The Danger of Comfort: Why Your Belief System May Be Weighing You Down

Anne Beaulieu
The Curious Leader
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2023

Our belief system is an anchor supposed to keep us safe from danger. But have you ever considered that an anchor has a weight, and that weight can weigh you down?

Let me be bold.

If you want to sail through a life of purpose, you must first lift the anchor that weighs you down.

Is your definition of safety keeping you safe?

Many people view safety as staying put in what they know. What they know is their comfort zone. For those people, the comfort zone is safe.

But let me ask you.

Can being anchored at a port teach us how to sail on open seas successfully? It can’t.

Your definition of safety (comfort zone) is the anchor that prevents you from sailing through a life of purpose.

In a previous article, I showed how my clients view safety differently than those who value their comfort zone.

These entrepreneurs and their teams don’t stay anchored at some port in life. They feel safe to explore because they are being held accountable.

Who do you have at your service to help lift the anchor that weighs you down? If you said, “No one.” can you see the danger of that?

How do you feel about experimenting?

When you face something unfamiliar, you may have heard this piece of advice from those stuck in their comfort zone: “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.”

Your belief system, your anchor, is what you know. Faced with an unfamiliar situation, do you pick the devil you know? Do you hold fast to your belief system as if it could protect you from danger?

“There is an adventure anchored in the port of the familiar.” ~ Dov Baron

No one lifts their anchor alone.

My clients understand that their belief system is an anchor that can weigh them down.

More than once, they have felt the weight of that anchor in their life and business.

They know that picking the devil they know is usually not a wise decision. It’s a ‘comfortable’ choice. That’s where the danger lies.

Therefore, they want to know what they don’t know, so they can safely sail through a life of purpose.

Let me ask you.

What is the #1 danger of a comfort zone? You don’t have to guess. It’s comfortable!

Your belief system is comfortable. The weight of that anchor is familiar to you. Asking you to question that weight means you examine the beliefs that might weigh you down.

No one does that work alone because most people are dragging the anchor they cannot see.

You cannot lift your anchor alone. You need someone trained to see it. Let’s have a chat.

Anne Beaulieu, inspiring the next generation of emotionally intelligent, strategic women through

  • An emotionally intelligent strategic plan (EISP) that meets your needs
  • Strategic emotional intelligence with critical thinking
  • Financial emotional intelligence that confronts and solves the problem
  • Emotional debt relief
  • Financial EQ Implementation of your EISP
  • Financial EQ coaching for corporate and private clients
  • Redirecting your emotional undercurrent toward building a sustainable legacy
  • Holding you fiercely accountable by being the emotional rudder you and your business need



Anne Beaulieu
The Curious Leader

Emotional Tech© Engineer | Emotional Intelligence, Strategic Planning, AI Integration, Mega-Prompting & Knowledge Base Building Services