Paradigm Shift from Classical to Quantum Computing — PART 2

All that you need to get started with Quantum Computing!!

Shivam Dhyani
4 min readJun 5, 2021


In part-1, we talked about how quantum computing is different from classical computing by discussing its properties. If you had missed reading that article, then I would highly recommend you to read it once, to get the best knowledge out of this article.

In this article, we will move our discussion to the second question,

When is Quantum Computing going to engulf Classical Computing?

So before directly answering this question, let me first tell you, in which aspects Quantum Computing will be a lifesaver for us!?

1. Quantum Simulations

Quantum Computing fundamentally follows quantum physics laws which describe the working of the nature and universe. The Qubits used in a Quantum Computer has a probabilistic state between 0 & 1, unlike the classical bit occurring in a binary state.

This helps in developing the actual simulators from very small particles such as molecules to the big giant stars and even the Big Bang Theory.

2. Optimizing Chemical Reactions

As we can simulate a molecule, we can then study the actual working of it, from macroscopic world to microscopic world. This would help us in understanding the real structure of that molecule.

Hence while performing a chemical reaction of that molecule with other molecules we can effectively produce the resultant molecules with minimum wastage.

While producing ammonia-based fertilizers, we can improve the nitrogen fixation process with the help of quantum computing and produce more fertilizers with less harm to the environment.

Also in creating room-temperature superconductors, solid-state batteries & even for removing carbon dioxide from the environment, Quantum Computing is helpful.

3. Improving Security of Our Data

Whenever we send or receive any data on the internet, it is encrypted or decrypted before getting passed through the internet. For encryption generally, a private & a public key are generated which helps the receiver while decryption.

As Classical Computers works on purely logic, they generate the private and public key pseudo-randomly. This means a known ‘seed’ value is provided to the classical computer which then keeps on generating the random sequence based on the logic.

But when this random sequence reaches its maximum value, the ‘seed’ value gets updated and again starts generating random numbers based on the logic.

This value of ‘seed’ can be determined and hence the whole sequence remains random until it reaches its maximum value in the range. Hence they are called ‘pseudo-random numbers.

But if we use Quantum Computer to generate these private and public keys, it can generate ‘pure random’ numbers as Quantum Computing works on the laws of nature, which itself is RANDOM!

4. Add Fuel to Artificial Intelligence

As we know, to pursue Artificial Intelligence we use Machine Learning which is the best way. But as we dive deep into this space & use complex Neural Nets of Deep Learning handling data set & training the model requires loads of computational time.

With the help of the currently available generation of powerful GPUs, it’s going smooth, but it will not be the same in the coming future. AI can’t exceed human intelligence with classical computational power.

For Quantum Computers, Quantum Supremacy state has already been achieved by Sycamore Quantum Processor of Google which can process data in 200 secs, that might take 10,000 years on fastest available Supercomputer on the planet.

This proves that computationally, Quantum Computers are too faster than Classical Computers. It is predicted that the first AI that will exceed human intelligence will be using a quantum processor for processing the data!


According to current speculations, Quantum Computing will not engulf Classical Computing, as Quantum Computing applications are mostly for solving large-scale optimization problems.

Currently, we are in NISQ(Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum) era, where we are developing error-free quantum processors. This era is the same as the 1940s of Classical Computing. But within the next 2 decades, we can see the whole computational theory has broadened its horizon with Quantum Computing.

We hope you now have gained better knowledge about Quantum Computing & may be ready to make a career decision on it!

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