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the personal blog for Yan Cui
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Yubl — a sad end to a wonderful journey

By now many of you would have heard about the demise of Yubl — the startup where I have been working the last 7 months — in the same week Karhoo also announced its closure.

AWS Lambda — constant timeout when using bluebird Promise

Hello! Sorry for the lack of posts recently, it’s been a pretty hectic time here at Yubl, with plenty of exciting work happening and even more on the way. Hopefully I will be able to share with you some of the cool things we have…

Serverless — enable caching on query string parameters in API Gateway

Since I started working at Yubl less than 2 weeks ago, I have been doing a lot of work with Amazon API Gateway & Lambda with the help of the Serverless framework. So far that experience has been really great.