ said, as he said unto man, “I shall build this temple within three days.” [See John 6:27–58, 7:37–41, 10:1–12, 13:20, 14:15–29, 15:26–27, 16:13–24 and chapter 17, and The Revelation chapter 7, 12:10–11, 14:1–7, 15:2–4, 19:1–16, 20:1–6, and chapters 21–22.]

Prepare thyselves and others, for the half-times are of no more. For we shall lift, and the first seal has been opened. And sayeth the Lord, “ONLY THE LAMB IS PURE IN [HOW TO READ].” Therefore, we may only give thy messages of the Lamb and of our Father unto thee. [See Genesis 1:26–31 and The Revelation chapters 4–5.]

Give blessings, and pray unto the Lord that the seventh seal shall not be opened upon your earth. [See The Revelation chapters 6–8.]

Thy have many questions, ask of these.

“Aka, we have only one question tonight. J__ asks, ‘You told me to ask again on the question about information for soul Andrew. Anything else we should know, may we receive it?’ Also, she says that she has received a newspaper clipping about a skeleton being unearthed, and she was wondering if the skeleton could be one called Jesus Christ?”

When the one known as Jesus Christ did rise, he went in fullness, for not even a teardrop was left. He left upon your earth the Holy Spirit to dwell within man. And this is the question we have just answered. For he left unto thee the mighty temple of man and the mighty temple of God, and he bound them together forever and ever, that God might look upon His children and love them. For, he died, as you would know it, to save the world; yet, he did not die, for his Father, as He will do to all of His children, gave them the choice. But to prove more did have fulfillment, thus the one known as Christ was taken in whole. [See John, chapters 14–17, and 20.]

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Then we would say unto thee these words. We should say, now is the time of the Cherub. But remember also, now is the time of the Lamb. Give the Lamb the help that is needed and the seventh seal shall not be opened. [See The Revelation, chapters 4–8.]

Give it love again this time, and thy have our message.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


April 16, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Does Ray stand with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God. One moment, please.

Yes, that is better. Now all is in accord.

Yes, we see thy need. Then we should say to thee –

Yes, that is better.

And as the Lord said into Abraham, “Unto thee and thy descendants shall we make our pact. And from this day forward, all thy possess, thy should give one-tenth into the high priest of Metatoc [Melchizedek].

And thy say unto us, “Who should be this one good Lord should so richly reward?” And we should say unto thee, for he came unto this earth without father or mother, for he was what he was before in the beginning. And then again he came. And his name upon the cross was the man thy must know as Jesus Christ.

There have been many who should serve in the priesthood of Melchizedek, for they are the ones who spoke to our Father that we should come and speak to thee, and prepare thee for the one who should come upon your earth. For we have said before, your time grows near.

We did not say unto thee that thy earth should be destroyed. For as we have said before, do not misinterpret our words and what has been written in the beginning, and the pact made with Abraham, and the pact made with Isaiah, and the pact made with Moses, and the pact that was made with Buddha, and the pact that was made with Mohammed, and the pact that was made with the one known as Jesus Christ.

None of these asked for death. None of these asked that one man should harm another. Remember, for as the one known as Jesus Christ should die upon the cross, your whole world was new again. And so it should be again.

And for those who have ears to listen, then listen well unto these words. For we have told you before of the one who should come with the numeral for a name, and we have said unto thee that the name should be six times sixty-six. [See The Revelation, chapter 13.]

Our Father should say unto us, “Take My children as a shepherd; take them as small and lead them through this time. And then thy should stand and be counted, as in the time of Abraham.”

We have seen the love of our Father in thy eyes.

But our Father tells us that His children must learn again to take of the solid foods.

We have spoke to thee of numerology and astrology. And we have said unto thee that we should reveal thy true meaning unto thee. These things we shall do, that thy may understand this manner of speech.

Can you understand of which we have said? Nay, not fully. Then at another time, think upon these words, word by word, and at another time ask again.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Ray has asked about the great amount of illness recently in this area, and he is wondering if it is connected with biological testing, and if so, who is doing the testing, and what should he do about it?”

At the present time we can see no testing. None has been done since our word was given into a pact. But you must remember, the seed that is planted into the ground shall grow and bear fruit; the bird, as the wind, should catch it and carry it to the four corners of your earth. For those of the plant life who should bud their last upon this earth, in this last season their venom is much like a serpent — as you would know it, the pollen that goes into the air.

Then, we should say unto thee, we have told thee of the sage tea; we have told thee of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus]. Take of these together, and prepare a portion, and [that] each portion should contain one-quarter cube of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus]. This must be taken fresh from the plant. If not, most of the antibiotic you shall lose. Take also one, of your measurements, known as a [teaspoon] of honey, but it must come from this same region. This should be done twice daily. We shall give and add to this from time to time.

Remember, as individual choice was given, so was the individual chemical, of each individual. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka. But I do not understand if you are saying that we cannot freeze the Night-blooming Cereus?”

This cannot be done without damage and loss.

“Thank you.”

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. What advice can you give us on becoming part of [4–6–71–001’s] group in Phoenix, for soul Ray’s comfort and ours?”

(Chuckle) As we have said before, you must abide by the rules and the laws of your land. But we should say unto thee, tread carefully with this one, for all that might be said is not in truth. Look at this from two sides, and remember, there are other good organizations that you might be better benefited through.

You have one known as Richard Ireland. If thy group should set into [being?] and explain the abilities of our instrument to this one, I think — one moment, please.

(Whispering), yes, yes, Father, yes, Father.

Yes, this should be suggested.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [4–16–71–001] of California has asked for a health and possibly a life reading. He says he is having trouble with dizzy spells and his sight blacks out. Can you help him?”

We should say unto this one, the one who would sign this affidavit, if thy should come unto us in truth, the help that thy would need to overcome thy problems would be no more.

But we should say to the one whose writing appears upon your affidavit, thy have many problems, and for this one we shall give a health reading. First, for the good of the health, learn the difference of the truth.

We see scar tissue which is inflamed. This could be taken care of quite simply by the use of banana oil upon the wound.

The dizziness thy speak of is caused from spraying of chemicals. It, and the heavy pollution of your area, is causing growths in the sinus cavities. Therefore, it would be our suggestion that this soul move to a better climate. This must be done at a higher climate. We would suggest that anywhere from the altitude of 3,500 feet; this should not be done over 7,000 feet.

We find also that the heart has been overworked from a lack of oxygen. We find that the brain tissue and the lower [lymphoma] area, also damage occurring there. At the present time, for immediate relief, obtain oxygen mask and the usage of the same. This should be done as frequently as possible. It would be suggested that this type of apparatus be carried with this person at all times.

And for thy spiritual need, come and let us speak unto thee. Open thy door that we may enter and bring the word of our Father into thy heart and soul.

We find other health problems also.

We should suggest that corrective lenses of a different type be used.

We would suggest the sauna baths for the better stimulation of the circulatory system be used. We find uremic poisoning. We would suggest that no alcoholic beverages of any type be taken. We would suggest that in thy diet that less of the salt be used, even as a precaution at this time; there are many good substitutes upon the market. We also see that from the liver and kidney area this poison has flushed through many of the organs of the body, therefore, causing abscess in what thy would know as the long intestine.

We would also suggest that the soap, as thy would know it, that thy are using at the present time is harmful to thy skin; change this.

Should further reading be asked for, this shall be given.

Remember, come unto us into truth and thy shall be received. But remember also, thy are one of our Father’s children, and our Father loves thee, and gives thee blessings.

Ask thy other question.

“Aka, this evening, [4–16–70–004]…Kentucky, has asked for a health reading. She has not defined her problem.”

Yes, we see thy need. Then we should say unto this soul, bless thee.

First, of this soul, you are at this time starting through menopause. It would be suggested that thy consult your physician.

We may also find in this soul that the eating of the Jerusalem artichoke, for this soul is a borderline diabetic.

We also find thyroid, a very low count. This could be corrected in thy diet, but for thy own peace of mind, it would be better to consult thy physician.

We would suggest, for the lower proportion of your body, of the vaginal area, that washing be done with less acidy solutions. There are many other good product. At the present time, the substance in use is causing scar tissue in this area, and if not corrected, shall soon turn into an abscess.

Of the left arm, upper proportion, we find there old lesions. We would suggest in this case that hot castor-oil packs be placed upon the body. This should be done in repeated succession for 12 hours. You shall find that you shall no longer have the pain.

We find also arthritis. We would suggest that the eating of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus]; we would suggest that the drinking of the sage tea. We would suggest that much more green vegetation be eaten by this soul.

We would suggest that for the circulatory system and the flushing of the same that saunic-type baths be taken. Before this is done, in this case, eat nothing for 24 hours before the baths. After the bath, eat very sparingly of fruits and vegetables, but no meat. This being done from two to three days prior to the bath, this would flush a great deal of the poison from thy system.

We should also suggest, and we should say unto thee these words, if thy should speak to our Father, do so in a private place. And as thy words, they should mean something to you, therefore, they would mean something to our Father.

We see thy other worries of thy mind, and we should say unto thee, fear not, for all shall mature in God’s light. And as once before, remember, my daughters, that that was covered shall be uncovered. Where no light shone, light shall shine again. Fear not our presence in thee, for we shall come to thee with healing.

This is all on this subject at this time. Ask thy other questions.

“Aka, I have an unsigned reading tonight on [4–16–71–003]. She is requesting a health reading; it is a health-reading request.”

We would suggest that this reading form be completed in full, but we should say unto these words. Fear not, my daughter, for we, with our Father’s permission, and from the prayers of our instrument, shall dwell within thy house and coveth thy needs. Have faith. Our Father loves thee. And as once before, a child shall be born.

Soul Ray now weakens, but before, we should say unto these words.

Now is the time of the Cherub. And as shepherds, lead thy flock into the light of our Father.

We should say unto soul Bartholomew, prepare thyself, for soon thy shall have another warning. And pray that death shall come quickly. For many, our Father shall be merciful.

Awaken soul Ray.

[Editor’s note: Soul Bartholomew lived in the San Bernardino, California, near a new fault that was discovered in the early 1990s after several large earthquakes near Bear Lake and other close areas, that may intersect with the great San Andreas fault.]

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502.


April 17, 1971

“Good morning, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

You have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [4–17–71–001] has asked for help, and she has not written specifically what her circumstances are. Can you give us any information for her at this time?”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we would say to thee –

Yes, that is better. Yes, we have the body, the soul, the spirit — yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we would say to thee, as the seed is planted, if the seed is planted in purity, then it should grow old and strong, But then the seed is planted of impurity; therefore, through our instrument and his prayers work has been and shall be done.

Then we would say unto thee, give of your prayers to our Father. Open thy door that we may enter, and the ones who have bore your cross before shall bear it again.

At the present time, with the help that shall be given and has been given, the child is whole. You must have more vegetation in thy diet. This is important. At least once each day thy should have of the beef; the rawer that you can eat it, the better it shall be for you. You should eat of those things that should build blood and purify it.

And now, we should say unto these words. Go unto our instrument that he may give healing. Believe in God, our Father, and the healing shall come about.

Thy have many questions upon thy mind. These we shall answer in dream form, for we shall come into thee in thy dreams and transfer thoughts.

Discontinue eating any chocolate at all. Discontinue eating anything that contains vinegar. Drink of the sage tea, morning and evening. Sweeten this tea with natural honey from thy region.

At the present time, we would not suggest a journey back to the valley below the sea [Note: Yuma, Arizona is in the Imperial Valley].

New life and vigor shall come within thy self.

We should also suggest that a salt substitute be used at this time. We see that thy are a slight diabetic. This could be corrected by the eating of Jerusalem artichoke. It would not be as suggested, that any other type insulin be used. Soon the cactus fruit shall be in abundance. On the next reading we shall go further and give instructions upon the same.

Can you understand of which we have spoken?

“Yes.” [4–17–71–001] answers.

This is all on this subject at this time.

Yes, we see thy need, and thy concern. If these plants of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus] were dried, and later, as the blossom forms on the mesquita [mesquite], grind these into a fine powder and add two equal amounts. At the present time, in a dried form, using the ultraviolet light for drying, then eating, it would gain the same purpose and could be kept over longer periods of time. Once these are dried, placing them in a pyramid-type container, they could be not only kept for months, but for many thousands of years. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Then, one moment. Yes — it has been suggested that the ultraviolet light could be used in a pyramid for drying. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes. Are the dimensions for the pyramid that we have correct?”

This is so.

Now, at this time, it has also been suggested that the defining between the sonic and the sauna. You must understand that sometimes our words shall sound as riddles, therefore, because of the difference in our planes. If thy can not understand, you must but ask. The saunic-type baths are baths of the sauna taken in smoothing music. Can thy understand?

“Yes, Aka.”

Thy have other questions, ask.

“We have a [4–16–70–003] who asked for a health reading last night and we now have a signed release form….”

Yes, we see thy need. You have had corrective lenses. If thy should use these, but then again, they should be corrected again. We find that the dizziness thy suffer from is partially due from this. We would suggest that in thy diet, that no vinegar or chocolate or spinach be eaten at the present time in thy diet. We would suggest, for the purification of the body, that at the present time sage tea be drunken twice daily.

Of thy meditation, all is in accord. Should there be a change, you shall be told. Continue thy prayers and thy meditation unto our Father.

We would suggest that four ounces of a good grape wine be dranken daily, preferably before thy rest at night.

We would also suggest at the present time, do not lift any object over ten pounds. Be careful in thy bending. Thy exercises would come more readily in walking.

Continue serving thy husband. These simple tasks shall be good for the body and soul.

And remember, my daughter, our Lord, our Father, loves thee.

Remember also, for what thy should give, thy should receive. If thy give of love, thy child and thyself shall receive of this love.

And remember also, our Father has many mansions.


This is all on this subject at this time.

Now, we suggest that thy should waken soul Ray from his slumber. But before we go, we shall give healing into thy group.

And we say these words unto soul Ruth, walk proud, my daughter, for our Father loves thee. And remember our vow unto thee — for thy children shall be fruitful, and whole.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona


April 23, 1971

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?

Soul Ray stands with God.

