Go to The Dad Vault
The Dad Vault
Being a family man comes with a lot of weight and responsibility. We publish articles that encourage you to keep going, inspire you to step up your game, and equip you with tips to unlock the best dad/husband/provider/in-law/chef/tooth fairy/taxi driver you can be.
Note from the editor

Being a family man comes with a lot of weight and responsibility. We publish articles that encourage you to keep going, inspire you to step up your game, and equip you with tips to unlock the best dad/husband/provider/in-law/chef/tooth fairy/taxi driver you can be.

Go to the profile of Adam Hillis
Adam Hillis
Crafting educational email courses for coach/creators || Coaching men to connect w/ their wife & kids, and themselves || I juggle marriage, kids, and words
Go to the profile of Michael Horner
Michael Horner
Full-time business person, ultra-runner, writer, and podcaster. I exist in the world of YOU CAN! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mikehornern
Go to the profile of Adam Hillis
Adam Hillis
Crafting educational email courses for coach/creators || Coaching men to connect w/ their wife & kids, and themselves || I juggle marriage, kids, and words
Go to the profile of Frank McKinley
Frank McKinley
I like to figure things out and share what I find. My favorite topics are faith, communication, business, and personal growth. https://skl.sh/2Xp1p8d
Go to the profile of Jim Woods
Jim Woods
I help small businesses, writers, and non-profit organizations repurpose their content and create books. Contact me: Jimwoodswrites@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Valerie Sizelove
Valerie Sizelove
Early 30’s, mentally complex, twisted and honest, reflecting and growing, catching and sharing gems with all my kindred. Soul connection addict. Shapeshifter.
Go to the profile of J Cleveland Payne
J Cleveland Payne
Producer of content working to make sure more of it is ‘better.’ Sees more failure than success. Learns from both. Tries to maintain http://jclevelandpayne.net
Go to the profile of Brandon Weldy
Brandon Weldy
Father of Four. Husband to Jenny. Story Teller. Live the Adventure. http://weldywritings.com/
Go to the profile of M.M. O'Keefe
M.M. O'Keefe
I write about faith, fathering, sports, recovery and history — hoping to inspire you.
Go to the profile of Nupoor Raj
Nupoor Raj
27. Pragmatic, ambivert, epistemophile. Optometrist. Writer by passion, Poet by a natural flaw | Not a Priest; Not an Atheist.
Go to the profile of Daniel J Botha
Daniel J Botha
I help people discover how storytelling changes lives. #Writer #Storyteller #Artist #Physician Visit my website and get your FREE novella https://daniebotha.com
Go to the profile of Unashamed Encouragement
Unashamed Encouragement
Bringing Hope & Encouragement amidst the Storms of Life | Grab your FREE Devotional 👉 https://unashamedencouragement.com/30-day-devotional/
Go to the profile of Bradley Charbonneau
Bradley Charbonneau
There’s usually a choice. It’s usually yours.
Go to the profile of Jewel Eliese
Jewel Eliese
Published on Scary Mommy, & Thought Catalog. 3x Amazon bestselling author. Writer Mom. A bit sassy. Loves words + baby kisses. Reach me at jeweleliese@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Tina Viju
Tina Viju
Cancer geek . Lover of words & fried rice . Memory Keeper
Go to the profile of Big Phil's Nook
Big Phil's Nook
A balanced cloud computing expert and founder of Kallimera. I consider myself a world citizen, who gets my inspiration from the people I meet along my journeys.
Go to the profile of Jonah Hall
Jonah Hall
Writing. Poetry. Personal Essays. On the NBA, MLB, media, journalism, culture, teaching and humor.
Go to the profile of Will Watson
Will Watson
Father and husband. Writer. Law student.
Go to the profile of José Manuel De Urquidi
José Manuel De Urquidi
Convencido de que necesitamos papás en toda la extensión de la palabra hoy en día, pero, ¿Qué quiere decir eso? En esas ando…
Go to the profile of Andrew Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Husband. Father. Libertarian. Veteran. “The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud." - Coco Chanel
Go to the profile of Kimberley Payne
Kimberley Payne
Jesus Follower. Oma. Author. Writing to help others grow closer to God. Download 5 Free Prayer Models at www.kimberleypayne.com/freebies/
Go to the profile of VH Turner
VH Turner
An Ithaca, NY creative.
Go to the profile of Glen Mitchell
Go to the profile of Jessica Archuleta
Jessica Archuleta
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." --Maya Angelou
Go to the profile of Gene Grindle
Gene Grindle
Engineer. Dad. Nerd. Interested Economics, Politics, Technology, Poetry, Culinary, Writing, Gardening, Leisure, & Homesteading (at least the idea of it).
Go to the profile of Frederick Johnston
Frederick Johnston
Lifelong writer and researcher, often can be found at FJWriting.com, pursuing a life well lived
Go to the profile of Ty Alexander
Ty Alexander
Reader 📖 | Writer 📝 | Thinker 💡
Go to the profile of Pastor Graham
Pastor Graham
Sex, Relationships, and Writer of things I can’t say in public. If God made it, maybe we can talk about it. grahamwritesstuph@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Assael Romanelli, Ph.D.
Assael Romanelli, Ph.D.
Couple and family therapist. International trainer and speaker. Improviser and multi-potentialite. www.potentialstate.com
Go to the profile of Timothy Kelly
Timothy Kelly
Striving to make my way in this new world. If life is a journey, it will be much more tolerable with good company...
