Transformers: A Step Forward for Humanity

The Deep Hub Editors
The Deep Hub
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5 min readMay 1, 2024

Welcome to the Cutting Edge of Data Science!

As every week we will announce the top 5 articles of the week.

The posts selected in this week’s newsletter cover a wide range of topics, from guides to improving your machine learning models to advanced topics about transformers.

Let´s go through the top five picks!

(If you´d like to get your article featured in The Deep Hub, read the submission guidelines here).

1. How to improve your Machine Learning model (hands-on example) — Megh Mehta

Explore the journey of improving your Machine Learning model with our latest article by Megh Mehta, now on The Deep Hub!

Image by Megh Mehta — Source: Magenta

If you’ve ever wondered about how a machine learning model works beyond just code snippets, you’re in the right place for sure!

Megh Mehta will take you step by step through the process of building, analyzing, and refining a TensorFlow model, providing insights into the logic behind each improvement. Sounds good, right?

Here are a few points that you will enjoy:

  • Build a Model: create your linear regression model from scratch using TensorFlow, starting with a small dataset. Follow along as we establish the foundation for our machine-learning journey.
  • Analyze Flaws and Predictions: you will learn how to identify flaws in your model’s predictions and analyze its performance metrics, gaining valuable insights into areas for improvement.
  • Making Improvements: you will also explore various strategies for enhancing your model, from adjusting model architecture to modifying optimization techniques and training epochs.

Megh will provide with clear explanations and examples, making complex concepts accessible to beginners while offering valuable insights for those with more experience. This is one of our objectives, here in The Deep Hub!

Are you ready to take your machine-learning skills to the next level?

(Read the article here).

2. Beyond Determinism in Data: Embracing Uncertainty with Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis — Everton Gomede

In this new piece, Everton Gomede, PhD takes us on a journey through the world of dimensionality reduction, talking about how transformative is the potential of Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis (PPCA).

Going into the limitations of traditional Principal Component Analysis (PCA) when faced with real-world uncertainties, the author introduces us to PPCA as a sophisticated solution for embracing uncertainty head-on.

Have you ever wondered about what challenges are posed by deterministic approaches in the face of noise and missing data, particularly in critical fields like finance and healthcare? Learn how PPCA elegantly incorporates a probabilistic framework, offering a more realistic representation of complex datasets and empowering decision-makers with valuable insights.

Don’t miss out on this captivating article on Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis. Share your insights below!

Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis (PPCA) - Image retrieved from Everton´s article

(Read the article here).

3. Unlocking the Power of Transformers: A Journey through the Evolution of Artificial Intelligence — M. Muneeb Ur Rehman

Image by M. Muneeb Ur Rehman

AI + Transformers? Guaranteed Success! In this week’s new article, our author M Muneeb Ur Rehman walks us through the impact and evolution of transformers in AI.

From the milestone of 2017 with the document “Attention is All You Need” to overcoming the historical challenges of AI, this article leads you on a journey through the history of artificial intelligence.

Here, you will not only discover how transformers have revolutionized the way machines understand and process human language but, also discover how there is a current opening of new opportunities to innovation and creativity across various industries.

And that’s not all! You can also explore how generative algorithms, along with large language models, are pushing AI beyond simple chat conversations, addressing complex tasks such as essay writing, language translation, and code generation.

Don’t miss out on this must-read article highlighting the incredible potential of transformers in generative AI.

(Read the article here).

4. How Raycast Transformed My MacBook Workflow — Vince Lam

In this article, Vince Lam discusses the benefits of using Raycast, a macOS launcher, which the author credits with significantly enhancing his productivity after switching from a Windows machine to a MacBook M2 Pro.

In the post, Vince describes Raycast as a superior alternative to other macOS launchers like Spotlight and Alfred, due to its speed, power, and the rich ecosystem of extensions developed by a dedicated community.

He explains how Raycast’s native commands replace the need for several third-party apps, the use of specific extensions that further streamline his workflow. Vince encourages readers to try Raycast, suggesting it has become an essential tool in his productivity toolkit, saving him countless hours each month.

If you´re also changing from Windows to MacBook you will find this article very helpful!

Example Raycast usage - Image retrieved from Vince´s article | Source

(Read the article here).

5. Embracing Change: How Organizations Can Support Employees Amidst the AI Boom — Stephen Chege-Terra

Image by Stephen Chege-Terra

This post addresses common fears about AI, such as job displacement, and argues that while AI poses a risk to certain jobs, it also creates new opportunities in areas like data science and AI ethics.

Stephen Chege-Tierra Insights discusses the results of a study by Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael Osborne which suggested that nearly half of US jobs could be automated within two decades, highlighting both the threat and the potential of AI.

To mitigate the negative impact of AI, the article suggests several strategies for organizations, including:

  1. On-the-job training to help employees gain AI-related skills.
  2. Encouraging attendance at AI-related events to stay informed about the latest developments.
  3. Holding brief meetings to discuss how AI is impacting their specific industry.
  4. Promoting the use of AI tools within the company to build familiarity and expertise.
  5. Emphasizing the importance of AI and educating employees about its potential benefits and impacts.

The article concludes by emphasizing the need for businesses to invest in employee training and for individuals to adopt a mindset of continuous learning to effectively leverage AI technologies.

(Read the article here).

Thanks for your support! Do you have an article you´d like to share with us? Make sure to send us your piece and we will read it.

Until the next week,

The Deep Hub authors.



The Deep Hub Editors
The Deep Hub

The editors of The Deep Hub. Exchanging ideas and empowering your knowledge.