And we shall tell thee of the time. And in this time, your heaven and earth stood still, for God stretched our His mighty hand and touched your earth. And as He touched your earth, a Messiah was born unto the one known as Mary.

And you asked unto us, “Has this happened before?” Then we say unto thee, our Father has touched your earth many times in many places, for is it not written that the beggar on the street should be the next one to stand next to God, and God should ask his advice of many things.

Then you say unto us, “If God, our Father, is so powerful, why, then, should He ask the advice of a beggar?” And we say unto you, would it not be that a wise man to take counsel, even on your earth? For our Lord should weigh all things.

And you say unto us, “Then why should our Lord let wars rage on your earth? Why should men be allowed to kill each other?” And we should say unto thee, our Lord gave unto thee free choice, free choice unto all. Even as the spirit form knows of God, you were given free choice. Even unto the soul, you were given free choice. And even into the body form of the man beast, you were given free choice. For as you climb the ladder back to our Father, even there you should have free choice.

For did our Father not say unto thee, “Come unto me as a child, for this is what I give unto you.” [See Mark 9:30–37.]

And what was meant is as a child is born upon your earth, he is born within sin, without karma.

Then you say unto us, “How could this be so?” And we say unto thee, through the free choice our Father has given you. In that proportion of your brain that you think of nothingness, there lies the memory of all life forms. There shall be planted and planted again, all your planes.

Then you would say unto us, “Without memory, how then can we correct our karma, or sin?” Remember these words, our Father gives unto thee the earth. Our Father gives unto thee life. Man maketh the world, and so, on earth it shall be in heaven.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully, for we see doubt.

Then we say unto thee, go ye upon your earth and see new life at birth, even into the smallest creature upon your earth, not one shall fall or rise again without the permission of God.

Yet, has He not said unto you, “in our kind and in our likeness,” for what father would want his child to be so complete that he could be a precise image of himself? Nay. And this is the reason God placed unto thee the Godhead of man. This is what was meant, “in our kind and in our likeness.” [See Genesis 1:26–27.]

And within time, man upon your earth shall come to know the true meaning of these words and the true love of his Father. But God shall weep for His children. But they should come back into His many mansions. But as with the smallest thing of your earth, God gives love and life unto all, for He is the God of the living, not the dead.

You have many questions, ask.

Aka, soul Ruth asks for a health reading.

Yes, we see thy need, soul Ruth. And we shall say unto thee again these words, for we have made a vow. And as Abraham made a vow, he must have one greater than himself, then any vows unto which we make, permission first must be given. And unto thy descendants and their descendants, we have promised health, without interference with their free will. We can give no more. For the Holy Spirit shall dwell within thee, and God’s hand shall reach and touch thee.

We see thy concern, but as our promise has been made, no harm shall come within thee. New life and vigor shall dwell within thy body. For as your body is made of man and as all things upon your earth come from one source, from one power, remember this, soul Ruth, for you may destroy nothing, only change its form, for nothing ever dies upon your earth. The form is changed and regenerated into new life again.

For thy family and thyself, we should suggest at this time that good natural vitamins be taken with the continuation of the sage tea. Continue, of thy family, these things.

We have found that once before you have passed beyond the veil and returned again. This was done, even then, that thy would do the bidding of our Lord. We see that thy tasks shall grow even more as a burden, but remember, it is a burden of love, for if a place should be made ready upon your earth for the coming of the Messiah, then many hands shall be needed and many minds. For have we not said before, all that is covered shall be lighted again, and not one stone upon your earth shall not be turned, for our Lord’s hand is again upon thy earth.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

I think so.”[She answers.]

You shall now experience a chemical change in thy body. Fear not, for knowledge that thy never have possessed before shall be there and made ready at thy disposal. For we have not called thy soul Ruth in vain, but only with the blessings of God, our Father. For remember, for those who shall know where they have been, they shall know where they are going. Give blessings each day, soul Ruth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [4–6–70–003] asks, ‘Can you tell me what to do about the problem with [4–23–71–001]’s feet?’ And she also asks, ‘Is the diet soul Andrew is on okay, or should it be changed?’”

We shall say unto these words, first of the child. Go, now, as the sage shall soon be blooming and the greasewood blooms. Take of this and take of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus]. Warm them and let them dry. Let the sun evaporate the water form. Then add soda unto this. Then take the white of the egg and moisten it, and place a compress upon the foot area. Do this gently, with gentle words and love, and healing shall come about.

Of soul Andrew, we should say these words; there is at this time a dragon close to thy door. Fear this not, for thy walk in the path of our Father. But remember, our Father has given unto thee free choice.

We say unto thee, add more fish into thy diet, both of the ocean and of the fresh water. Take from thy diet the salt.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Should he use a salt substitute?” [She [4–6–70–003] asks.]

This would be good.

We would say also, of the headaches, drink more of the sage tea. We would say unto these words, that that comes from the root [and] the blossom of the same. That that comes from the sky to pollute and foul thy earth, remember, if man continues in the pollution of his world — the Allen Belt around your earth was provided as a filter unto thy earth to destruct pollution — do not overdo this or man shall become in danger.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

”Possibly, not fully, but I shall try.” [[4–6–70–003] answers.]

Nay, not fully, but thy shall.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“[4–23–71–002] has asked for a health reading.”

Yes, we see thy need. For remember these words. As a woman you have entered into this plane, and as a woman, you are of now. Then we would say unto you, thy are passing through the change of life. There are many good medications; therefore, we would suggest the seeing of a good gynecologist. Thy worry of the dizziness thy have experienced and in this fainting-type spells thy have had. This is all part of the same.

And thy worry of thy spiritual development. There is one provided for this also.

We would suggest that in the evening before thy departed for slumber, the drinking of six ounces of wine daily, of the grape. This should never de done in excess. This shall provide for the building of the blood that is needed in thy system. It shall also provide the necessary elements that thy may sleep in the evening.

We find other problems, and since a life reading has not been asked for, these cannot be given at this time.

We would say unto thee, those things that come from the heart shall come from the soul of the same.

Of your marital problems, we say unto you, all of these things shall come of past. Give blessings unto those around thee. Give kindness and love. And those things that thy should give, thy shall have unto thyself.

Of the chest problem that thy have experienced of the lungular area, this is all part and should be treated as part of the same. You must understand, with the pollution of your area certain things must be done to extract the same from your system. Therefore, we would suggest that the taking of the Night-blooming Cereus with the drinking three times daily of the sage tea, if the [following] is done, then come back and further reading shall be given on this subject with permission from the same.

The other questions in thy mind, we should say unto thee, for as a man bears sons and gives them love, so should a woman. Let not, no man take these things from you. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“No.” [She says.]

Then tonight, as thy sleep, open thy door. But remember these words, no house may stand divided.

Ask thy other question, and it shall be thy last.

I do not have another question to ask, Aka.”


“Could you tell me about [6–6–70–002]’s dream?”

Yes, we see this. For, as thy should rise above thy earthly problems, new light should come unto thee, new understanding. But remember these words, let thy house stand united again.

For as we have said before, our Father has many mansions. As thy see unto our instrument in thy dream, this is of our work and of our time. As thy see the departed ones, this should show you that all is in accord, that this step, as thy would know it, behind the veil is but a short one, and that our Father is God of the living. Therefore, thy should see these at this time to know that new life has come again upon your earth and new planes shall begin again.

But I see thy need, and we shall give thy messages unto thee.

Now we would say unto thee, rest.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


April 30, 1971

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

Yes, we see thy need. Then we would say unto thee, soul Peter [4–6–70–002] that the gift of sight has been given unto thee. A gift of healing has been given unto thee. The gift of faith must come from thyself. There is no mountain so great that thy, that thy power of faith cannot remove. As we have said before unto thee, shall thy walk on the water with us, have faith. For once before, the one known as the man, Jesus Christ, did say unto thee, “Have faith.” In thy thought, thy have doubts. But, as we have said before, we would want not of fools to walk with us; therefore, the doubts are good.

Thy have doubts of thyself, and these are not good, for many shall stand beneath thee as a tree of wisdom, and thy shadow shall cast upon many. And as this wisdom is given forth unto others, should they see this doubt in thy heart, that is your karma. For we have said before, upon this rock, we should build the church of man, the temple of man, and this shall not be a mighty building, but shall be in man, himself. Go forth, then, and give thy blessings and give thy healing.

For we say unto thee, soul Peter [4–6–70–002], would thy stand before God and accept this task?

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [3–4–70–002] asks, ‘Is the water filter that is being used in Yuma satisfactory for the present time?’”

Yes, [ah], this would be good. But we say unto thee, now is the time to make the preparations to store thy water, for thy needs shall be soon. Now is the time to store thy food, for thy needs shall be soon. Now is the time to store of the seeds of all plants.

Can thy understand of which we speak?


For, as we have spoke before, the time is near, for the Sword of our Lord, which shineth above all, shall strike soon, the Sword that cuts two ways. Where it was wet, it shall be dry. A coldness shall come upon the earth, and a darkness, and not a pebble upon your land shall be left unturned.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [11–16–70–004] asks, ‘Is my hip ailment truly a virus infection, or is it caused by something else?’”

We see thy hip, as thy would call it. We have the body, the soul, and the spirit; therefore, we should say unto these words.

We should tell thee of this. As we have said before, you are developing arthritis, and this in itself is a virus. Therefore, we would suggest the eating of the Night-blooming Cereus, the taking of the saunic-type baths, both of the water and the sound.

We would also suggest unto thee, the over consumption into the body of any foreign subject is harmful to the body; therefore, we should say unto thee, thy consumption of tobacco weed has grown out of proportion with the natural chemicals of thy body. If this consumption should decrease, thy body chemicals could take over and cause healing.

Remember of these things; we are not permitted to change thy will, for this gift was given by God, our Father. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.” [She answers.]

We would suggest in thy diet the eating of fish. We would suggest in thy diet the eating of more raw-type vegetables. If this could be done with less meat in thy diet, if this could be done, thy body chemicals should change readily, and thy body could complete the healing. We would suggest that this diet be followed for a two-week period. At that time, another reading should be asked for. We find that of drinking of the purple sage leaf, making a compress of this area, should help greatly in the healing. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes.” [She answers.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“I have two other questions, Aka. [8–24–70–001] has asked for a life reading at your convenience. And [4–30–71–001] has asked for a life and health reading.”

We would suggest that both of these readings be given at a different time. Soul Ray grows very weak, and therefore, out time grows short. Thy have one other question, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I obtained a water tank today which I wish to use for drinking water, but I do not know what has been in it before. Is it safe to use?”

We find at the present time, no; this would not be of a wise judgment. We would suggest, with use of soda and vinegar water, by placing a substance of equal parts, the use of the same in scrubbing, very vigorously, if this was done in repeated succession in five intervals, it, therefore, would be cleansed — opening at the end that the sun rays may give their cleansing. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Then, we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub.

Soon thy shall see great unrest among the people of thy earth. They shall kill and destroy, and the capitol of thy nation shall burn. Do not despair, for now should start the time of the Anti-Christ. Have faith. Have faith in God, our Father, and all shall be well with His children.

Take thy the sign of the ankh, of the eternal Tree of Life, and light thy way.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


May 2, 1971

Yuma, Arizona

“Aka, is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

“Do you have any special messages for us this evening?”

Yes, that is better; all is in accord.

As we dwell in the valley below the sea, we see again as it was in the beginning, for here stood the mountains and the beautiful streams. [Yuma, Arizona, in the Imperial Valley.]

For here once before the people of God dwelled. And here once again it shall change, for not a pebble upon this earth shall remain the same. For as the descendants of Abraham, God should change each pebble upon the earth.

And now, we should tell thee again of the time of the Anti-Christ. For soon upon your earth all things shall change, for men should burn and steal and kill, and darkness shall come upon your earth. But the children of God shall fear not, for the angels shall hover above your earth and gather, as once before, the lambs of earth. And those who resist the mark of the Beast shall live again in God’s kingdom. And for those who shall wear the mark of the God, and who were in the Book of the beginning and who are in the Book of this time, for their descendants, our Father has promised a thousand years of peace upon your earth. But remember, this time shall come, not as you count, but as our Father should count. And once again, the Messiah shall walk your earth and give blessings. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–22.]

But it shall be different, for now we shall give thee this message. For as before, the Messiah walked in five placed, he shall not this time upon this coming. And for those who should wear the mark of Christ, the Lamb, their descendants and their descendants forevermore shall dwell in the house of the Lord. And temptation shall be taken from their path, for at this time that that dwells in man, which is Lucifer, shall be no more.

And all the Jewish people of the earth shall bow before Christ. [See Zechariah 12:9–14.]

And you ask, “How can this be possible?” And we say unto you in this manner. For our God, our Lord, can change the descendants of man as you can turn a stone, for this word, as we have said before, for as God’s spirit flows as a brook, as man’s spirit flows as a river, as the souls of man should flow as an ocean to the many lands, to the many nations, to the many tongues, and all shall become as one.

But remember these words. Our Father and yours, our God, has many mansions. All man was given free choice. God asks that you should love of Him one-tenth of the love that He should give unto you, and He asks that thee love of thy fellow man.

And we should say unto thee, prepare thee for the famine. Store of the food for each man, woman and child upon thy earth; store food for one year of your calendar. Store seeds that thy may replant and replenish the earth. Store the seed of knowledge that thy may take this [on] to thy descendants of all forms. Store pure drinking water, and this should be done to sustain you for six months. Store farm implements; tools of all nature and kind.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Our first question tonight, Aka, comes from [5–2–71–001] of Van Nuys, California. She asks, ‘Will there be one of our loved ones on the other side to meet us when we come over?’”

In thy prayers these things thy have asked of thy Lord, thy God, thy Father. And as we have said before, all of thy prayers are answered. But as a man with one arm should learn to do the same as a man with two, those who should need help shall be sent of the ones with one arm to serve of the same. Therefore, we should say unto thee, thy loved ones shall be there to greet thee.

“She also asks, ‘Have I pleased You,’ referring to God, ‘or is there something I need to do to please You?’ and she is referring to God.”

One moment, please. Permission must be asked.

