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the personal blog for Yan Cui
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Javascript — string replace all without Regex

I have been working with Node.js and Serverless heavily. It’s the first time I’ve really spent serious amount of time in Javascript, and I’m making plenty of beginner mistakes and learning lots.

Reactive Extensions for Javascript — Observable vs ConnectableObservable

For those of you who are familiar with Reactive Extensions you should know all about observables already, but did you know that there’s another kind of observable sequence — Rx.ConnectableObservable.

Reactive Extensions for Javascript — Causing side effects with Do

I wrote previously about how you can set up multiple observable sequences and subscribe to them with multiple observers and create a many-to-many relationship between them.

Drag and Drop using Reactive Extensions for Javascript

Been a while since I’ve been meaning to check out Reactive Extensions for Javascript, I have been using the .Net version for a while now and blogged about some of the cool things you can do with the .Net version.