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the personal blog for Yan Cui
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Yubl — a sad end to a wonderful journey

By now many of you would have heard about the demise of Yubl — the startup where I have been working the last 7 months — in the same week Karhoo also announced its closure.

I’m on Functional Geekery!

Hello! Just a quick word to say that I spoke to Steven Proctor for an episode of his excellent Functional Geekery podcast where we talked about a host of topics including F#, Erlang and Orleans.

You can listen or download the episode here.

I’m a JUST EATer!

Hey guys, just wanted to drop a quick note to let you know that I have recently joined JUST EAT as a Principle Engineer, since some of you have been asking on LinkedIn and at conferences.

For those of you based in UK and Europe you might have heard of us — we are the…

Win a ticket to OSCON Amsterdam!

As I mentioned several weeks ago, OSCON is coming to Europe for the first time ever and will be held in Amsterdam on 26th and 27th of October.

Some pretty cool tech com­pa­nies will be there — GitHub, DataS­tax, Google, Thought­Works, Pay­Pal…

My picks from OSCON keynotes

So OSCON came and went, and whilst I haven’t seen the recording for any of the sessions, the keynotes (and a bunch of interviews) are available on YouTube.

Unlike most conferences, the OSCON keynotes are really short (average 10–15 mins each) and having…

CraftConf 15 experience report

Phew, what a week, finally back in the UK after a good few days in Budapest for CraftConf. What a beautiful city and what a great conference.

On a personal level it’s been a good trip, caught up with some old friends, and met some new ones. Big…