Campus Crush Confessions Part Two: Everybody Likes…the Same Guy?

By Abby Hansen

Abby Hansen
The Herald
4 min readMar 1, 2024


Welcome back to Campus Crush Confessions! This week’s crush coverage is going to be a little different. As I sorted through the dozens of confessions sent in, I noticed a pattern. Every couple of submissions, I would see the same name. Once we got to five confessions for this guy, I figured we might as well give him his own article.

This part-time barber plays rugby, studies biology, and is apparently the love of everyone’s life.

So, without further ado, here is Campus Crush Confessions: The Lomu Edition.

Lomu Tokelau (‘27). Photo Courtesy of Natasha LeNeave.

To: Lomu

What your secret admirer likes about you: “I love his smile, and his sense of humor.

What’s stopping them from asking you out:idk if he feels the same way”

From: “The girl you see once a month”

We’re starting off a little weak with this one. I’m sorry, but I don’t know if you have a chance if you only see him once a month. Guys at SVU don’t have object permanence when it comes to women. If you haven’t seen a guy in three days, he’s probably moved on to another girl. So if you only see him once a month… yeah, sorry, no shot.

To: Lomu

What your secret admirer likes about you: “His smile, his kind personality, soooo cute.”

How your admirer knows you: “1 class together, see [him] at round table sometimes.”

What’s stopping them from asking you out:Probs out of my league, want to get to know them more first, nervous”

From: “Your secret admirer

We’re up to three things this admirer likes about Lomu! And this person also has one class with him, so y’all see each other at least two/three times a week. I would say you’ve got more of a chance… but I also literally have no idea who you are, so…

Good luck!

To: Lomu

What your secret admirer likes about you: “Sooo cute and sweet!!!! Like a giant teddy bear haha (jk)!!”

How your admirer knows you: “We’ve chatted a few times :)”

What’s stopping them from asking you out: “Way too scared hahah

From: “Round table admirer

Um…I know you didn’t just call him “a giant teddy bear.” Respectfully, don’t ever say that again. But who knows, Lomu might appreciate it. Good luck, I guess.

To: Lomu

What your secret admirer likes about you: “He’s obvi attractive but his smile is so cute!! He also seems nice for real…”

How your admirer knows you:Have a class together!”

What’s stopping them from asking you out: “I’m worried he’ll say no and I’ve been told I have commitment issue stuff (working on it!!) :/”

From: “Scaredy cat :(”

If you can’t even commit to spelling out obviously, maybe you need to work on those issues a little bit more.

To: Lomu

What your secret admirer likes about you: “Lomu is one of the cutest guy I’ve ever seen. When I first saw him and his smile I was like DANGG hello future hubbyyy. JK.. he’s prob out of my league. But anyways Lomu is also very kind, spiritual, and seems like such a gentleman. Unfortunately I don’t get to see him a lot but when I do… man it’s magical. And whenever he makes my sandwich for me I swear it tastes extra good. It’s like my heart speeds up a little whenever I see him. I’m a little embarrassed to admit this but.. I watched the snowman video with him in it about 10 times on insta.. anyways thats all.”

How your admirer knows you: “One class together, sometimes see each other around like at round table or around campus.”

What’s stopping them from asking you out: “anxious/shy about it, no clue how i should do it, haven’t talked one on one enough yet.. idk.”

From: “Your future wife… i hope”

Oh wow. That was definitely something. But you know what, I admire the enthusiasm and think you should go for it! You obviously like the guy and have a class together, so why not? (Just don’t tell him about the snowman thing; that might freak him out.)

That’s a wrap on the Lomu edition, at least for now. If you want more Lomu content, check out our most recent Southern Virginia Style article!

If you missed last week’s confessions, click here. We are still taking submissions for Campus Crush Confessions; click here for the form.

Check back next week for another edition of Campus Crush Confessions!



Abby Hansen
The Herald

Editor-in-chief of the Herald, Southern Virginia University’s student-run newspaper.