Yes, our Father should see thy need, and thy message shall be sent to thee, for think of the words of Aka, that we may enter and give blessings at thy door. Think of this for three nights and three days, and the dreams shall come into thee, for this message must come into [thee] in thy own way. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“I think so, Aka.”

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, [5–2–71–002] has asked, ‘Is the smoking of marijuana harmful to the physical, mental or spiritual self? Would using bring about a bad karma?’”

Your karma shall be thyself. Of this physical nature, the use in excess of any [neurological, septic?] type of drugs would show great damage to the penal [pineal] area of the body, and permanent damage, therefore, over a prolonged period of time would come about. Therefore, it would be our suggestion that overindulgence in any manner would not be wise.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully.

Then we should say unto thee, man and the man-animal is the most curious of all species. Therefore, if the need to experiment is greater than the margin of safety within thyself, do so.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5–2–71–003] asks, should he and his wife continue with their work with the Bell, Book and Candle [bookstore], or would it be more useful to go into another area?”

In the near future, thy business shall flourish tenfold; therefore, your usage and your service to your fellow man could be greater. Remember, drink [our words].

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.” [He answers.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. We have a comment here by [5–2–71–004]. She says that, her statement is, ‘I want a better government in this country which begins with myself first.’ Do you have any comments that might encourage her?”

Yes, we should say of this. Your country was built on the ground that “by the people, for the people” a government should flourish. Your Government shall take big changes in the near future, for as all things and of all time, change must come. Be patient, and as you would say, start this within thyself, but do not stop. Become interested in thy Government and its laws; change those that are unjust, but do it in the manner that Jesus would have. For in the time of Buddha, as Buddha once said before, that the law of man and the law of God would become the same, if thy should remember these words in the building of thy laws, a new nation shall arise within the same, and far better than ever before. For if change does not come within thy Government, thy Government shall fall into nothingness and shall become as the tower of Babylon. But we see these changes; therefore, our Lord should give blessings.

Thy do not fully understand of which we have spoke. Therefore, we should say unto thee, as a child is born, and as it is nourished and fed, you change that nourishment from day to day. And as a child should drink milk, as he grows older he should need a solider [more solid] food. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Aka, tell us…about this solid meat, I don’t understand. This country’s in terrible times and they’re stealing us blind and we’ve got to do something about it. I am a member of different groups that are working toward this. Are they on the right track, the wrong [path] and train, please?” [5–2–71–004 says].

We see thy need. In thy dreams if thy should think of God, our Father, and think of the ankh, we should come and answer thy questions in this manner.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [5–2–71–005] is concerned about the location where they spend their vacation; is there any danger this year?”

Yes, we see this. There is danger, for new eruptions shall arise and the earth shall open. Our warning, for now, remember, is the time of the Cherub.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“She also has a deep concern for her husband’s health, retirement, and other changes. Can you ease her mind?”

One moment.

We see thy need. At a different time, should this information be requested, we should give this.

“Thank you, Aka.”

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, [5–2–71–006] has asked for a life reading. Can this be given at this time?”

We would suggest that this information be asked for at a different, at a different time, for soul Ray grows weak, and our time grows short. Therefore, ask one other question.

“Of the storing of the food for the famine, you had said earlier that the people in this location shouldn’t store the food here. Is this still correct, and if it is, where should they place their food storage?”

We should say unto thee, a volcano shall erupt, and flow and divide, and this proportion shall be known as the valley of the sea and the division between the isles of California. Therefore, we would suggest that upon higher land in that proportion of Arizona of the mountains of the White should be safe. Therefore, we would suggest that that portion be used.

As you have noticed your longing for that which is called Round Valley, this shall be the Lord’s chosen spot for His people. Within time, all of thy groups should flow [go] there, for as a river should flow. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka, and along these lines, I have one short question. We are now storing dehydrated or freeze-dried foods; is this bad?”

This is good.

“Thank you.”

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording again to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


May 7, 1971

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; does soul Ray stand with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

“Thank you, Aka. Is there anything to tell us this evening?”

One moment. Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

We would say unto thee, unto those of the psychic world, beware, for once before our Father drove from the temple of God the money changers. For as we have said before, the material things of your world that is needed for this work shall come to thee as raindrops, a little at a time. For there is no hidden [tunnel] of the world, for all things, our Father sees and [tells]. [Editor’s note: There are background noises; the dog barks, the door opens, people are walking around, and the door closes.]

Therefore — therefore, we should say unto thee, of the things thy should speak from thy lips, our Father should know before they are spoken. [For] all things of truth our Father should bless. For those who would speak of the truth unto our Father should speak of them into thyself. But for those who should come into our Father’s temple and speak not of truth, for the man who should come into our Father’s temple and say of one thing and mean another, if thy should bless thy brother today, bless him for all of your tomorrows. If thy should drink of the Lamb today, drink of his blood for all of thy tomorrows. For our Father has come into thee in all truth, in all love. Give back our Father, in truth, the love and truth He so desires, and thy needs shall be provided for.

For as the one known as Jesus did feed the many, so shall the disciples of this work feed your world. Fear not; for those who walk in truth, our Father shall walk with thee.

And for the one who was here before, [and] our Father said into him, “FOR I SHALL KNOW THEE BEFORE THY SHOULD PREACH THE [RULES].” Our Father did say unto this one, “I HAVE KNOWN THEE MANY TIMES BEFORE, FOR I AM THE GOD OF THE LIVING, NOT OF THE DEAD,” and who should ever believe in our Father shall never die. Their soul[s] shall never become lost into nothingness, for they shall travel in the warmth of our God, our Father, forevermore, and their descendants and their seed thereafter shall give forth fruit.

Thy have many questions; ask of these.

“Aka, this evening we have questions on experimental release forms. We have a request here for a health and life reading on [4–30–71–001]. Can you possibly give us anything on that this evening?”

First, we should say unto these words, we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, and therefore, we have the immortal body; therefore, all is in accord. Permission has been granted that the information given; therefore, we should say unto this soul, remember of these words, that the over-consumption or the over-endurance of any substance is harmful to the higher health.

We find in this soul a thyroid problem. This problem could be corrected with the eating of Jerusalem artichoke, with the complete change in diet. We should suggest that, for this soul, that the eating of no pork or fatty tissue, that the eating of more of the vegetable substance. We should also suggest that a mild form of salt be used in its purest form, and very little of this.

We would suggest that this soul go, as you would call it in your time, of the banana fruit, that the breakfast meal consist of 8 ounces of milk and three large bananas; that the lunch should consist of only of green vegetables, any variety in their rawest form. This we would suggest.


For thy evening meal, once a week we would suggest of the salt fish, that that comes from the salten waters. For once each week we would suggest of the fresh water fish. For once each week we would suggest of the liver of the beef. For once each week we would suggest well-cured beef of any variety or form thereon.

Take from thy diet the starchy foods; eat not of the potato, eat no more than one slice, no more than one-inch thick, of bread at each meal. Eat vegetation, either cooked or raw, at each meal. Use any good vinegar and oil for salad dressing, as you would know it. Use either of your yogurt or cottage cheese once daily. We would also suggest the taking of good natural vitamins daily.

We find that this soul has a scalp problem. Therefore, we would suggest that the white of the egg, mixed with vinegar, be rubbed into the scalp; afterwards, rinsing the scalp with clear, pure water, and therefore, placing hot olive oil packs upon the scalp. This would not only help in a better growth, we find that for the circulatory system of your scalp, this would increase.

We also find that as a small child, from a fall from your wagon, we find a laceration of the right, upper thigh leg; therefore, we would suggest for a period of three days, one hour per day, hot olive oil packs be placed upon this area. This must be done daily for three days. Afterwards, we would suggest that over the same area, the use of banana oil over the same area, repeated for two weeks.

We find other physical problems. We would suggest that through meditation — this should be done twice daily, putting thyself in accordance with God, our Father — if thy should think upon your meditation of the words of Aka, that we may enter, we should help thee in thy work.

At the present time we should not give all of your life reading, but we should say unto thee these words. In thy meditation thy shall know of whence thy have come, and therefore, thy should know of which thy should go.

Give blessings unto the Lord, our Father, and yours, and remember these words. Our Father giveth and our Father should taketh away. If thy go into the house to give blessings, and these blessings are not received, then take thy blessings and go unto another house.

If thy should ask again at a different time, we should give thy life reading.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, we have a question from [5–7–71–001]. She asks this question, ‘Would a personal visit to Knobel be beneficial to him at this time? Is there anything I can or should do to help him?’”

Yes, we see thy need; [then] we should say unto thee these words. At the present time thy visit should not be required. Remember of these words. As the soul was born from the spirit it came unto your world of free choice. If thy should interfere with this free choice, thy must receive the karma of the other.

Take into thy heart and thy soul the blessings of others. Form thy life in giving unto others.

Remember, for was it not written before that our Father and yours loved His many children. But we would say that our Father should choose the beggar upon the street to stand and ask advice, for there are many who have reached the Christ state, and there shall be many more.

But remember, also, that we are here to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. If thy should make unto thyself the sign of the ankh, in thy meditation we should come unto thee and give thee blessings, and therefore, give thee teachings.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully. Then we would say unto these words. Tonight as thy should sleep in thy slumber, we should send one who should speak unto thee. And fear not, for you are familiar with this one.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. We have a question this evening of S____ H_______. She is quite concerned about her husband, B___, and son-in-law, D__ L. K______ of Phoenix. Is there anything she can do to help them?”

We see thy need, and therefore, we should answer thy question in this manner. Give of kindness and love and understanding, for both of these souls thy have mentioned need much of this, for they have so little to give of themselves. Remember, in giving, thy shall receive.

Remember also that we can do nothing without our Father’s permission. Therefore, there is certain information of these two souls our Father has forbid [forbade] us in giving unto thee.

But we shall give thee this. Our Father shall give thee blessings and heal thee, for thy body shall become whole again, thy spirit shall become whole again, and laughter shall return into thy life.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, I do.” [She answers.]

Thy have other questions; ask of these.

“Yes, Aka, we have another question this evening of [4–30–71–004]. He asks this question. ‘I have periodically had sinus attacks over the left eye, sometimes light, occasionally severe. May I be told the cause of the problem, and a possible remedy for it?’”

Yes, we see thy need. Then we should say unto thee these words. Take of the sea water, boiling it and making a vapor of the same; breathing of this would relieve thy sinus instantly. Taking of the red sage, or as you would know it, of the purple sage, making of this a tea, placing the honey that comes from thy location in this, no more than two tablespoons. Taking also of the red sage and making a compress of this, placing it above the four sinus areas, placing this, very warm; at this time placing hot, warm towels over this area. This should be done for 30 minutes each day for five days, and thy cause shall vanish.

Thy have other questions; ask of this.

“Aka, we have a question this evening of [4–30–71–004], the following series of questions. One, ‘What is the state of health of [5–7–71–005]? Is there any medical advice?’”

We should say unto these words, we are not allowed to give information, and therefore, of another soul. Should this soul desire this information and should it ask of the same, information shall be given. We should say only of this word, for we see thy need. Give prayer for his deliverance into our Father, that he may see our Father’s light.

Thy have other questions; ask.

“In the relation to the above question, Aka, we also have, ‘What is the state of heath of [4–30–71–004]? Have you any medical advice?’”

We see thy need; therefore, we should say of these words. If thy should use of the diet — one moment, please.

Yes. Yes, Father.

Then we should say unto these words. Fear not, for healing shall be given unto this soul, for our Father has seen thy need and heard thy prayers.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Number three question of [4–30–71–004], Aka. She asks this question, ‘Is Lobsang Rampa, the author of The Third Eye, and others, what he claims to be, and are his writings true?’”

We should say unto thee these words. Since thy try to guide thy life by this counsel, we should say that they are not all in truth, but partially.

Thy have before thee the scripture[s] of our God, our Father. In thy search for thy mystic world, thy shall find all [the] knowledge and truth within these scriptures. But therefore, we should say unto thee, even of the scripture has been altered by man. Therefore, truth shall be within thyself. If thy life should be in truth, then truth shall be set before thee.

For only in the psychic world can a true psychic, as thy would know them, they may only function complete and wholly within truth. Should they stray from their paths, then they see in themselves and should give of these words. And should this happen they are not giving a full truth. There are those, you must remember, who should tell a lie, and in their lie they should believe of this themselves. They have formed a new karma.

But remember also, if there is a stone to be cast, cast this first stone at thyself, and then walk thee in thy light of our Father, which is within truth.

Of your psychic world, we have many prophets, and many truths. We give blessings from our Father unto these. But to the false prophets of your earth, the blessings shall not come from our Father, but from Lucifer.

Thy have other questions. ask.

“Aka, we have another question carried over from a previous reading. From [5–27–71–005] we have this question. She has deep concern for her husband, his health, retirement and other change. Can you give her anything on that this evening?”

We should say of these words, thy husband’s retirement shall come and thy shall live within fulfillment. Give of this man your love and your tenderness and your guidance. Listen to his counsel, for it shall be wise. Guide him toward our Father, that he may carry on.

We should say unto thee, thy should make a trip soon. We should suggest that thy should not do this. In the area that thy should travel should be dangerous unto thyself and thy descendants. For we have given the warnings before, for now is the time of the Cherub, for the Sword of our Father has struck thy Earth, and soon again, very soon, your Earth shall be struck again.

Soul Ray grows very weary, and therefore, we would suggest that thy should awaken him from his slumber.

But before our departure, we should ask that there is one close to thy hearts, of the small child, who should need blessings and healing, and each in his own way should pray to our Father. This is our suggestion. [Note: Four minutes of silence follow.]

And now we would suggest that thy should awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 14, 1971

(Bob conducting)

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. One moment, please.

Yes. That is better; all is in accord.

Then we would say these things into thee. Our coming was not meant to cause fear or confusion into thee; our coming was for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Therefore, we would say these words into thee, blessed are those who may wait. Blessed are those with patience. Blessed are the flowers [followers] of our Father. But remember, as we have said before, we shall allow no one to interfere with this work, for remember, we may do nothing without our Father’s permission.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Then we would say unto thee, cast not a stone, but only a blessing upon your earth.

