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Design Patterns

the personal blog for Yan Cui
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Here Be Monsters — Message broker that links all things

In our MMORPG title Here Be Monsters, we offer the players a virtual world to explore where they can visit towns and spots; forage fruits and gather insects and flowers; tend to farms and animals in their homesteads; make in-game…

Threading — Producer-Consumer Pattern

Having run into a bit of deadlocking issue while working on Bingo.Net I spent a bit of time reading into the Producer-Consumer pattern and here’s what I learnt which I hope you’ll find useful too.

AutoResetEvent and…

The C# Dispose Pattern

The Dispose pattern is something we’ve all seen before, and it’s so tried and tested most of us (especially myself!) have been more than happy to apply without question.

Whilst reading various blogs/articles I came across some differing opinion about this well…