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A look at Microsoft Orleans through Erlang-tinted glasses

Some time ago, Microsoft announced Orleans, an implementation of the actor model in .Net which is designed for the cloud environment where instances are ephemeral.

Getting started with Rebar on Windows

Whilst the official rebar documentation only covers usages on Unix, turns out it was really easy to get going on Windows too, even without resorting to installing and using cygwin.

Mostly Erlang episode 13

I was recently invited to chat to the Mostly Erlang podcast about F#, with co-host Bryan Hunter, Fred Hebert (author of the excellent Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good!) and fellow F# addict Phil Trelford (author of many popular F# libraries such as TickSpec, Mini Rx and Foq).

What does this F# code look like in Erlang — Part 4 of N

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