As we have told thee before, in the preparation of our coming, much work was needed, much work was needed in the choosing of our instrument, in the readiness of the same. There is much work yet to be done. When we tell thee of the time of thy needs, we do not expect thee to run like sheep, but stand firm as the Lamb in the Lamb’s light. Give of the healing where it is needed, both mentally and physically. Give blessings where they are accepted. But where they are not accepted, then take back thy blessings and knock upon another door.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [5–7–71–003] and J______ would like to know if you have any advice for them concerning their work in Yuma, or their plans for a move?”

At the present time, we should say unto these words, there is much work needed yet in this location, for in the valley below the sea, there also we should build God’s temple into man. Be patient, my children, for it is not yet time. We should tell thee at another time of different words.

But remember these words, throw not away thy material gifts, for there is yet more blessings to come from our Father. Stand firm in thy work — for we should say of thee, write of these words. This is needed. And in this manner the stone shall flow to the nations.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Ask thy other questions.

“[4–17–71–001] would like to know if the pain in her side is due to pregnancy or to some other reason?”

Yes, we see the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body; yes, we have these before us now.

We find a small nonmalignant-type growth on the ovary. We find other thyroid- [fibroid?]-type growths of the womb. As we have said before, go unto a good gynecologist, and therefore, treatments shall be given of the same. We find — yes, we see this, yes — at the present time the child is growing, is growing very strong and healthy within thy womb. But heed our words; we have told thee before of the things [thee] must do. Do these things that the child must grow.

Of thy other child, go back to the beginning and do these things, that that child may grow also. For both is important, for they are the seed of your future. And remember also, our Father has endowed into thee thy need of teaching into thy children.

We see also of the [malatoid] area — yes, we see this — a slight infection at the present time. This could be cleared up quite simply by seeing thy local physician, in use of a mild antibiotic.

We see also thy need — yes — of a complexion problem. Therefore, we would say unto thee, take thee of the soda, take thee of the olive oil, take thee of the white of an egg, each in equal parts, therefore, making a potion. This should be left on thy face for 30 minutes of thy time; afterwards rinsing with very clean, clear water. At the present time washing is a necessity. Do not use of the strong soap. We find also that thy are allergic to certain sprays that thy use. We would suggest at the present time the discontinuing of the same.

We see another problem, but at the present time., we would not suggest that this be treated until the others we have suggested have been treated first.

We see much work needed in the upper and lower backular area, preferably in the third and fourth vertebrae of the backular area. Therefore, we would suggest a good osteopathic doctor. We would not suggest, at the present time, that the use of a chiropractic doctor, for the one who should treat thee would need much more knowledge. Can thy understand of which we say?

Yes, we see this. Yes.

Then we would say on your other question, have patience and believe in our Father, and those things in which thy should desire should manifest, and therefore, become reality into thy heart and soul. Fear not, for as before, the children that thy should bear shall walk in mighty footsteps.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, A_____ asks if there is anything that she can do to improve her hearing more?”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, in the mastoid area we find slight bone damage of the sound track.

Yes, we see this.

There is permanent damage into this area; therefore, one moment.


Before three days have passed of your time, your hearing shall improve, for God’s hands have reached and touched thee, and blessings shall come within thee, and thy body shall become whole again. Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay not fully.


Thy soon will.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, J_____ asks if she and soul Andrew can or should buy property they have been considering. Do you have any advice for her or Andrew?”

At the present time, we should say unto thee, do not do this thing, for it should bring hardship upon thee, both financial and mental. Be patient, my child, for those things that shall come be soon upon your plane, and [a new] enlightenment shall come unto thee.

For soul Andrew, we would say of these words, God sees thy need, of this one who has committed such a foul thing. Even above your courts of your lands is a greater judge, and this judgment shall be made and the wrath of our Father shall be felt into this one.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, would you recommend that any of our group attend the three-day seminar promoted by a member of the A.R.E. in Yuma this next month?”

Yes, we see thy need. We should suggest, therefore, that those of the area at their own convenience may attend this. But remember, thy job shall be give, to give into it, for it not to give into thee. Can thy understand of which we speak?


Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. K____ M____ has asked for a life or health reading.”

Thy health at the present time is well; therefore, we should tell thee of thy life.

Yes, we have before us now the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body, and the records which have been for all time shall now be opened. Therefore, your seal is now broken.

Yes, yes.

We see this entry in the time of the Cow. This is before your written word. This is before your manner of speech.


Thy was but of a simple soul of those days. Your reasoning was not sharp, but thy had the beginning of the symptoms of coming of the man-soul, of the man-spirit which hovers above thee. We see thy standing in readiness, and see thy entry. And now, knowledge shall flow within thee.

Yes, we see this not again until before the time of Atlantis — yes — in that proportion of your earth that thy would know of, in the lower tip proportion of South America.


There you are wife to a builder. You bear him many sons, and your knowledge has increased. And you hear of his many stories of the Lord, our Father, for even then, as our Father walked upon thy earth and His footsteps rested upon your earth. And now you hear of these strange stories of this one. And your husband and your children should make a long journey. For now is the time of the Maya and the people of the Maya, for they have become fast friends with those of Atlantis, and [under] one [empire], as thy would know it. Thy husband, who was of a simple man, is now of the senate of your people, and you hear of the wonders of these people. And now thy oldest son should marry into these of the Atlantans, and has become as One. Therefore, your children now go to schools of the Atlantans. And you hear again of this mighty one they call God.

We see this entry again at the last of Atlantis, into the last days. For in these days thy should travel to the mountains to talk to the men of God, for they sit on the mountain and there have given unto thee counsel. And before, as you would know it, of the Great Flood, you knelt with these men and choose to stay behind.

And therefore, your next plane should not be again, for thy have much teaching to do, again, until the arrival of the one known as Buddha. And therefore, you have met and sat in counsel with this one, and therefore, become one of his disciples. and in this work would carry thee across many lands, and therefore, across a time barrier of all man.

We look then into the time of thy next coming. In this time thy were a Roman. Thy sat in council with the Emperor, and this one was very cruel and unjust into God’s people. Our Lord has spoken unto thee many times, but thy lust of life in this plane has been too great; therefore, thy live and die in all manners of the same.

Again we find this entry into the time thy would know as the 1600s, or 1643.

Yes we see this.

Of this entry at this time, thy are born of poor family, and of poor class, as thy would know it. For thy now are upon your North American continent again. And therefore, thy have heard the words of this one that walked thy land again. And thy should travel forth, clear across the continent of the time, to hear of this teaching, and therefore, we see, for your first time, thy should meet of this one, of the holy one that walked upon your continent. And therefore, until the time of your departing, we find thee in complete attendance.

Therefore, at this time again, upon this plane, thy have arrived, for as they have taught before, thy shall teach again of these words and the words of our Father. Thy shall possess into this world three sons, and each shall be a teacher. One shall be below the others, but fear not because he is slower in his learning, for this one shall rise above the others.

We see in thy mind many questions. These questions we should answer into thee, and all shall become just and fair. But remember of our promise unto thy descendants. The star shall be kept, but keep thy vows into our Father, for in your time thy shall see the coming of the Messiah. You shall see your world bow before him. And our Father shall give all thy descendants blessings.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, we have a [4–16–71–001] that has asked for — ”

We see this.

“a health reading.”

At the present time soul Ray now wearies and grows tired. Therefore, we should say unto thee these words.

For in thy [house], soul E________, we shall enter into thy soul, into thy spirit, and into thy mind, and shall cleanse the path of righteousness. But remember, it is better, far better in the eyes of our Father, to be thyself. Pretend not to be of another. Accept thyself, for you are the one our Father loves, and there can be no other, other than thyself.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared again to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 21, 1971

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now we should tell thee again, as has been told before, for if a blessing is given and cast aside, then take back the blessing and go to another door, there again to knock and give the blessing.

We should tell thee of the troubled times and of those who would fall away. And we should tell thee — and we should tell thee of those who should cast a stone at thee. For if one should cast a stone at thee, pick up this stone, and place it in thy purse, and then go unto the marketplace, and when thy reach for this stone it shall turn into silver and gold. And therefore, spend this stone for bread. And go back to the one who has cast the stone, and give them the bread thy have made from this stone. For remember, my children, our Father gives thee many blessings. For those whose cup should runneth over, give this unto the ones who should need. And remember, my children, that in thy acts of healing, even though a stone may be cast at thee, do not take this cast stone and thrust it back again. Put blessings upon this stone. For our Father knows that as sheep, there are many Judas goats to lead His children to slaughter.

Thy have other worries in thy mind, and of these we should tell thee. Within four month’s time your earth shall begin to change. Where there is one to live at now, there should be ten for every inch of ground. Do not hasten and be afraid, for our Father should protect His beloved children.

But remember these words also, now is the time of the Cherub, for above your earth the seven angels dwell. Pray not that the seventh should spill his spoils upon your earth. [See The Revelation, chapters 8–10.]

For as Abraham dealt with Lot, and as he bargained for the city, did he not say, “Let me show you but one,” and in each city where there is one child of our Father, this child shall not perish, for our Father should not remove the seeds upon the earth which shall grow abundant. [See Genesis 18:16–33, 19:1–30.]

Your work at this time shall become ten thousand fold, for many shall come to hear these words, and to learn of your knowledge. Do not turn these ones from your door, for as in our Father’s house there are many mansions, so shall thy be in thy house, for thy have allowed us to enter, and in doing so, if thy have but one loaf of bread, it should feed all, for our Father’s children shall become abundant.

And now we should say unto soul Luke, we see thy need, and we shall be there to take from thee thy frustrations, to plant forevermore a peace, a peace of your heart that may grow as it has done in thy children. For soon, we should send our instrument unto thy hands. Be not afraid, for no harm shall come unto thee.

And we say unto that one, that we shall now call as James, for he is deserving of this, for unto soul [W______ W_____], from this day forward, he shall be known as James.

And now we see thy needs, soul Mark, and we have not forgotten thee, for we walk with thee in thy daily needs and give unto thee daily blessings. For now we should have a task, for as we have said before, now is the time to start the gathering of the seed that should grow of the ground, of the seed that should grow of the mind; all good seed thy should gather and store. We should give unto thee this task. For in thy daily needs thy should give of this much thought, and we should come into thy mind and heart, and give thee blessings and guidance.

And we say unto the wife of soul Mark, for as once before, thy have assisted into thy husband, thy shall so again. Remember these words; thy needs, as we have promised of the material nature, shall be taken care of. But do not grow greedy; do not ask for too much, for as raindrops, these things that thy should need shall be furnished unto thee. For remember, we are not great, we are here to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Then we say these words of wisdom into thee, soul Mark. For once before thy shield and thy saber were mighty. Cast forth these, for as a protector of old, thy shall be a protector again.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Then we should give thee blessings, and thy health shall be restored beyond your wildest dreams, for each day, those that thy should need should walk with thee, for light shall be cast before thy head and paths shall be swept from thy feet.

We should say unto soul Andrew of his problem, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, act upon your better judgment. These things that thy are thinking are right. And as we have said before, we shall touch thee, and give thee blessings into the highest of all places, for the right hand of God shall touch thee and make thee merciful. But remember these words, soul Andrew, be truthful unto all people.

And then we say unto the wife of soul Andrew, we see thy need. And we should say these words into thee. Of thy first question we should answer in this manner. Of the proposed trip that thy children are to make, this is good. We shall be there and we shall protect them, for think not that we may be in many places?

And we see thy need of thy employment. Fear not, for as we have said before, thy material needs shall be taken care of. But we should say unto thee of these words. If thy should walk in the water with us, have faith; have faith in thy God.

We see the things that thy felt thy should have told unto soul Ray. This was not necessary, for there are many things that we should tell him in his awakening time. For as we have said in the beginning, he has become accustomed to our voice and no longer fears it; he has become accustomed to our presence and no longer fears this. For, as he took this last step, we should say, our Father shed a tear of happiness.

And now we should say unto soul Ruth, you should not feel that thy have neglected any part of this work, for we have told thee before, there should be a time for laughter, a time for sleep, a time to eat, a time to do the necessities that are needed by thy family, a time to do the necessities that are needed for thyself. And there shall always be time for us, for in thy heart we know thy walk with us.

And of thy brother and his needs, we should send the help that is needed unto this one, but remember, for the one who should ask in his prayers must have faith, for he must talk to our Father as he would talk unto himself, and therefore, our Father should know even before the lips should speak. We should give these blessings that thy desire to transfer into the areas that thy most need it.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Not entirely.” [Soul Ruth answers.]

We see this, but thy shall in time.

Then we should say unto soul Paul, we see thy frustrations, but remember, as thy have said, “For God answers,” remember these words. Your mind should become tired and sleep should be needed, but from where we are, and in our time, we never sleep, for these things are not needed. Remember, soul Paul, as once before, as you rode and were cast down from your horse into the sand, and blindness came unto thee, all things were for a purpose. And now we say, soul Paul, rise thee, and go back and carry our message. But if thy should give a blessing and this is cast aside, pick up this blessing and place it in the hands of another.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, I have a request for a health reading on J___ R_____ who lives at…Globe… and he has had respiratory problems and joint problems and other problems, and he asks for help.”

Yes, we see this need. First, we should say of his joint problems, change of the drinking water, for still thy water is not pure and good. There are many good carbon-type filters available now that would do an adequate, to prepare the water into a safer form.

Second, we should say, of the sonic-type baths, prepare these, that in thy soul and body and of the spiritual world, thy hearts may be lifted.

Third, the eating of one-quarter by one-quarter of the citrus fruit daily should greatly increase this.

Fourth, the taking of good natural vitamins, this should be done, we should say, three times daily.

We find that the circulatory system has been impaired; therefore, if this soul could take what is known as S.S.S., this is a good blood tonic. But remember these words. Even though thy should feel better at once, continue with this; do not stop.

We find that corrective lenses are in need here.

We would also suggesting that bathing, and [more] promptly, of the ear sections, should be needed.

We find also a very bad condition of the scalp area. We would suggest for this that the taking of hot olive-oil packs once daily, this should be done for 10 minutes, placing the olive oil in the hair, into the scalp and rubbing very vigorously; then, with hot towels for moisture, these being placed upon the scalp, left there to cool, and then repeat it again.

