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A Discourse on the Efforts to Establish a Kurdish Nation State: Part 2

Thomas (TJ) Ball, tb357@cornell.edu

The following is the second part of a two part analysis of the Kurdish national movement, part one of which can be found in

Life After Death: When the Foreign Fighters of ISIS Return Home

Ben Abeles, bba28@cornell.edu

“All of us with a memory of the ’80s and ’90s saw the line drawn from Afghanistan in the ’80s

A Discourse on the Efforts to Establish a Kurdish Nation State: Part 1

Thomas (TJ) Ball, tb357@cornell.edu

Developing a comprehensive understanding of any case study in international relations fundamentally requires that one take into account the various…

A Perspective on the Goal to Defeat ISIS

Joshua Mensah ’18, jam836@cornell.edu

Sometimes contention is not necessarily because of “conflicts of interest” but rather because no one is interested in the conflict. Here’s an example: the territorial gains of ISIS in Iraq and…