Go to The XPLANE Collection
The XPLANE Collection
Thoughts and musings from the visual thinkers, co-creators, and culture champions behind XPLANE Design Consultancy.
Note from the editor

Thoughts and musings from the visual thinkers, co-creators, and culture champions behind XPLANE Design Consultancy.

Go to the profile of Dave Gray
Dave Gray
Founder, XPLANE. Author, The Connected Company and Gamestorming http://xplaner.com
Go to the profile of XPLANE
XPLANE is a design consultancy focused on organizational strategy, activation, and performance.
Go to the profile of Stephanie Gioia
Stephanie Gioia
working at the intersection of organizational challenges and design thinking | www.futurework.design
Go to the profile of Tanner Bechtel
Tanner Bechtel
Innovator, Storyteller, Strategist, and Songwriter. Business Unit Leader at wwt.com
Go to the profile of Sara Mesing
Sara Mesing
Service Design and Customer Experience Consulting, MBA+Design, puppy lover and yogi for life
Go to the profile of Marvin Gaviola
Marvin Gaviola
Associate Creative Director | XPLANE. Read more. Write more. Draw more.
Go to the profile of Cynthia Owens