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The Divide
The Divide
Student journalists explore racism and insensitivity at QU and beyond
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Blackface Photo: North Dakota State University

By Lindsay Pytel

See our full article about the 11 blackface selfies and videos posted this fall.

Two groups of students at North Dakota University posted separate racially charged photographs on…

Blackface Photo: Prairie View A&M University

By Nicole Kessler

See our full article about the 11 blackface selfies and videos posted this fall.

In September, a white student at a historically black university posted a Snapchat photo of herself…

Blackface Video: Albright College

By Sam Hooker

See our full article about the 11 blackface selfies and videos posted this fall.

On Oct. 3, two women attending Albright College in Reading, Penn., posted a video to Snapchat that was recorded in a…

Blackface Video: SUNY Potsdam University

By Nicole Kessler

See our full article about the 11 blackface selfies and videos posted this fall.

Three students from SUNY Potsdam University in upstate New York, posted a video of themselves wearing…

Blackface Photo: Xavier University

By Shauna Golden

See our full article about the 11 blackface selfies and videos posted this fall.

On Oct. 24, a Snapchat photo of a Xavier University student in blackface surfaced, accompanied by the caption “who…