All the slides (and more) from the 2017 IA Summit

IA Conference
Backstage from the IA conference
7 min readMay 11, 2017
Photo by Tourism Vancouver

The 2017 Information Architecture Summit was held in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from March 22–26, 2017. We’ve curated links to session slides and notes, posters from the poster session, and photos from the conference. Dive in to review your favorite session or check out any you missed.

* NOTE: Videos for sessions will be coming soon. *

If we’re missing something, please comment directly on this post with a link or send it to us! And, if you like to browse previous years’ collections, you can view them here:

Do you have bullet points, sketchnotes, a Storify, photos, or a blog post that you’ve created in response to a presentation? Send those our way, too!

Day 1 — Friday, March 24th

Opening Keynote: Ranch Stories — Alan Cooper
Sketchnotes from Julie Celia
Sketchnotes from Anh Nguyen

What’s The Point of IA? — Dan Ramsden
Discussion of Fish Model on Medium
Sketchnotes from Anh Nguyen

AI for IA’s: Machine Learning Demystified — Carol Smith
Slides on Slideshare
Overview on Medium
Nonsequinote by Veronica Erb

The State of UX: Industry Trends & Survey Results — Lyle Kantrovich
Slides on Slideshare

Intentionally Intensional Information Architecture — Dorian Taylor
Slides (PDF)
Sources Cited in Talk
Sketchnotes from Anh Nguyen

Intelligent Guides: Architecting Systems for Context-driven Interactions — Tim Caynes
Slides on Slideshare

The Future of Voice Design: How You Can Get Started — Brooke Hawkins
Slides on Slideshare
Article on UX Booth

Designing for the 100% — FJ van Wingerde
Slides on Slideshare

Teachers vs Robots: Information Architecture and Assistive Artificial Intelligence — Michael McLeod
Slides on Google Docs

Scales and Practices of Usability Testing in the Newsroom — Clarisa Diaz
Slides on GitHub

Language Arts for the Lizard Brain: Vocabulary Design for the Predictably Irrational — Andy Fitzgerald
Slides on Slideshare
Article on Medium
Sketchnotes from Anh Nguyen

Privacy by Default: A Concept for Privacy in a World With The Internet of Things — Lutz Schmitt
Slides on Slideshare

Taming the Enterprise: Redesigning the Culture of Enterprise Software — Karen VanHouten
Slides on Slideshare
Sketchnotes from Anh Nguyen

How Do You Make the Good Great? A Case Study on Redesigning the University of Michigan Medical School Website — Kelly Davenport and Jackie Wolf
Slides on Slideshare

How the World Health Organization Transformed a 20,000 Term Folksonomy into a Tightly Controlled Vocabulary — Adam Ungstad
Slides on Slideshare

The Embedded Researcher: Integrating Research into the Design Process — Amy Silvers
Slides on Slideshare

Keynote: From Personal to Person-able — Susan Kare
Sketchnotes from Anh Nguyen

Day 2 — Saturday, March 25th

Keynote: People in an AI Mindset — Elizabeth Churchill
Sketchnotes from Clemens Sietas
Sketchnotes from Anh Nguyen

Designing for Values-based Information Seeking — Vivian Bliss, Joseph Busch, and Susan Golden
Slides (PDF)

Decentering Design — Thomas Wendt
Slides on Slideshare
Sketchnotes from Anh Nguyen

Getting From Barrier-free to Delightful — Whitney Quesenbery
Slides on Slideshare

A Taxonomist, a Software Engineer, and a UX Researcher Walk Into a Bar: Bridging AI and User Experience Methods at Etsy — Jenny Benevento, Giovanni Fernandez-Kincade, and Jill Fruchter
Slides on Slideshare

Ethics & AI: Designing for Health — Amy Chenault, Astrid Chow, Carol Smith, and Joel Wu
Slides on Slideshare

Structured Data For The Digital Community — Jacques Bouchard
Slides on Slideshare

How to Design a Government Website for Kids — Emileigh Barnes
Slides on Google Docs
Sketchnotes from Anh Nguyen

Unintuitive and Insecure: Fixing the Failures of Authentication UX — Jared M. Spool
Slides on Dropbox

Taxonomic Irony or: What I Think about When I Think about Taxonomies (Including a Meta-Taxonomy) — Bob Kasenchak
Slides on Google Docs
Sketchnotes from Anh Nguyen

Diversity & Inclusion in Information: A Working Wikipedia Session — Noreen Whysel
Slides on Slideshare

Keynote: Designing Calm Technology — Amber Case
Slides on Dropbox
Sketchnotes from Anh Nguyen

