Photo by Dustin Lee on Unsplash

How to create a simple, free online writers portfolio or journal

The Writers Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2019


Great writing tips for newbies, Session 2

This is the second part of an ongoing session of writing tips that I will be posting to this blog. For those of you who are keeping up with these postings, thanks. In session one I talked about some straightforward steps to help new writers shake off some frustration and get their wheels of creativity rolling. One of these steps was to create an online portfolio of anything you have. This can be writing samples, academic papers you have written, short stories, poetry, creative artwork, etc…(You get the idea here, right?)

The idea behind this is to get you started on the process of organizing your work. Some people find it works to have a daily journal of what they do if this works for you go ahead. By all means, though, create a nice portfolio of your work. You can use several online platforms if you have to get your work out there to anyone who would like to view it. There are many to choose from to use for a portfolio/journal/website that is simple to work and free. I’ll go over a few in this session that works very nicely for a variety of things. Decide which one is best for you and get creative!

*Please note- these sessions are not meant to replace educationally taught writing methods in any way, they are only an informal look at the processes one could take to be a good writer.

Session 2

Writers portfolio and journals

Personally, I think the two best websites for writers portfolios are WordPress and Medium.

WordPress is for those who want a portfolio website to feature their work. It allows you to build a free site utilizing their easy to use software that will create pages, sub-pages, and more. You can even set your portfolio up with just about anything you want using the customization tool included. For someone to see your work in a WordPress portfolio you would have to send them a link to your website.

Medium is more of a site for writers who want others to be able to see their work online when it is published. Each time you write a story and publish it to Medium it is immediately placed online at The story is also saved to your profile for those who follow you to view. If the story is liked by those who view it can receive “claps” from the viewer. Clapping allows you to show your support for a Medium post and recommend it to your followers.

There are other sites for building portfolios like CarbonMade, and Wix. Each of these are great for any kind of writers portfolio or something more creative like an artists site. Both come with free plans and both are very simple to use. A great site for those wanting an online journal is Penzu. Like CarbonMade and Wix it comes with a free plan and is very simple to use.

Finally, find what works best you in everything that you do, including writing. Always write what you feel and never let others sway your opinions or ideas.

Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash

Thanks for taking the time out of your day to review the information presented here in session 2. If you missed session 1 feel free to review it at your own leisure. I hope this article was of some help to those seeking to be better writers. Session 3 will be posted soon. It will go over ways to start building your work and becoming a better writer.

As always- write something GREAT today!



The Writers Blog

World Class Writer, Grandfather, Artist, International Man of Mystery, Photographer, Freelancer, Poet, and Teller of Grand Stories.