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Craft Conf

the personal blog for Yan Cui
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CraftConf 15–Takeaways from “Jepsen IV: Hope Springs Eternal”

This talk by Kyle Kingsbury (aka @aphyr on twitter) was my favourite at CraftConf, and gave us an update on the state of consistency with MongoDB, Elasticsearch and Aerospike.

CraftConf 15–Takeaways from “Scaling micro-services at Gilt”

There were a couple of micro-services related talks at this year’s edition of CraftConf. The first was by Adrian Trenaman of Gilt, who talked about their journey from a monolithic architecture to micro-services, and from…

CraftConf 15 experience report

Phew, what a week, finally back in the UK after a good few days in Budapest for CraftConf. What a beautiful city and what a great conference.

On a personal level it’s been a good trip, caught up with some old friends, and met some new ones. Big…