The Law Of Life: The Search

Sam Chahine
Published in
11 min readApr 17, 2020

What do you find when you find The Search?


The awareness of “the search” in all things is the most important characteristic one must be able to find in The Complexity. It can be said that because of its infinite essence, The Reverberation is always reverberating until it finds itself again. It is searching for itself in an infinite plane of possibility, wondering where the journey will take it, until it is both found and still finding. Once it is found, The Reverberation does what The Reverberation does when it is found, which is once again embark on the never-ending search for itself.

It is helpful to see an abstraction’s reverberations in all of its form, but it is significantly more meaningful when you can see its parallel journey alongside your own path of self discovery. When you notice an abstraction’s repetitive essence, you have found a “thing” that is looking for itself. Your place in this Universe is a “thing” looking for itself, but the Universe has already found you, and is waiting for you to find yourself. All that is left is for you to find what is already found, in the search that will forever be finding.

The Search can be found in all things — this focus of this sentence is an example. It is the night searching for the morning sun, or your open eyes searching for the light; the journey searching for the destination and love searching for itself. The abstraction of The Search is inevitably in all things, as its conception is the very search You are trying to find. For the purpose of this chapter, The Search will be the focus point of what You are trying to find.

The recurring search regarding the awareness of certain abstractions in everyday events is easier said than done, especially when one must always be “searching” for The Search. Paradoxically, if an individual searching for The Search was to find it, they would “find” that the search can never end. The Search is infinite, since once it is found, the search will continue to be the search, the only difference is that it has been found.

An example of the infinite essence of The Search can be found in human beings. Once a new life is born — or found — that life searches with its eyes and sees its mother; the baby finds its creator. As months go by, the baby finds its first steps. With its new found walking, it searches around the house, finding new places to hide, and once again be found by its parents. There are many examples regarding The Search in all aspects of this life, one must simply begin to look, and all that you are searching for will inevitably be found!

The Search

For an individual to adopt a greater awareness of The Search in all things, one must adhere to certain conditions. There are three practices that are essential in the development of a greater awareness of The Search: Abstraction, Acceptance and Submission. Together, these three focus points allow an individual to detach from the story they are trying to explore, and instead observe its narration as it happens.

The truth that this section aims to make apparent is that we — as individuals — are always searching. Whether or not we are aware of what we are searching for is unimportant, and any further inquiry into the contents of the search will only deter us from the truth and back to a false reality — the physical world. However, it is necessary to use concepts and ideas you are familiar with to outline the presence of the search in all things. Thus, although it is unfavourable for an individual to remain attached to the contents of their physical life — wherein belief in a physical self is blinding –, it is essential that they observe the chapters of life as no more than a collection of stories.

It is important that these stories are explored only for the study of the reverberations therein. Before setting out on the search for the search, one must be able to completely let go of the concept or idea that allows your physical self to remain as anything more than a character in a story. In terms of Awakening — The Complexity — the character can never awaken, for they are always awakening! One must let go of the physical self in the pursuit of the Truth. You cannot remain as a character of a story if you seek the One who wrote it, for it is impossible to find the self if the self doesn’t know that it is what it is searching for!

As the initial practice of abstracting concepts and ideas has already been explored in the previous sections, the following aims to enhance — rather than develop — your ability to abstract. In order for an individual to visualise an abstraction where “The Search” is a focus point of a story, one must first be able to completely understand the underlying significance of searching. The mystery of the search is that it cannot be found without someone to find it — and in this situation, that someone is you.

For the search to exist, there must be something that is to be found. There is no part of any thing that is neither the searching nor the finding. This means that at any moment, in any place and for any reason, what is found can only be the search. Take for example this very concept we are trying to understand; the search. We are looking for the search, in order to find it. There is no escape from searching and there is no escape from finding, regardless of whether or not what is sought or found is desired.

Take for example an individual — who goes by the name Anferny — searching for a job. Once the job is found — after endless hours of searching — a new journey is also found. On Anferny’s first day, he is told that his fortnightly quota consists of finding solutions to a minimum of ten problems. Upon the discovery of each consequent solution, what is found is more than than a resolve. Rather, a form of pride is amused and what follows is an instance of the abstraction of success.

In the example above, due to the exaggerated acknowledgement of the search and the finding, it becomes clear that the story — and any story — can be abstracted into the searching and the finding. Any attempt to abstract a story will always yield the search and the finding, where what is found leads to more searching!

Previously, the visualisation of the Fibonacci Sequence is used to demonstrate a reverberated pattern. Each square in the diagram would represent the same abstraction of a different instance. The following is a visualisation of the example above, incorporating the reverberations, repetitions, archetype and inevitably — The Complexity from which the story has developed.

The techniques introduced in The Reverberation allow an individual to practice remembering their awareness. In The Search, one should be able to become aware of two things in any story, situation or occurrence: the search and the finding. In any event or experience, one must always look for the search and the finding — even though it is already found by the nature of someone searching for it. Therein lies the paradox of life, where simply looking for the answer is enough for it to be found.

The following demonstration of this technique is to highlight the different scales that one may be able to explore in terms of looking for the search. The first example will be a momentous event, whereby a man — Anferny — is trying to find love. His journey has thus far been disappointing, and never having met a significant other has unfortunately deteriorated his self-esteem. One day, after years of searching, Anferny makes the conscious decision to stop looking for love. Weeks go by and everything is the same, though Anferny’s mental health is no better than before. On his daily venture to the city, a woman recognises him from a conference they’d both previously attended. They decided to get drinks to catch up and realised they have a lot in common. Years after this fateful meeting and a flourishing relationship, they exchange their vows of love and devotion.