We find also that a change of diet — we would suggest that the eating of three bananas in the morning and the drinking of one glass of milk would greatly help. For the luncheon meal, eating only of the raw vegetables. Your last meal we should leave to thy own discretion.

We also find in this soul, of the kidney and liver area, inflammation of this area. This is due to the over consumption of alcoholic beverages. Therefore, we should suggest before — one moment, please.

Yes. Yes.

Yes, we also find a blockage in the [carros trap][tract?]; this is the main lateral area that should extend from the [clean]valve into the[outer]valve of thy body which would extract thy normal wastage. We would suggest that the drinking of sage tea twice daily, sweetened only with natural honey from the locale; if this is not available, then we would suggest that a good sage honey would do in its place.

We also find a problem of the footing area, as thy would call them, corns or calluses. If thy should take of hot castor oil packs, placing this on this area each evening for a period of two weeks, these should leave thy body.

We also find of domestic problems which has caused highly nervous system. We should answer your problem in this manner. If the hen should sit upon an egg, and even after the egg has cast away its shell and become a young chick, this hen still desires to sit on the egg, this is itself is not good. For remember, there is a time for all things, and now is your time for patience. Show love and kindness. Show your need for love from your mate; show your need and the need shall come back a hundredfold, even with small gifts. Yes — this would be good.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, I have a number of health readings that have been asked for, and other questions. C_____ C___ would like a life or health reading, and [4–16–71–001] needs a health reading.”

We should say of soul [4–16–71–001], yes, we see thy need. We should say in this manner, first, of your constant pain, as thy would know it, in your head, this is caused from blockage of the circulatory system and also from blockage of the sinus system. Therefore, in the locale that thy should dwell, we should answer your problem in this manner. Take of the sea water, boiling it and placing a cloth completely over this, constructing, as thy would know, a tent above it; do this for 20 minutes daily, eating of the [jacinta, yosinta?] plant; this grows in your area. This is from one thy would know as the eucalyptus plant, placing the leaves of the same in water. We should also tell thee that saunic baths should be needed.

We find also denture work is needed, that pressure, therefore, in the upper area is giving great pain; therefore, we should suggest that this matter be taken care of. We also find the need here for a good osteopathic doctor — yes — a great deal of work. We find problems all over this one’s body.


Our time is too short at this time to describe in detail the necessary work. Go unto this doctor, and as progress is made other readings shall be given.

We find the need of more rest, of more open meditation.

We also find a problem of the mastoid area. We would suggest, in your case, that, as thy would know it, consulting a good eye, ears, nose doctor. This problem could be corrected quite simply with the cleaning of this area and packing of the same.


And now we should answer of thy last question which dwells in thy mind. We should say that the completion of the work that shall be done in that area [by] the year of 1998 shall be no more. But remember, our warnings are many, and those who should not hear of our warnings should perish. Therefore, we would suggest, of thy employment, which thy are afraid of at this time, have no fear, for the necessary adjustments shall be made.

And now, as soul Ray grows weary, we should answer the next question at your next reading. But let this one be first. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Then we should say unto thee, God loves thee, and gives His blessings unto all His children. And wherever thy should walk, God should walk with thee, but remember, we are here to prepare a way.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


May 25, 1971

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

“Do you know of our concern this evening?”

Yes, we see thy need.

Yes, that is better.

Then we should say these words.

We see thy need, soul Bartholomew. And as once before, in the time of Simon [Samson?], remember these words. For the hair does not make a man, but the heart and soul and spirit should make of a man. And remember of the life reading of your son, and remember his needs.

But remember also the responsibility that you possess as a parent.

We shall return this soul back into your keeping. Fear not, for all is well.

But remember, there is work for father and son. Give of this soul the responsibilities of a man and he shall become one. For he possesses much fear. Therefore, we say unto thee, give thy blessings, and our Father shall give His unto thee. For remember, we do not sleep. For the guidance and the help that thy should need, all [thy] must do is ask.

Thy have other questions, ask of these.

“Yes, Aka. Would it be wrong of me to ask for help in finding the axle that was stolen from us?”

Nay, but remember, the one who stole this axle shall in his own way receive his just reward.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. A while back, we had a release form on J_____ B_____; you said it was a forgery and that the one who had written it, you gave a health reading on. Was that T____ B____? And if not, can you at this time give a health or life reading on her?”

Soul Ray is very tired; therefore, the time should be needed for healing into the same. Therefore, give him time and then awaken him from his slumber. The reading that thy ask for shall be given at another time.

“All right.”

And now we shall give the healing that is needed into our instrument.

Awaken soul Ray….

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.


May 28, 1971

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now, as before, we should tell thee of this time, and they who should walk through the valley of our Lord, and so sayeth the Lord, that “I SHOULD SEND SEVEN ANGELS INTO THE SEVEN CHURCHES OF YOUR EARTH to dwell there and give guidance,” and “blessed is those who should walk by the side of the Lord.”

But now, the Lamb sayeth into thee, “What for art thou who has deserted me? What for art thou who should in his own words denyeth the Lord and the spirit unto which we have left upon your earth?”

For, as we have said before, the last shall be first, and the first shall be last. So, as our Father has commanded, you have had the last, and now thy should have unto thee the first.

For those who should say unto the Lord, as into the time of Abraham, “Oh, Lord, why have Thy asked to [lose, use] me upon this earth? Why have Thy asked to desert me upon this earth?”


And thy say unto the Lord, “Why have Thy forsaken our churches? Why doest Thee among us turn away?”

And the Lord sayeth unto thee, as in the time of Isaiah, “ALL THINGS UPON THY EARTH MUST CHANGE.” Man must change, and the earth must change, for as we should plant into your earth the seed to grow, and the seed should grow of good fruit, yet bear bad fruit, pick from this tree the bad fruit and cast it into the pit. Pick from this good fruit and lay it away for seed to grow again upon your earth. And as each year should pass, and the new fruit should bear fruit again, your earth should be fruitful in the eyes of the Lord.

But nay, thy have not done unto us the same. Thy have planted again unto thy earth of the bad fruit.

And now, we say unto you of this time, your half-times have ended, and now shall be the full time of the Lord, for the Lord should send unto your earth those who should pick of the fruit. And of the bad fruit, He should cast into the pit of nothingness. And of the good fruit, He should plant again in the orchard of your new Messiah.

And we say unto these of the churches of your earth, prepare thee the way for the Messiah. Prepare thee a way that our Lord should fill His many mansions with His children again.


For upon your earth, the rivers shall flow again in this time.

For those who would walk away from the Lord, we should say unto thee, the time of the great Sword is here — now. Where water flowed, no water shall flow again of this time. Prepare thy earth for the time of the drought. Plant of the seed that should grow upon your earth. Put away thy harvest, thy harvest of knowledge, thy harvest of fruits. For upon your earth our Lord has promised unto thee a new earth and a new heaven — and as our Lord is always truthful, and as our Lord should say, as in the time of Abraham and in the time of the king of Peace, as thy would know, in the time of Salem, for as Abraham had no one to give true tribute to, he did give unto this, this king of Salem, one-tenth and one-tenth into all the souls.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully, but thy shall, for in thy hearts new fields shall be harvested and new tongues shall be spoken.

And we say unto thee, Paul, give thy blessings. Give of thy healing. Make thy time full and fruitful.

And we say unto thee, Ruth, give love and guidance into this one. Walk beside him as one. Love of thy earth as a new earth, love of thy heaven as a new heaven, and therefore, our Lord commands thee, “BUILD UNTO THIS A NEW HEAVEN UPON THY EARTH.” For remember, our earth, as thy would know it, not one stone shall be left unturned upon your earth.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [11–16–70–004] asks for a health and life reading.”

Yes, we see thy need.


Therefore, we have, as before, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body before us, and therefore, we have the records which have existed of all time, of all places, of all universes. Yes, we have these.

Therefore, we should say unto thee, thy were born and came upon, as thy spirit and soul dwelt above this man-beast. You were born into it in the time of the Horse.

Yes, yes.

But we see also that a time of the Lion dwelled above thee at the same [moment].

Yes, we see this.

Therefore, thy could look only — yes — thy could only look backward at this point. Thy are barely beginning to see the plane dawning upon your earth. And as the dawn comes, your spirit remembers again of which it has come and the blessings, therefore, bestowed to thee by thy Father.

And we see thee in the wild, as thy would know it, wheat field, picking of the wheat to prepare the flour.


And thy of thy tribe of [Pen-tai] are, therefore, to make thy yearly journey into the mount of [Zebra], there to give sacrifice into thy Lord.

And among thy people are this one, his heart and soul is corrupt, not of heaven or earth. And, therefore, he tells unto thee, give forth unto this day and unto thy Lord of live sacrifice. And of the many young in thy tribe do so.

And thy Lord spoke upon your earth and spit out of His mouth this sacrifice, and therefore, condemned thy people into wandering and into nothingness.

And as thy lived and watched, thy prayed unto your Lord, “Oh, Lord, this is not my wish.”

And the Lord reaches down and picks thy from your earth and says, “Not this time of thy birth, for thy shall be born again.”

And as thy entry comes unto the earth in the time of Moses, and therefore, is the suckling of the mother upon thy, two babes were left in the tweeds there to die and were found. And side by side thy were raised with this one thy would know as Moses.

And thy would look into the people of Israel, and therefore, be with Moses in the time of his need and his guidance of his people.

And therefore, upon the desert thy wither and die. Yet death, thy know, is not the way of the Lord. And thy look upward again into thy Father’s eyes, and yet again, thy ask thy Father for more duty upon your earth.

So therefore, at the time of the birth of the one, as thy know, as Jesus Christ, thy were placed upon the earth, and therefore, thy should be known as Jude, one of the teachers, therefore, of Christ. Thy should outlive thy student.

And again through your passing of time, you were asked again, once again, for permission, and it was granted again.

And therefore, we find this one in the times of 1890 of your time. And as we have said before, thy look again toward thy Father for guidance. And because of thy forward look, thy try again this time to change the religious work; and because of thy backward memory and the memory of the words of this one known as Jesus Christ, this time thy were crucified, but of a different way, for therefore, thy were killed, and thy body was burned.

And then again, we see thee upon this plane, again searching for the truth of your Lord.

We say unto thee, there are many things thy have learned of the earth, yet many things thy have forgotten of thy God and of His teachings unto thee. Then, we should call unto thee, soul Jude, again. Look again into the teachings of Jude. Look again unto the teachings of the ones thy should know as the White Brotherhood. Look again into the teachings of Buddha. And therefore, thy should find in thee the truth of the words.

And we should say again, drink [a little] of our [wine.] Open thy heart and soul, that we may give healing.

And these words our Father should say unto thee, “PREPARE YOUR EARTH FOR THE COMING OF THE MESSIAH, AND YOUR MISSION SHALL BE COMPLETE.” Prepare thy earth in such a manner that they should greet him as their savior, and not as thy slave.

If thee should do of our bidding, then our Father should give of thee and thy descendants the help that is needed. And upon these words we should say of this vow — forever upon your earth shall be peace.

Thy have other questions. But first, we should say again unto this one, pray thee and have faith into our Father, but if thy feel the need, ask again for a health reading. But faith should take the place of this, for if the faith should grow from a mustard seed, and the yeast should spread upon thy body and thy mind, no health reading should be necessary.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [5–7–71–002] would like to know when the drought will end here?”

We should say unto this soul that the rain for four years should be scarce. Unto this time, your rain should fall, as we have said before, very small. But remember, there is no place upon your earth to hide nor run to. Remain where thy are; have faith in thy Lord, and your needs shall be taken care of. But remember, as raindrops should fall, give blessings into the Lord. For remember, these raindrops should not come in a flood. Give of the Lord thy faith, and raindrops shall come into thy heart.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“I guess.” [She answers.]

Nay, not fully. Then we should say unto thee, fear not, for by the middle of the month thy should know as June, rain should come. By the end of the month thy should know as July and as your calendar so should count, your problems shall be no more. But only if thy should have the faith to carry the burden unto which we should place unto thee.

Can thy now understand of which we speak?

“Yes.” [She answers.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [4–16–71–001of A____, California] requests a health reading. He has been suffering from dizzy spells for about seven years.”

Yes, we see this need, but we have given this reading. Therefore, ask thy other questions.

“Aka, [5–28–71–001,of Yuma] has asked, how you can advise him how he can help others and?”

Yes, we should say to this one — yes, we see thy need; therefore, we should say to thee, remember of these words. Each man upon your earth is an individual with individual needs. As you would know it, as each teardrop a man should shed should be an individual teardrop, the chemistry from each of these teardrops are not the same. Each day that a man should live and develop, with proper nourishment, his body chemicals should change in the right directions. With improper nourishment, both mentally and physically, the body, therefore, would deteriorate, and so should the mind.

You should remember, so as a physician we should say these words unto thee, thy oath. Remember also that our Lord, your Father and ours, created the human body, the human mind. He did so in pure perfection. But as a body should rest in the womb of a mother, if her food is bad, therefore, the child shall suffer unto the same symptoms [of the mother]. We should say also that even [if] a child is born in this condition, with the proper nourishment, both of the mind and the body, these problems can be corrected.

We should say, thy have other questions in thy mind, and at this time we should answer them. Through nourishment and through the development and the use of hypnosis to redirect the mind — as thy have a patient before thee, thy can only find the surface of the problems, but in their mind, in each individual’s mind, are the answers to their problems. Therefore, it is not, we know, in thy power to grasp into each mind for the answers, but it is in thy power, [with] the proper use, and the proper diagnosis, through the patient themselves.

You asked other questions.

Yes, we see this.

[Editor’s note: The accuracy of the remainder cannot be checked, for the tape was erased.]

We find, for in this person — yes — thy have questions known as that, Edgar Cayce, and thy ask of a message given unto this soul and unto the soul of his son. Therefore, we should say unto thee, these messages can only be given to the individual to which there are instructions. It is not our position — at any time, we are not allowed to take away from any soul or the interference of their free choice.

If the one thy speak of should know of this message, let him, therefore, come unto us, and the message shall be given unto this one.