Go to the profile of R. Paulo Delgado
R. Paulo Delgado
✨ Ghostwriter / Tech Writer / Empowering Artists / Coder / Bylines in Insider, Entrepreneur, nft now, Moneyweb, etc. 📰 / https://linktr.ee/rpaulodelgado
Go to the profile of Aditya Danait
Aditya Danait
Father, Husband, Lead Software Developer. Aspiring Writer… Not necessarily in that order!!! More writing work at: http://adityadanait.blogspot.com/
Go to the profile of Adam Luaces
Adam Luaces
Author of the book Art of Forgiveness: Guide to Healing through Meditation, Screenwriter of the film Broken Sidewalk, Songscribe of the musical act Vonrenzo
Go to the profile of Pete Dudek
Pete Dudek
I’m a Software Engineering Manager, husband, father of 3, and a lifelong Ohioan longing to understand the universe. Opinions I share are my own.
Go to the profile of Don Simkovich, MA
Don Simkovich, MA
Don is co-author of the Tom Stone Detective novels on Amazon and writes content for businesses. Visit Don Simkovich Amazon.
Go to the profile of Riken Solanki
Riken Solanki
Inbound marketing strategist & content evangelist @ Bacancy Technology. Certified Content Writer. Well-versed at Web Copywriting| Blogs| Guest Posts
Go to the profile of Matt Hotze PhD
Matt Hotze PhD
Earning to give to effective altruism and writing about it along the way.
Go to the profile of Ryan Bird
Ryan Bird
I am a family man, I write, I train in Isshin-Ryu Karate, I love life, I enjoy mountain biking, running and gaming.
Go to the profile of Dave Jennings
Dave Jennings
I’m a father to three children. My son has Down Syndrome and he’s Autistic. I like to write openly about my experiences.
Go to the profile of Brett Chrest
Brett Chrest
After 15 years working for the Federal government, I’m a stay-at-home dad trying to figure out why the laundry won’t fold itself. Website: www.brettchrest.com
Go to the profile of Frank William Brennan
Frank William Brennan
Speaker | Writer | Storyteller — Access your deepest potential. StoryTethersGroup.com
Go to the profile of izmaxx
Engineer, restaurant owner, dabbler in the written arts. Proud to call JHU, USC, and UIUC my alma mater. Find me on LinkedIn @isunhachawi.
Go to the profile of Vuyo Ngcakani
Vuyo Ngcakani
writer, husband for 28 years, father of 3, grandfather of 2. I write about fatherhood, parenting, Christianity, & other topics. https://vuyongcakani.com
Go to the profile of Sankha Ranadheera
Sankha Ranadheera
Father of twins. Interested in politics, digital marketing and cinema. Earn few bucks working in the travel industry.
Go to the profile of Kristin MacDermott
Kristin MacDermott
Resilience expert and speaker. Licensed marriage and family therapist. Believer that skills training is the fastest way to transform your life.
Go to the profile of Dan Temple
Go to the profile of Udit Thakur
Go to the profile of Pranjali Desai
Go to the profile of Tess DiNapoli
Tess DiNapoli
Tess DiNapoli is an artist, freelance writer, and content strategist. She has a passion for yoga and often writes about fitness & wellness, as well as fashion.
Go to the profile of Christopher Kokoski
Christopher Kokoski
Endlessly curious| proud word nerd| Don’t miss my next article — sign up to my Medium email list: https://bit.ly/3yy18Bc
Go to the profile of Flex Mauto
Flex Mauto
My goal is simple: distil and simplify the wisdom of the Bible so you can thrive in life—whether you are a person of faith or not. flexmauto.substack.com
Go to the profile of Brad Creech
Brad Creech
Pastor - husband - father - author of The Dark Night of the Soul (https://a.co/d/am6tM6i)
Go to the profile of Brian Tubbs
Brian Tubbs
Crafting Stories, Encouraging People
Go to the profile of Jake Flavin
Jake Flavin
I have no idea what I am doing.
Go to the profile of Bond Wang
Bond Wang
Forget injuries, never forget kindness. Hey, I write about life, culture, and daydreams. Hope I open a window for you, as well as for myself.
Go to the profile of Jonathan Hillis
Jonathan Hillis
Functioning Life–Business Coach. Advocate for Medford, OR. Social Entrepreneur. TheGreenwood.com
Go to the profile of Elizabeth Webster
Elizabeth Webster
I am a Londoner and a traveller, a lover of history, events, midwifery, art and everything this wonderful world has to offer.
Go to the profile of Will Dennis
Will Dennis
Owner/operator of improv studio, UnScripted Productions and proud #girldad. Writing about parenting, improv, education and faith (and all combinations)
Go to the profile of Christer Enfors
Christer Enfors
Parent, gamer, professional software development nerd and amateur martial arts nerd. Loves roleplaying games. https://ttrpg-hangout.social
Go to the profile of Michael Thomas Leibrandt
Michael Thomas Leibrandt
Supervisor, AV Services/Info Techol Engineer/Full-Stack Engineer/Consultant/Author/Creator. Human interest writing is in my blood. I cannot get a transfusion.
Go to the profile of David Turcotte
David Turcotte
I’m a father, writer, and behavioral therapist. I write about disabilities, psychology, and everything else.
Go to the profile of Hakeem Gunn
Hakeem Gunn
Husband, Dad, Entrepreneur, Christ Follower.
Go to the profile of Brandon Foster
Brandon Foster
What's up?! I am an author who loves to write about God and how to help men grow in maturity. Follow to join my journey!