Day 3 — Sunday, March 26th

Acting Naturally with Information — Marsha Haverty
Slides on Slideshare
Sketchnotes from Anh Nguyen

How Cultural Relativism Influences Design Decisions — Ramya Mahalingam
Slides on Slideshare
Article on UX Booth

Creative Clarity: Finding Focus in the Midst of Ambiguity — Jon Kolko
Slides (PDF)

Presence for Information Architects — Zachary Frazier
Slides on Slideshare

“Was Nate Silver wrong? Click here for why!” The Crisis of Modeling in an Era of Clickbait, Truthiness, and Fake Content — Bram Wessel
Slides on Slideshare
Further Thoughts on Medium
Sketchnotes from Anh Nguyen

Sustainable UX — James Christie
Slides on Slideshare
Article on UX Booth

Architecture for Aliens: Using IA for Smarter Things — Andrew Hinton
Slides on Dropbox

Facilitating Holistic Product Decisions with Information Architecture — Johanna Kollmann
Slides on Slideshare

Troubleshooting Your Busted Design Process — Dan Willis
Slides on Slideshare
Sketchnotes from Anh Nguyen

All Roads Lead to the Bathroom: Why Thinking of Visitors as People Makes Museums (and Everywhere Else) Better — Elissa Frankle
Slides on Google Docs

Culture as Context: Why and How to Design for Multilingual Users — Cristóbal Almanza
Slides on Slideshare
Photo on Twitter

Final Destination: Creating a Better Afterlife for Our Digital Treasures — Melissa Martin
Slides on Slideshare
Sketchnotes from Astrid Chow
Sketchnotes from Anh Nguyen

IA Wikipedia Edit-a-thon — Noreen Whysel
Slides on Slideshare

Designing for Little Humans: Combining Play, Nature and Technology — Erin Chan and Nidhi Jalwal
Slides on Google Drive

Anticipating User Needs: Software for Humans — Sarah Auvil
Slides on Slideshare
Sketchnotes from Anh Nguyen

How Might We Design Human Centered Chatbots? — Jayneil Dalal
Slides on Slideshare

I’m Sorry. I Can’t. Don’t Hate Me: The Post-It Breakup — Kyle Soucy
Slides on Slideshare

Closing Plenary — Dan Klyn
Transcript on Medium
Sketchnotes from Anh Nguyen

5-Minute Madness
Sketchnotes from Anh Nguyen


An IA Sprint Case Study — Atsushi Hasegawa
Image on Slideshare

Design Pattern System Empathy Map: an exploration of the empathy map model with stakeholders of a design pattern system — Catherine Ho
Poster and Explanation
Photo During Poster Night

Claude Shannon: Father of the Mother of the Invention of Information Architecture — Dan Klyn

A User-Centered Redesign of the Intranet Portal for the Business School at Duke University — Jacob Geib-Rosch

The Kraken Diner Menu — Jeffrey Ryan Pass
Poster on Slideshare

Reality 2.0: Interaction Design for Mixed Reality — Kim Mats Mats
Poster on Slideshare

The Hero’s Journey of the American Voter — Maggie Ollove
Article on Medium

Storycar, using Atlanta’s streetcar as a storytelling platform — Rachel Miles
Poster on Google Docs


IAS17 Storify compiled by Anita Cheng
Day 2:
Day 1:
Day 3:

From UX Booth’s Julieta Sanchez
Day 1: IA Summit 2017: Designing for Humans
Day 2: IA Summit 2017: Co-evolving for the Benefit of All
Day 3: IA Summit 2017: Architecting Community

From Attendees
What We Learned About Design in Canada, Eh — Cristóbal Almanza

Discussion IA Meetup Japan featuring IAS17 (in Japanese) — Concent, Inc.

Designing Human Centered Chatbots: How Might We Design a chatbot to reduce the workload on conference organizers? — Jayneil Dalal

情報アーキテクチャの国際学会「IA Summit2017」帰国前の所感 — Yuichi Inobori

IA Summit 2017: Watering the Seeds — Paul McAleer

Sketchnotes — Anh Nguyen

2017 IA Summit: My Experience Attending, Speaking, and Volunteering — Kyle Soucy

Designing for Humans: 3 Lessons Learned from the 2017 IA Summit — Norm Sun

IA Summit 2017: A Gathering of Brilliant Minds — Denise Villanueva

Diversity and Inclusion in Wikipedia: Reflections on IA Summit 2017 — Noreen Whysel

On IA Summit 2017 and Legacy — Dylan Wilbanks

Photos from IAS17

Check out photos from the IA Summit or add your own on our Flickr group:



IA Conference
Backstage from the IA conference

Formerly IA Summit. The premier gathering place for people & ideas in information architecture + user experience. #iac21