Thy ask also if this one of the meaning of the one known as G____. We should say unto thee, you ask now as a child of the meaning of the one known as G____, and we should say unto thee, thy, as a child, not as a man, thy have been above such foolishness.

Then we also see in thy mind of thy shame. This we should not speak of at this time. For these words, we should come into thy mind, into thy door of thought, and give messages for thee.

I have also of the usage treatment, as thy would know it, as low blood sugar. Therefore, we should say unto this, first, this is correct. Yes, this is good. But remember, in the prescribing of certain medications, prescribe them for the individual with individual needs.

We should also say, thy ask of a question, and this should come, as thy should know, of the usage of the body, the treatment of the body through symptoms. Therefore, we should say unto you, one herb unto those souls will do certain things, unto another it may do great harm. In thy prescriptions, take into mind, we should say, as in your lecture days — and is this one qualified? Does this soul constitute this treatment? Does he ask for this treatment? Does this soul want to get well? Put these things in thy mind, then prescribe.

We find also into thy mind many, many other questions. We find that thy ask of the hemoglobin. This problem, which is very close, and very close unto thy need, remember that this one can only step forward as thy, thyself, can remember. Thyself, thy speech, thy manner, is part of the treatment — confidence in thyself; confidence in thy ability too.

But many of your patients could receive healing, for once before thy were a physician of a different type. With prayer unto our Father, healing should come if thy should ask of it.

Then we should depart from thee with this, “[Micus la ropa tu mira la sera.]”

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [9–5–70–002] asks, she says, ‘I want to understand what God’s plan for me is.’ She’s also interested in life and health readings.”

Yes, we should say of this one, ask again, and we should answer. And we see thy need, but therefore, soul Ray grows weary now. Therefore, we should leave thee with this in thy mind.

As thy walk forth in thy daily life, shine forth the light of our Father. Let it come from thy heart, and thy eyes, and thy mouth when thy speak, and therefore, the time of the Cherub shall not be wasted, for let is go forth into the time of the Messiah. For as we have said before, place before thee the sign of the ankh. Wear it in proud reverence of thy work, and think unto it as the sun’s rays come upon thy earth, and from thy body, let it flow forever inward, but though it should flow inward, let it flow outward. Do not imprison this source.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared again to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


June 4, 1971

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

And now, for soul Luke, we should say these words. We see thy frustration. We see thy need. And as we have said before, where thy go, our Father shall dwell within thee, and no harm should come to thine. But we should say unto thee that in the month of your counting, of July and of August, in the area of the great fault, thy should not travel, for danger dwells there for all of thine children of God. Messages shall be sent.

Therefore, at this time we should tell thee again of our Father’s warning, for at that time great destruction should come from the northern tip of the Alaskans into South America.

And we should say also unto soul James, of thy people that dwell within this land, if you should take them into another area, let them examine your land of this Arizonians, or take themselves into Mexico, but stay away from the area of the great fault.

And we should answer thy other questions.

Thy ask in thy mind, “What then should be the duties of James? Of which James do we speak?” And as we have said before, thine should be as one of the twelve, and as one of the twelve, thine should act as one of the Thirteen. For as one by one, and three by three, thy groups should grow. And Thirteen and past Thirteen. For as three was the number of your earth, thine should look outward unto the three twin sisters of thy earth, for there, in duplicate form, thine should find other earths as thy own.

And of thy question, this we should say unto thee. For thy duty should dwell within thy heart — of that thy should give should come from thy heart, from thy heart to thy lips, and into thy hands. For remember, in giving a gift, give this gift as it was given unto thee; give it in the same fashion, of the same kind. For remember, give it with love — this one word of yours which you use so often, yet so few of you know of the true meaning. For if thy could learn to look at the heart of our Father, and look into the great love He possesses for thine children, and of His many tears. And fear not that thy are a man to shed a tear, for as thy pray unto one greater than thyself and pray to thy Father, think thee not that our Father does not shed tears for His children? Think thee not that that part of you you call your conscience, is not that part of man which is made in His likeness, of His kind?

Then we should say unto this one thy call [6–4–71–002], and of his many questions. And we see his need to become part.

Thy have asked many questions in thy mind. But first, we shall answer this one.

Thy think of many thoughts. Part of them are for others, but most of them are for thyself. In the preparation of the gift that we should give unto thee, first, make peace within thyself. Show love in thy daily life, gentleness in thy walk, and above all others, show a true concern in thy speech. If thy could do these simple things, thy would find true humility to yourself and others. And as we have asked others to bow before their God, their Father, we do not ask this to take anything from the man or the woman; we only asked that this be performed in reverence to thine self. For as thy find that thy thyself are not so important, thy should find that thy are very important to our Father. But at times, it is the taking away that must be done to replace the love and gentleness that was born in the smallest of things upon your earth. For has it not been written that, “INTO THE VERY SMALL, I SHALL PLACE MY TRUST AND MY LOVE.”

We find other questions in thy minds.

And unto soul Paul we should answer his question. Of thy prayer for thy friend, healing shall be granted. For thy have remembered in thy asking in thy Father’s name, and thy Father should walk beside thee, and give His blessings into thee.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. In regards to this person of which you are speaking, I think you are referring to [6–4–71–002] of Tempe, and she has asked for, she says, ‘I feel a need of all the help that God might choose to give me to find peace in my soul and to face what lies ahead, be it good or bad.’ Do you have anything further to say to her on that request?”

We should say unto this one, take of our wine, that she may drink of it. Take from [this], as thy would know it, the philosophy of our work, and give this to her — and as thy would give her a rose without thorns, that fragrance and beauty may be with her for the remainder of her days upon this earth.

In thy greatest hour of need, your human beast, at that time, seems to look into the very bottom of his heart and soul, and therefore, find his spirit — and as this spirit has always known of God and of His kindness and love — if at this time thy could look within thyself. If, in the time our Father should grant unto thee, spend the remainder of this time in the giving of this gift we shall give unto thee, then thy wish shall be granted, and thy days shall be extended into thy fullest.

But remember, we are not important, and we are not great. Without our Father’s permission, none of these things could be given. So give thanks unto thy God, thy Father, thy Savior.

Ask thy other question.

“Aka, [6–4–71–003] asks for information concerning his health and welfare. He lives in…He lives in Tucson, Aka…”

Yes, we see thy need. One moment, the records must be checked.

Then we should ask thee of this question. What specific information should he desire?

“A health reading, Aka.”

Yes, yes. Yes, Father.

One moment, please. Yes, we have this information now. We have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit, of the immortal body; therefore, for soul J_______ we should give this information.

We find, first, that thy heart is not that of a young man; therefore, it should be our suggestion that more of the leisure time should be enjoyed with the intellectual-type work and less strenuous work.

We should also find that in thy spiritual need, which to you is more important than the health thy speak of, for thy seek peace of mind and spirit. First, we should say unto this soul, for as the man of thy family, speak of thy needs and speak out with authority. If the wine that thy should drink, of knowledge, should be placed into an active practice, be not afraid to be active in this field.

We could give unto thee a full description of the medical needs of thy body, but it would be rather foolish at your age. For as you human form have not learned the expansion of your years through the mental process that was built by the Creator, and you have not reached that period and expansion of time of Thirteen, we should say unto you, live out your years in fullness. Remember, your mind is young yet. Let it not stagnate. Let it project the power that dwells there. Let it project the knowledge and the love therein. Let it project out unto thy sons and stepsons and to thy daughters. Let it go out forward into [my] time. Leave, therefore, the seed of the groin on the earth.

Be not afraid of death or dying; prepare thyself for the time that thy should step over to the other side. Why should thy be afraid of this? For it is only a word that thy have placed upon it. For remember, our Father is not the God of the dead, but a God of the living. Therefore, death itself is only something thy have manifested in thy mind.

If thy think that we are dead, thy are mistaken. For it has been many centuries since many of us have walked physically upon thy earth, yet our lives are fuller now than they have ever been, for we walk not upon one earth, but upon the galaxies and worlds beyond worlds. We walk beside our Father; we feel His warmth and His love. And yet, we feel the warmth and love of others.

If thine could teach of this, and bring forth the new heaven and earth upon your earth, then thy lives of thy descendants, and thy birth upon the next plane should be of the fullest.

We see thy can understand of which we speak, because of your years upon this earth and because of thy knowledge. We are proud then to speak unto thee.

Our Father gives unto thee blessings.

And now, soul Ray weakens, and grows very tired; therefore, we would suggest that thy should awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


June 5, 1971

[Aka is here.]

Good evening, Aka.”

[Editor’s note: The tape recorder was turned off; some of the message may have been lost.]

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [2–19–71–001] asks, ‘Will you please give me help to obtain my correct weight and keep it there?’ Also, she says, ‘Thank you,’ for helping her hearing.”

Yes, we see this. Yes, we see thy need. Then we should say to thee, of the morning eat not but of the fruit, drinking, as thy would know it, one glass of milk. For thy lunch eat not but of the green vegetable in the raw form. Of thy evening meal, taking one ounce of olive oil before the meal, and then thy can eat as thy heart desires. This should be done daily. If done in this manner thy weight shall be stabilized, and therefore, with our help, you should have no problems in this sort.

Ask thy other questions.

“Aka, [6–5–71–001, Globe] asks for a health reading.”

Yes, we see thy need. Then we should say unto thee, as thy are a woman who should pass through menopause, then we should suggest in this manner — that the taking of the Lydia E. Pinkham — but we should also suggest in your case that thy should consult thy local doctor and that help through hormones should be given. We should also suggest that through daily meditation, would greatly help in this area.

We also find sinus growths; therefore, we would suggest for this the drinking of the sage tea. This should be sweetened, if preferable, with the local honey. If this cannot be had at this time, then we should suggest placing a little ginger, and the use of sage honey.

We also find a scalp problem. For this we should suggest, one moment, please — yes, we find this. We would suggest, therefore, if thy should take of the hot olive oil, rubbing very vigorously into the scalp area, afterwards washing thy hair with a good shampoo, after this, rinsing thy hair with one ounce per gallon of vinegar water, this would greatly help in this area.

We find thy have other denture problems. This could be readily corrected with a visit to thy local dentist.

We find that as a small child, an injury to the kidney area and lacerations of the same, of the left kidney area. Therefore, we would suggest — first, do not at any time take into thy body any alcoholic substances — third [second], less of the medication thy are now on; this is affecting this area — third, taking of hot castor-oil packs upon this area, as hot as the skin should allow. This should be done in intervals of two hours. It should be repeated for three days.

We find many problems of the back area and upper neck area. Therefore, either with a visit to thy local chiropractor or an osteopathic doctor corrections could and should be made. Manipulation of the scalp or skull area could relieve this tremendously, especially your headaches. In the lower back area, as thy would know it, in the base of the spinal area, because of old injuries here, we would suggest that by constructing a bar approximately 3 inches above thy reach, stretching this area daily. This will not cure this injury, but would relieve much of the pain from the same.

We find that thy have a problem of the feet area.


We find that with corrective shoes this could be relieved. Do not at any time wear shoes that belonged to someone else. Because of this thy bones have curved. With corrective shoes in this area this could be eliminated.

We find infection of the vagina area.


We would suggest in this case, one moment — yes — the washing of this area twice daily would help. But also, a good antibiotic prescribed by thy local physician would also improve this greatly.

We also find scar tissue below the breast area, and frequent pains from the same. We would

suggest, with the use of warm banana oil on this area would lighten, and therefore, dissolve this area.


Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have questions for health readings from thee other people.”

One moment.

Yes, yes.

In this case we should suggest that a follow-up reading be given in two-week periods.

Yes — this is all on this soul.

Ask thy other question.

“Aka, [6–05–71–002] asks for a reading on his health because he has been having headaches.”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, if work was done on the back area, upper back area, and manipulations of the skull area, these would be greatly relieved. We also find that stronger vitamins and mineral substances should be used.

Yes. Yes, we find this.

We should also suggest for the circulatory system saunic baths be taken at least once a week. We also find a slight infection of the mastoid area; this is caused through the sinus glands and from the area, therefore, in which thy are residing now. Therefore, we would suggest that for thy entire family, we find certain minerals in thy present drinking water that are not — therefore, we would suggest that this water be filtered through carbon-type filters.

Yes, we see this.

The drinking of the sage tea twice daily, this must be done as a ritual, and continued until a time that we should tell unto thee to make changes.

This is all on this soul at this time. Therefore, we would also suggest that a follow-up reading be given in a two-week period.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [9–5–70–002, California] has asked for a health reading because he has had dizzy spells for about the past seven years. Do you have anything, any help that you can give him at this time?”

Yes, we should say unto this soul — first, we would suggest that the drinking of no alcoholic beverage of any kind. We should also suggest that the use of no chocolate of any type. Third, we would suggest that a change of altitude. We also find in this subject, as thy would know it, a low blood sugar; therefore, we would suggest that through the use of vitamin substances this could be corrected. We also find that in thy daily, day-to-day duties, if thy would carry, as thy would know it, candy bars, using this at different intervals.


We also find — yes, we see thy need, yes — we would suggest unto this soul that the mental strain that thy are now under is greater than thy body was built to sustain. Through the mind and the mental torment of the mind — yes, we see thy problem — if this was relieved in this manner, taking not from thy work, taking thy time to relax, taking time for laughter, taking time for sleep, taking time for the duties thy should perform into our God, our Lord, our Father, regulating thy life in such a manner that thy have no radicalism, we find that with this thy whole health, thy whole body structure would increase.

We would also suggest for thy circulatory system saunic baths be taken, twice weekly.

We would suggest also unto this subject — yes, yes — the changing of thy diet. Do not miss meals. Eat at least four meals daily. Eat them promptly; eat them on time. We would suggest of thy morning meal, let it consist of some fruit, fresh fruit. Let it also consist of milk. In your case we would suggest the use of goat’s milk. This, in itself, would help neutralize and take away part of thy problem. We also would suggest that before thy slumber in the evening the use of a small amount of hops be placed within the milk and sweetened, therefore, with honey. This would greatly help thy slumber.

If this problem continues, we would suggest a further health reading within a three-week period.


Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, [6–5–71–004, of Highland, California] has asked, ‘I want to understand or know what God’s plan for me is.’ She has also asked, she would also like to have a life reading if it is possible.”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we have the records before us. We have before us now the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body.

Therefore, we should say unto thee at this time, during the months, as thy would count, of July and August, continuing through the month of October, we find that in thy present area another of God’s warnings should soon reach down onto thy earth, and therefore, we find great danger for God’s children.

We know thy choice shall be to remain where thy are. Therefore, we should say unto thee, we cannot allow at this time our instrument to travel during these periods into your area, for there is much work yet for this one.

But yet, there shall be much work for you; therefore, we should spare unto thee and give thee, as thy would know it, safety and blessings from our Father. Then we should say unto thee,

form thee a group, and therefore, walk out into thy earth and upon the isles which shall be known as the isles of California and prepare thee then a way for thy children of our Father. Prepare thy heart and thy soul that He may enter and give thee blessings.

We should give thee other messages at different times.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, are the seeds of the acacia plant, the plant that has a round, yellow blossom that grows by my home in the canyon, are these seeds medicinal, and if so, should they be used?”

We would not suggest that these be used. They have domestic purposes. But for the present time, we would suggest that thy do not use them.

Ask thy other question.

“I have no other question, Aka.”

Then we should say, of thy last question in soul Ruth’s mind, we have promised thee that thine and thy descendants should have of good health. And thy ask, then why should we give a medical reading upon thy son? This is not to take away as our Father has promised unto thee, but only to insure that no outside infections may enter this body.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“I don’t know.” [She answers.]

We see this. Then in thy slumber upon this night, so shall we enter.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This remaining part that was recorded was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


June 11, 1971

[Aka is here.]

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

As we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. And for the one who should ask our Father — and that that has been said before shall be said again — for we are not great; we are here to prepare a way for the coming of your Messiah. Where no light did shine before, light shall shine again. Upon your earth shall become new again, and therefore, there shall be a new heaven and a new earth. For as the rivers flow, so shall the mighty force of our Lord flow upon your earth.

As we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub, for now the seven angels dwell above your earth. [See The Revelation, chapters 4–22.]

And think not that we of the Thirteen should sit in judgment, for we are not here for that purpose. We are here to prepare the minds of men for the time that the Messiah should come upon your earth, and to fulfill the words that were spoken by our Lord when He did promise unto thee a thousand years of peace. But remember, this time shall come not as you count, but as our Father, your God, your Father, did count. And as He made thee this coveth, all of the heaven opened upon your earth, for did He not promise unto thee, “For thee should be in our likeness, of our kind?” [See The Revelation, chapters 19–22; Acts, chapters 1–2; and Genesis 1:26–28.]

You think not that the words spoken unto thee are new? Nay.

“Nay,” sayeth the Lord.

These words are not new, for has not a new Book been written? And did He not promise that all those in the Book of the beginning, and were in the Book of the ending, therefore, should live forever, and therefore, eat from His table and drink of His wine? [See The Revelation, chapters 19–22.]

Then look out among you. Cast no stones, for remember, you can destroy nothing upon your earth, for all things come from the same source. You may only change its form, as the Lord changed the form of each animal upon your earth, and the fowl that flies upon the earth, and all things within the earth.

Therefore, we say unto thee, for we see this one among you, we see thy have not in truth of thyself. Then look into thy heart and soul, and speak not that it is not true, but speak only of truthfulness. Thy fear in thy heart of others. Remember this, for those who dwell in truth with our Father should eat the bread of his body. [See John 6:22–58.]

Then we say unto thee, for the children thy have asked help for, then we say, bring them to us. For our Lord, our Father, has given permission, for He has heard into thee thy prayer. And healing shall come into these that thy should ask. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Do you mean that you wish to give a health reading on these, or do you mean that you wish to have the children brought here?”

We say unto thee, bring of them in spirit, for healing has been answered into thy prayer. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Aka, [6–11–71–001] in Globe, asks, ‘What is wrong with my left ear, and can anything be done to regain the lost hearing?’”

We say unto this one, for three nights thy should think of the words of our Father, and think thee of the name of Aka, that we may enter, and therefore, give blessings into thee. Thy hearing shall improve. Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully. Then we should answer thee in this manner. Sometimes in your prayers, thy would think that your Lord has forgotten thee, but remember, not one tear has been shed upon your earth that your Lord was not present with thee. But as the Lord has given unto thee free choice, only upon your request may we enter and change the damage thy have done into thyself. Now that thy have asked and permission has been given, healing shall come into the same.

Ask thy other questions.

“Aka, [4–6–70–003] asks, ‘Should we try to make a move to Prescott?’ And she also asks if her father, her grandfather, John, is in your plane, and would he have any message for her?”

At the present time there is no message. Of thy move, we should say unto thee, count thy blessings in the valley of which thy live. Do not divide, for if thy should divide, thy house should fall.

For remember this, soul J____, we giveth unto thee the blessings of the Lord. Fear not. But remember unto these words; if thy should build a bridge, if thy do not anchor it well upon the sides, this bridge should collapse, and therefore, thy have nothing. Build the foundation well that [thine eye] possess. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Not fully.”[She says.]

Then think thee, our Lord has looked within thy heart, and therefore, found goodness and reasons for blessing. For, as once before, our Father should ask that thy should bear the name of [Lennah]. Can thy understand of which we speak?

Ask thy other questions.

“Aka, [6–5–71–001], asks for an explanation of the health reading on her. She would like to know if she is pregnant, and if not, will she bear another child?”

(Chuckle.) Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto these words, the instructions that were given unto thee were given for a purpose. There are certain chemical changes taking place, from the spray and other environmental conditions; therefore, corrective procedures were needed. We would suggest that these corrective measures be taken. We suggest once again, that of the medication that you now take, this should not be taken in the quantity it is being taken. Therefore, take into thy heart, do unto the things that we have said unto thee, and we shall take care of this child thy soul should want. But remember, it is not in the wanting that should count, it is in the giving.

We have said before that in a two-week period another health reading should be given. If, when this time period, the measures we have suggested are done, and in their proper perfective, then we should give unto thee another health reading. We should not at this time answer your question.

Ask thy other questions.

“Aka, you spoke of the two little girls to which I gave healing today, and I have a request for a health reading on each of these little girls And the first girl’s name is [in Globe. 6–11–71–002A]. She says, her mother says, that she wants to know what to do to restore the health of her child.”

For the present time, we would suggest continuing as thy have at the present time. Healing shall come; this we have promised unto thee. Then we should see these children again, for as we have said before, for we can give nothing more than what our Father has given already. And as our Father is greater than any other, that that has been given should be sufficient at this time.

Ask thy other questions.

“Aka, [6–11–71–003…Globe], asks — he says, ‘I am concerned about my health.’ His number is [6–11–71–003.]”

Yes, we have this. We have the body, the soul, and the spirit; therefore, the information that thy should seek we should answer. Yes, that is better — there, there — one moment, please.

Yes, we see thy need. We should suggest that this question be asked at a different time.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“I have other quick questions on the H_____ children, Aka. Would you like me to ask on those?”

At the present time we would suggest that nothing be asked on these children; there is work that the Council must do. At your next reading ask these questions.

Soul Ray grows weary. Awaken him from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


June 18, 1971

Aka is here.

“good evening, Aka; is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, that is better; now all is in accord.

And as we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub.

And we say unto thee these words. As a rose bud should bloom and hold fragrance, so should the minds of men.

And as our Father has spoke unto thee and promised thee a thousand years of peace, then we should say unto thee, that as Lucifer shall become chained and thrown into a pit out of nothingness, then we should say unto thee, as thy should become of men of Thirteen, that the Lucifer that dwells within each of you shall become chained, and cast out of thyself. And at that time all knowledge shall be yours, for then thy shall have unto thyselves a new heaven and a new earth. [See Acts 1:6–26, 2:1–21, and The Revelation chapters 20–22.]

And at this time thy shall know the true meaning, as our Father has spoke, “of our kind, of our likeness.” For as Eve did eat of the forbidden fruit, and therefore, become ashamed of herself, so you have done. For did not our Father create all things? Would our Father create something unto you that was not of a good thing? Nay, nay, He should not do of this thing. [See Genesis 1:26–31 and chapters 2 and 3.]

For as man was born of five placed upon your earth, so should the seven spirits of our Father dwell within man. For as these should become as one, for your half-times are ended, and now shall come the full time of our Lord unto man, and pass onward and outward all knowledge of God.

In our Father’s plan for man, all things thy have known shall be known again into thyselves. And as we speak unto thee these words, fear them not, but most important, fear thyself not. Drink of the wine of our Father, that He may take onward unto thee and give thee blessings. For as the great bird of the pyramid should take flight, and as Abraham and Isaiah should look within thee and become part of thee, and as all the tribes of Israel become one, so should the face of your earth become one. [See Exodus 6:2–8, and chapters 12–13.]

For at that time there should be no more wars, but only in the understanding of each other’s faith, for our Father did not set down rules to worship Him. This was done by man.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka,[6–18–71–001] has asked for information concerning her niece, E_______ A__ T_____, who has been living in Dallas and has come up missing late this last month….”

Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee, as we are not allowed, therefore, to interfere with the development of the soul upon your earth, but we should answer thee in this way. This soul is safe. We see this person, as thy would know of her, in a safe place, and in her own time she shall make herself known unto thee. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Probably not.” [A woman answers.]

Thy should know of this soul within two month’s time of your counting calendar.

“She will be returned?”[She asks.]

She shall return of her own accord. But we should say unto thee, her happiness that she sought is not as a cup should runneth over, for now she regrets that she has left her loved ones.

Thy have other questions; ask of the same.

“Yes, Aka….Aka, [6–18–71–003] of Yuma, age 6, his mother asks for a health or life reading on him; she is particularly concerned about the lack of affection between her and her child. Can you explain this?”

We should say unto these words unto thee, “as thy sow so shall thy reap.” But remember also, that as a soul should enter into your life plane, this soul was a brother of before, and therefore,

he should treat unto thee as a brother and the love should be that of a brother more than of a wife and mother.

Give of this child of this child of this wine. But remember also, our Father has many mansions, and that He loves all His children, and each in their own way shall reach upward unto our Father. Give unto this child love and blessings. Give of this child your knowledge, but be firm, for as his star and as he was born of the same, you must realize that these do not hold of a true pattern. But there are certain tests that must be made of this child, for he shall be in the time of one of our Father. And that this time should be made of fullness for this one, let him go on, for we see unto this child.

As he was before, he shall be a dealer of the money of your time. For in his life of before he sought unto riches. Of his food supplement was of the same, and so because of this, he killed into his own body. Therefore, we would suggest that if thy should follow a strict diet for this child, making certain that he eats three meals per day. Make certain that for the morning meal let him have of this of the goat’s milk, and fruit. For your luncheon, let him have of some of the meat of the beef. Add to this as many raw vegetables as possible. For thy evening meal, take forth unto the meat of the lamb, take forth unto the meat of the beef. Feed this child as many of the raw vegetables as possible. Make certain that this child should take at least three times daily a good supplemented vitamin and minerals.

These things are needed to set a pattern for this child, for remember, the sins of the parents shall dwell unto the sixth and seventh generation. So therefore, beware, for this child was given unto thee for learning and care. Teach him well. Plant the seeds of the mind. As he should grow older we see there are many times when life shall be balanced. Do not overprotect this child; this, in itself, should be wrong. Let his appetite for knowledge go into all areas. Store, as we have said before, knowledge for the time of the famine.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka….Aka, [4–6–70–003] asks for help for three people, [6–18–71–004], [6–18–71–005], and [6–18–71–006].”

We see thy need, and the help thy should ask for should travel with thee, and the blessings of thy prayers shall be answered.

Ask thy other question.

“Aka, [6–18–71–007] asks if you can tell her about her health problems?”

One moment. We should ask unto thee, what specific information she should desire?

“She’s been having headaches, Aka. She wonders what is causing the headaches?”

Then we should say unto thee — yes, we see this — therefore, now the records are available. We have the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body before us, and the records that were began in the beginning, and therefore, shall remain for all time.

First, we should say unto thee, as the body should build every moment that thy should live new cells, and as this building is taking place the body in itself is rapidly changing. It should make adjustments for all proportions of your health needs. That part of itself should cause thy a certain amount of what thy would call of thy headaches.

But to be more specific, as man should pollute the ground in which he should dwell, then man should die in a polluted land. Thy ground was polluted first by the spray. At this time, in your area, which is a mining area, the atmosphere of the same is polluted.

We have suggested before that the drinking of the sage tea be used and with, if possible, honey from thy present locale. If this is not available, then we should say unto thee, use of the sage honey for the same. This should be done at least twice daily. We should also suggest that, do not eat of any chocolate. We would suggest that thy reduce in amount of the sugar used in thy diet. We should suggest that the eating at this time of the avocado. We would also suggest that as thy would know of it as the safflower seed, obtain this seed, turning it into the oil form, using this in all of thy uses of cooking.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–18–71–008] also asks for a health reading.”

We can see into thyself. At this time, this in itself is not needed, other than a correction of the diet unto the same. Therefore, we would suggest, first, that of the safflower seed, this should be made into the oil form and be used for the cooking of all of thy food of this family. We should also suggest that of more of the raw vegetables be eaten.

We should also suggest that calcium be obtained and taken in the adult form. We also find the lack of iron in this subject; therefore, we would suggest that more of the same be made available in the diet.

We also find that this soul is developing into the adult form of the human beast; therefore, we should suggest that the taking of the Lydia E. Pinkham. We should also suggest that of the “S.S.S.” liquid be used.

We should also suggest that a good natural, not of the synthetic, but of the natural vitamin and mineral be taken. We find this could be used into all of thy family.

We find, as we have said before, that thy air has become polluted, that the use of the sage tea sweetened by the sage honey. We should also suggest that soon the cacti, of the saguaro cacti, should be made of the same. This could be eaten in its rawest form, and therefore, as the plant should purify that of the seed, it would greatly help as an [antitoxic] body substance.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–16–71–008] also asks about her health.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, as we have said before, our Father should give blessings and healing into the same. And of this, we should look both into thy soul and of thy body, and the need of the same shall be fulfilled. But remember, that unto which we should build could be taken away if thy should desire, for what we have to offer is but a gift. Therefore, we should say unto thee, if thy should follow of the same reading at the present time as that that was given before, this would be good.

