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Theatre and why it matters
Theatre, and how it influenced me(memoir)
I’ve always had a big imagination, ever since I was a little kid. I would use it to come up with stories, play with toys, or just outside…
Emily Griffith
Dec 17, 2018
Theatre(different phases)
Theatre(different phases)
Theatre has one through many different phases in it’s lifespan.
Emily Griffith
Dec 17, 2018
The fight for Theatre (persuasive)
The fight for Theatre (persuasive)
Theatre is more than just a bunch of people running around on a stage spewing off lines to the audience. In fact it’s so much more, it can…
Emily Griffith
Dec 16, 2018
Write a scene…
Write a scene…
I woke up suddenly, and I didn’t see anything but open plains before me. I thought to myself “Where the hell am I? What happened?” I got…
Emily Griffith
Dec 16, 2018
How has theatre helped you?
Emily Griffith
Dec 16, 2018
Broadway History (synthesis)
Broadway is a theatre district located in Manhattan in New York City, and for a performance to be considered Broadway it must be held in…
Emily Griffith
Dec 16, 2018
Theatre, and how it influenced me(memoir)
I’ve always had a big imagination, ever since I was a little kid. I would use it to come up with stories, play with toys, or just outside…
Emily Griffith
Dec 14, 2018
Theatre (a brief history)
Theatre is something that has been around for a very long time. The origins lie in the revels of the followers of Dionysus, a god of…
Emily Griffith
Dec 14, 2018
About Theatre and why it matters
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