#53: Fejd

The Northeasterner
The World Metal List
2 min readFeb 2, 2023

Fejd is genuinely folk metal Swedish outfit that features a trademark sound from the metal haven that is Scandinavia.


Background Info (Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives):
Country of origin: Sweden
Location :Lilla Edet, Västra Götaland
Status: Active
Formed in: 2001
Genre: Folk (early); Folk Metal (later)
Lyrical themes: Nordic themes
Current label:Dead End Exit
Years active:2001-present

Fejd’s roots are anchored on folk music; this is noticeable in their earlier albums, the tracks of which mostly lack the vicious character of metal, but proudly flaunt folk elements that can be considered as uniquely Swedish due to the band’s mainstay use of the nyckelharpa. Though, their later sound, as evident in their album Trolldom (2016) as well as their 2021 single Strilja, possesses more pronounced metal aspects, e.g. heavier guitars , more aggressive drumming.

Nonetheless, their mixes still largely displays their folk character. Folk instruments such as the said keyed fiddle, bagpipes, jawharps, bouzouki among others, and melodies still largely dominate their music.

Favorite Albums:

  • Trolldom (2016)

Favorite Songs:

  • Härjaren (Trolldom)
  • Trolldom (Trolldom)
  • Strilja (Single, 2021)

NEXT ARTICLE: #54: Xipe Totec



The Northeasterner
The World Metal List

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