The Dad Hammer Times, 8/3/2020

The Dad Vault
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3 min readAug 3, 2020


“Mostly you just have to keep plugging and keep loving — and hoping that your child forgives you according to how you loved him, judged him, forgave him, and stood watching over him as he slept, year after year.” –Ben Stein

In the early morning hours when my four-week-old doesn’t want to sleep, I find myself losing patience. It not uncommon for parents of newborns to feel the exhausted feelings they feel in those wee hours.

Especially if this has been going on for weeks.

This morning even, I found myself walking circles around my living room waiting for my sweet daughter to go back to sleep so I could get back to writing. I answered emails and sent tweets. But most of all, I enjoyed holding her while she is so small.

My hope is that my lack of patience will be forgotten, but my willingness to be there and snuggle and pace the floors of our house will stick with her for her entire life.

This Week’s Stories

This week we had two new posts from Frank William Brennan and Dave Jennings, along with a series started by Jack Heimbigner. It is clear that fatherhood is starting to become a bigger focus here on Medium!

Be sure to stop by each one of this week’s stories and read, clap, highlight, and comment!

6 Trust Building Activities for Kids

By: Frank William Brennan

Trust — marriages fail without it. Companies crumble when employees do not see it in their leaders. Parents struggle if they do not provide it. Children cannot thrive without earning it. It’s at the forefront of any dynamic relationship, especially with your kids.


Father’s Perspectives and Being Truly Honest — Things Unsaid (Curated!)

By: Dave Jennings

After my son was born with Down Syndrome I looked everywhere for resources, information, and other parents to talk to. The majority of materials I found were aimed at women and the emotional struggles they faced.


Fatherhood Jumpstart — A Series of Posts

By: Jack Heimbigner

This is a project that Jack is working on as part of a challenge to Blog Your Own Book. He has chosen the topic of fatherhood and is posting every day here on The Dad Hammer Pub for the month of August.

You can keep up with his posts on the featured page here. Or check out the ones he has started with so far:

Fathers Needed

How to Jumpstart Your Fatherhood Journey

Weekly Dad Joke

My wife tried to unlatch our daughter’s car seat with one hand and said, “How do one-armed mothers do it?” Without missing a beat I replied, “Single-handedly.”

Weekly Prompt

What is one thing that has made you a better father?

So often, we receive tons of advice and encouragement. Yet, there is always something that really makes us a better father. What was that one thing for you? Share it in a story this week and send it on over!

Connect with The Dad Hammer Pub

The Dad Hammer Pub is found in two places outside of Medium:

Jump on over and connect with on both so we can share stories as they come out, and grow our community!

Thank you for reading, and we will see you next week!

The Dad Hammer Pub



The Dad Vault

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