Of all of these subjects, a follow-up reading should be made within three week’s time, for they are growing rapidly and certain adjustments should be made.

Of that, unto this soul, that thy think is bad at this time, remember, our Father did give unto you at birth a gift, and unto this gift shall turn that part of your heart into gladness and happiness, for thy shall know unto the Father for all of thy days.

We should say unto thee, [be blessed], those who should walk with his hand in that of the Father.

Thy have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. I have one other question on the H______ family, and this is for [6–18–71–010], and he also asks for a health reading. Do you have additional information for him?”

We should say unto this soul, did not that one thy know of as Jesus make wine into the water? Did not at the banquet of his same, did not they dance and make merry? Remember unto these things. Be not afraid of thy inner urgings. [Be you] not afraid of that which is natural of the body. But beware in that of the usage of the same. All of these things were given, for there should be a time of happiness and rest, there should be a time of peace within thyself, and there should be a time of learning of thyself. All these things are necessary that the mind and the body should develop together.

But remember unto these words, for thy should go onward into the footsteps of thyself of before, for as thy were once a priest unto Ra-Tai, that thy should become again. But beware. Beware of the other side, for as Atlantis did rise and fall, so did the souls of man.

For remember, worlds have their karma, and each country and country within the country should have of these karmas. Therefore, it should be placed into thy hands, that of which to overcome of the same, for thy shall be as once before in the time of the coming of the Messiah.

And we should say unto thee, carry this blessing forward, for in thy life span we should speak unto thee many times. And we should extend thy days. But be blessed, for there is none that can be greater than the teacher, and the teacher can be no greater than the pupil.

Ask of thy other questions.

“Aka, do you have — let me rephrase, Aka. I wonder if you can tell me if the old gods spoken of in this world, such as the mother-goddess concept, are angels or if they are something else?”

For as we have told unto thee before, we should say unto these words — for your Father, our God and yours, has asked thee that thy should worship no other god before Him, nor after.

There are many angels, as thy would know of them. But none is greater than our Father.

And as thy should pray unto thy own special angel, for all of you possess at least one, remember, we have told unto thee, first, that first thy should ask unto our Father that we may enter, and then think thee on the words of Aka. We say unto this because we are not great. We can do no more than our Father should allow us. And as our God is great, and greater than all, as He reaches upon universes, and earths upon earths, galaxies upon galaxies, and worlds upon worlds, our Father should give unto His children the messengers to serve as the same.

But our Father has asked also, thy should worship unto none of the idols of the earth. [See Deuteronomy 5:6–10.]

Respect them, but remember, they are all from the same source. They are made, that that was metal was made unlike man, and man was made unlike that of the metal. For all came from the same source of our Father; you should call of them cosmic rays. Our Father has adjusted each molecule upon molecule upon the same. He has placed all these things on this earth of yours for the use of man, for did He not say that man should be the master of that that was in the soul and of it?

Soul Ray becomes very weak; therefore, we should suggest that thy should awaken him from his slumber.

“Thank you, Aka.”

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


June 25, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Now, all is in accord.

We should tell thee again that now is the time of the Cherub, and as the time of the time of the Cherub, now is the time of the great Sword. [See Genesis 3:24 and The Revelation 5:1–7, 19:1–16, and 22:12–17.]

And we should tell thee that as thy plant the seed, so should it grow. For thy should plant of the seed to ferment. And we should say unto thee these words. From the tip of Siberia through the Alaskans, through what is known as Washington and Oregon, through California, and through the [partially] tip of your Arizonans, onward and through portions of South America, this seed thy have planted — and as we have said before that the proportion of the northern part of Europe — for man shall lay waste unto his land. Then we say unto thee, store thy knowledge, for the power has been given unto the Fourth Angel of our Lord. But beware of the Seventh. [See The Revelation, chapters 7–11.]

And we say unto thee again of these words, do not misinterpret our words. Do not take away from these words of our Lord nor add to. And for those who should do of this, then they shall feel the woes of our Lord. For, as a scorpion should bite of the body, but yet not kill, their bodies shall be in agony for two-and-one-half of your years. And as our Lord has said before, those that should spray of the [abominable] fluid upon the earth, they shall be done unto themselves.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I don’t understand what you are saying will happen in Washington and Oregon, and down through California. Are you referring to the earthquakes?”

For we shall say unto thee, the Lord gave unto this of mankind a pure earth, of pure air, of pure water, and as man has polluted unto the same, then this proportion of mankind should die in a polluted land. The earthquakes shall only add to, for they shall carry the pollution. But they shall also break away from your earth that part that is polluted, and it shall be cleansed by the ocean.

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka.[2–19–71–001] asks, ‘Do I have a repressed anger? Do I have it pinpointed as to cause and effect, and what can I do to express anger without damage?’”

(Chuckle) Now thy talk as a child. We should say unto thee, thy anger is with thyself. Anger, in itself, was given unto man to release that proportion of his emotions that has built into him. Therefore, go into thyself, and let this flee from thyself.

But remember, at this time, in the time when the raindrops do not fall upon your earth and the ground becomes parched, man’s tempers should flare. As thy would know it, thy should have what is known as temporary insanity. This, in itself, should cause much harm in your area at this time.

Believe in the God “of our kind.” Believe in the words of the Son “of our kind.” Believe in the words that we have given unto thee. If, in thy place of anger, thy must say unto thyself, thy should cast this out, for this is part of thyself that is not beneficial to the body or soul or spirit. For if thy had upon thy face a boil, would thy not use soaking lotions to remove such? Do the same with thy souls. Pick a time of day and use this for meditation. If thy could do this for 15 minutes each day, these emotions would leave thee. This is what we have said before, place thyselves in accord. Place thyself in accord with thy soul; place thy soul in accord with thy spirit; place thy spirit in accord with God. In doing such, there is no place for anger, in itself. In this manner you will approach all your problems in a sensible, logical manner. We see thy need, and we should take care of the same.

Ask thy other question.

“Aka, [11–16–70–003] was supposed to request an additional health reading at this time in regards to his problem with headaches that he was having.”

Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we should say unto thee, thy are growing again in spiritual and physical [fulfillment]. Therefore, be patient with those of the same, that we may enter and therefore, bring blessings and curing unto the body. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes.” [11–16–70–003 answers.]

Ask thy other question.

“Aka, [4–6–70–003] asks, ‘Can you tell me what is causing the nausea and the sore spot under my right ribs?’ Also, she asks, ‘What was the name you called me reading before last? Can you give me a more complete life reading?’”

For the last shall be first; therefore, we should tell thee of the time of [Alecha]. [Alecha] was that of a maiden that stood by Mary and tended her in her time of need. Upon this time our Lord did give unto thee blessings.

And as once before, thy were handed unto thee a [child] of suckling, we give unto thee this work as a child, once again. And treat this child as the time of the Cherub. Nurse it and watch it grow into the minds of men. Thy should before thy time stand tall by thy husband, for remember unto thee thy marriage vows.

Of thy first question we should say unto thee.

We see this, yes.

We would suggest that thy should go unto thy local chiropractor, having certain adjustments made in the back area. We should also suggest, that through physical strain thy have pulled ligaments into thy arm down through thy breast area which should encircle into the backular area — yes.

We find the use of hot Epsom salts, adding to this four lemons; this should be done once a day, soaking for at least 30 minutes of your time. We would also suggest that the whole body be submerged as much as possible.

We would also suggest that for your facial area — yes, we see thy need — we would suggest the grinding of the raw beef, placing this into that area which is swollen, then doing unto this 5- minute intervals, using of the raw pulp of the potato plant, placing this into the same area. This should be done unto two days.

We find also — yes — one moment, please.

Yes — we would suggest a change in thy diet.

First, we would suggest, of thy morning meal, as many of the raw fruits that are available at this time be eaten, one piece of your bread made into the toast substance.

Of thy lunch meal, we would suggest the drinking of one ounce of safflower liquid. We would also suggest that the taking of the raw safflower and drying it into pulp; this could be used for seasoning on thy food of the evening meal. For thy luncheon meal, eat what thy is known unto thee as a curd, or in your time, one moment .

Yes, we see this, yes.

Therefore, the eating of what thy would know as cottage cheese. If possible, the eating of small quantities of yogurt; nothing else for the lunch period.

Therefore, in the evening, again drinking of the safflower oil, eating only of the meats of that that thy may boil, nothing that is fried in any of thy diet, eating as many raw vegetables as thy desire. We would not suggest any of your dressing to be placed upon this.

This is all on this subject at this time.

Ask thy other question.

“Aka, [4–20–70–001] asks ,‘Can you give me a life reading now?’”

Yes, we see thy need. Then we should take thee, we have before us those records that were made in the beginning; therefore, we have the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. Therefore, permission has been given.

And we should take tee into thy time of what was known of your years, over two million of your years, this was, in itself, the time of the Dog. At this time thy would live in what is known as [Lathan.] This was a central island which was located of thy 32 parallel on the 46th latitude. Therefore, we should say unto thee, thy were not as thy are now. If in thy thought, thy could think of thyself as what thy would think of as a giant, for your people were over 10-feet tall, and you were one of the larger of your people. Your measurements in your time would have been over 14 feet. This, you must realize, was not unusual for your people.

We see thee in thy time and of the entry.

Yes, we see this.

We find, therefore, that you worked in what you would call as a factory. You manufactured into what was known of that time as a ground-mobile machine.


You worked at that time as an engineer of the same.


Your life at that time, we find thy major problem in choosing thy mate. You were widowed four times in your lifetime of that time.

Yes, we find this.

Therefore, thy should go unto thy government again for a choice of wives. It is suggested by the counsel of your government that thy should live out the remainder of your life and rear your children, but without wife; the government would supply those of the handmaidens unto thee. And this was done.

We find, therefore, thy passing, and yet again, with the same of the karma of your time. Yes, we see.

This time thy choose to wait and school, and study, and labor before entry. Therefore, thy wait until the time of that known of the Egyptian, or the pharaoh. And much of the knowledge thy had before dwells within thy mind. They are constantly dwelling and working with these things known as cosmic generators. We find, as a young child, thy should go through schools of numerology, [gynecology, kinecology?], and therefore, into the end of astrology. And, as thy would know, you find, with all this knowledge, that you are one of those who should be chosen for the work upon this of thy time, of you would call it, your Great Pyramid. The designs and the [capture] joints were left unto thyself. This took instinctive study, leaving thee almost in complete exile from thy own people. At first, it was hard, but through your advanced studies before entering this pain, we see thy bear it well.

We do not see again unto this entry unto that time of the one known as Jesus Christ. We must omit all knowledge; these things thy must learn for thyself, and yet, thy must remember unto thyself.

We must omit all prior lifetimes. These things thy must remember unto thyself. Thy must remember of which thy have been, and therefore, to know thy duty before thee.

Remember unto this, soul Andrew, we did not choose thee lightly. We looked, both of the records of time and of thy records of this lifetime. We see thy karma. But we realize also that thy see thy own.

Through prayer and meditation, bring thyself in accord with this one thy would know of Jesus Christ, for thy will see the time again of his entry, for were there not those who choose to remain upon the earth, and therefore, be here again in the coming of the Messiah? For your earth, to save this earth, did he not die once? Were you not there; do you not remember? Does not this dwell in thy heart and soul? Look deeply into thyself. If still thy cannot remember, then we should come into thee in thy dreams and help thee and send thee further teachers.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Not completely.” [He answers.]

Then go unto thy slumbers, and we shall enter. Fear us not, for we mean thee no harm.

Soul Ray grows very weak; therefore, awaken him from his slumber.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the tape recorded message to improve accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


June 30, 1971

Globe, Arizona

Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka. Is Ray with God?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need. Then we say unto thee of thy question. First, we should say unto thee, remember unto these words our Father has spoken, for the prophecies of the Lord shall flow upon your earth as your rivers, and from your rivers into the mighty oceans and to the many lands.

Thy have asked this question, and so permission has been given to answer of the same. Of your first question, we say unto thee, we are not mighty. We are but the messengers of your Father, your God.

Thy ask, are we but angels? And we say unto thee, this word of yours, angels, is a word that was manifested by those of your own. We are but instruments of our Father. Our Father sent us for those who have reached the Christ state and for those who would prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We were the first upon your earth, and as the first, and the last shall be first.

There are some among us who have walked upon many of your worlds. But all of us have walked upon the three sisters. We were chosen for this work not because we are greater than others. Unlike your instrument, we have lived many lives. But even before your world, think thee of the time when your planet, Mars, came very close to your earth, and of the time when what you know as meteorites and asteroids passed inward into thy earth, for we were there.

And think thee of the time when our Lord created your earth and your universes, for we have said unto thee before that thy earth comes from one source.

We have told thee of the time of the cosmos and of the beginning. Therefore, think thee about your sun, for there is not an ending, but of a beginning. And think thee of the twelve sisters of your earth, and of the Thirteen, for there lies the timetable yet to unfold unto mankind, for it has unfolded before. For your Earth returns back to the beginning and then, therefore, is created a new earth.

But your mankind, as you would know it, has lived on many planets, in many universes. For our Father has made His vow unto man that man shall not perish. He may walk away from his knowledge, for he is granted free choice. Then think thee of these words, for is it not written that from the firmament did grow all things, and from the heaven and the earth did not God breathe life into the same.

Thy have questions in thy mind. Ask.

“I have no other questions, Aka .I thank you for this explanation.”

Then awaken Soul Ray from his slumber.

But before our parting we should say unto these words, look thee to the east, for there thy shall see the beginning of the Cherub, and there thy shall see the ending of the Cherub, for thy [there] shall not [be] one stone upon your earth left unturned.

[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses, and birth dates to respect privacy. No audio recording was made available with which to compare this transcript for accuracy.]

Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


Editor’s note: Please continue to the second half, Part 2, of the 1971 Readings



The Words — of Aka, spiritual messengers of God

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.