This example is not unlikely, though the abstraction therein is almost inevitable. A being who is searching for love and failing in doing so chooses to give up. The pain and heartache is unbearable, so the only thing to do is to forget. As soon as the search for love is ceased, what comes next is the finding. The abstraction of the story pertains to a being who is searching, and instead of finding love, they are found by love.

It is when you let go of your desire to know, that the knowing will be remembered. It is when you give up searching for yourself, that you realise all that is left is for you to be found. When there is a thing that is searching, there will always be a thing that is to be found. Though, when there is no searching — on the grounds and acceptance that there is nothing left to be sought — there can only be what is found, and always finding.

Awakening is a balance scale and will yield the opposite of what is disproportionately desired. Individuals who spend their life searching will forever be blind to the fact that the finding is already here. Unfortunately, halting the search for meaning is easier said than done, although it is imperative. Once it becomes clear that both the search and the finding already exist in all things, it may also become easier for You to let go of the search, and find what is already found, and can never be lost.

This following example is much simpler than the tragedy of love. The trivial act of opening One’s eyes to see all that can be seen is in itself a search for all that can be found. The searching is the will to see, and the finding is all that is seen. The abstractions of searching and finding are indestructible characteristics in all things. Though the persistent search for the search may leave you aching with migraines, the metaphysical revelations you are sure to uncover will far outweigh any physical discomfort.

Once an individual is able to clearly visualise the abstraction of the search and the finding in all aspects of life, what remains is the acceptance of equilibrium. An equilibrium is defined as: a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced. As such, both the search and the finding must be at a complete equilibrium in order for the hypothetical balancing scale of The Complexity to rest and allow for the recognition of unity in duality. One must let go of the search as well as the will to be found, in order to find the search.

Though this paradox invalidates any intellectual or physical solutions due to its impossible nature, it is only impossible to resolve in a world where it is impossible to resolve. This may seem convoluted and repetitive, but the point is that you cannot cook an egg without the egg, but if neither the egg nor the desire to cook it exists, then there is no solution needed, and hence no resolve to be found. You must understand that in this physical, logical and deterministic world, there are limitations that exist solely on the basis that limitations can exist.

Do not attempt to transcend the physical, but rather accept the limitations for what they are. Understand that the concept of a limitation is the basis of a paradox. You are designed to simultaneously search and find, yet expect to out-search the search you are searching for! Therein lies the paradox of life, within You. It is no different than trying to see your eyes with your eyes, or find what cannot be found, remember what cannot be forgotten or believe in dying though you’ve never died. These are the paradoxes that keep you grounded, do not lose yourself in them, rather dwell on their infinite nature and understand that they are an expression of Your own infinite nature in a finite world.

Should you continue the search for what is already found — the search for one’s self — the paradox of the search will only take you further into the illusion of this false reality. For a being to knowingly search for something that is unable to be found, they must expect — as a result — a thing to find. For as long as the search is pursued, it will yield things that are able to be found, yet The Complexity cannot be found in the same way open eyes can find the sky. The Complexity cannot be found in the same way that your thoughts can find an understanding, or in the same way that happiness can find a smile. You are searching for something that cannot be found, so in order to find what cannot be found, the search must come to an end.

Once the search is no more, and the acceptance of the fact that there is no more to find is attained, The Complexity — Awakening — will show itself, in a way that cannot be shown. It will speak to you in a way that cannot be spoken, it will give you an understanding that cannot be understood. The Complexity will remind you of its infinite possibilities and its only conception. Once you are truly ready to understand and accept the impossibility of finding what cannot be found, The Complexity will find You.

Though it may seem difficult at first to put an end to your search for The Complexity — Awakening, Truth, One, Unity, etc. — it can be done by leveraging a previously mentioned technique — forgetting! Once you actively avoid trying to find the meaning of your existence, you will begin to forget what you were searching for in the first place! The meaning of your existence will instead find you, in a place where you have never been and at a time that can never be.

In religious scriptures and traditions, the notion of submitting to the all knowing Truth is usually coupled with a suggestion to masquerade an inferior attitude towards God, Awakening, One, etc. Conversely, the attitude one must accompany on the path to Remembrance should be none other than unconditional love. Fear becomes a non-existent concept in the presence of True Love. Thus, if your experience of discovering all that is Divine is at all fearful, what you are seeking is not Divine, but delusion.

The submission to The Complexity can only be authentic if you allow yourself to be free of all desires. This includes the desire of having no more desires. Submitting one’s self to the will of God — or the inevitability of The Complexity — should not pertain to the abandonment of one’s desires, but rather the acceptance. The acceptance of the will of God is reaching the understanding that the desire to have and the desire to not have are one and the same. It is when you let go of any dissatisfaction on either side of the spectrum that you will truly embody a perfect submission to the will — and inescapable fate — of God.

The notion of accepting all things as they are will be further explored in the coming sections, though individuals are encouraged to find a balance between all that is desired and all that is not. There is no right or wrong path on the road to enlightenment, only a journey that you must venture on your own. Though you may have some help on the way, it can only lead you in the right direction. It is up to You to find your own path.



Sam Chahine

Hi! My name is Sam Chahine & I'm the founder of Hero (, I also wrote a book called "The Philosopher from Carnival Island", I love fun stuff.